laughter, sounds like Michael Moore is having his “Make My
Day”, after Clint's “American Ass-Wipe” didn't win anything
from Oscar except a “song” without a dance. Talk
about a “Grouch” affair! What's
interesting is that many long time Eastwood fans are jumping ship, as
this entire Kyle thing is sickening. But
this story trumps “Moore”
laughter, and
if laughter be thy best medicine still, some
of fame know how to bring it
on. So, does Sarah Palin get
her information and political
aspiration training from “child
molesting perverts”? Appears to be the case. Imagine had she and
McCain won that race, as it would have meant
the forfeiture
of the once “Great
Race”, imagine surrounding
yourself with a staff made up
from the nation's most wanted
“perverts”! Hey, of course
McCain was a “pervert” for picking Moose Cleavage. Anyway,
some guy named Savage was in jail and serving a 25-year sentence for
molesting a little girl – Bill Allen kind of girls – when he
decided to send a “Threatening”
letter to Barack Obama. I am sure the Greatest “Commander-in-Chief”
gets his fair share of abusive 1st
Amendment Right invading
invitations. So what's
the pig
deal, as the
Secret Service
is at his beckon service and
can handle some prank wannabe
from the “fringe”.
The only problem, Mr. Savage
thought the President resided at...drum roll please...1400
Pennsylvania Avenue! Ha, ha,
haw ha! Now this was back in
2012. Then Palin
appeared before a naughty
audience in 2014, and low and behold, that is when the 1400 address
for Obama came up again – as
thought the same mistake. So, maybe the psycho-shrinks
can make heads or tails upon
this connection, erection, commonality
between Savage and Palin. Like the same “brain” chemistryy
mistrials and from that maybe
we can get a better understanding of what makes her tick-tock,
“No wonder we're losing
Somewhere a senator
sits in a leather chair
Behind a big wooden desk
The caribou we killed mean nothing to him
He took his money just like all the rest
Behind a big wooden desk
The caribou we killed mean nothing to him
He took his money just like all the rest
The clock on the wall
No wonder we're losing time
The clock on the wall
No wonder we're losing time
Young/No Wonder
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