Honorable Loretta Lynch – Attorney General of the United States;
an American citizen in good standing “Our” democracy, I reach out for your help
as this nation's head of justice. Most recently, the Inspector General of the
U.S. State Department went on record that Hillary Rodham Clinton, when acting
in the capacity of the 67th Secretary of State, violated the “Federal
Records Act”. According to that reporting; "At a minimum, Secretary
Clinton should have surrendered all emails dealing with Department business
before leaving government service and, because she did not do so, she did not
comply with the Department's policies that were implemented in accordance with
the Federal Records Act." This “surrender” violation cannot be
denied, has been verified and is not even contested by the guilty party.
Regardless of trying to find a ways and means to justify the use of a non-government
issued server, today known as the “Clinton private server” wherein it finds an
excuse that “others” before Mrs. Clinton also used personal e-mails to conduct
government business, the fact that the IG's report sites emails “should have
been surrendered” and were not, possibly willfully & unlawfully concealed,
it finds sentencing from such dereliction under 18 U.S. Code § 2071 -
Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally – (b) Whoever, having the custody
of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing,
willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies,
or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more
than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified
from holding any office under the United States. While the FBI continues to
investigate Mrs. Clinton for similar violations with respect to the
un-authorized use of a “private server” while sworn to oath as a U.S.
government official, we must realize the repercussions any favoritism that
would not allow sentencing under 18 U.S. Code § 2071. I am one that
dispels any notion that what Mrs. Clinton did, through an action or inaction,
is any where close to a violation under any numerous definitions consistent
with the “espionage act”. But the Justice Department under your direction has a
duty to close this issue, forever. I am asking the Justice Department move
immediately towards closure on this issue with Mrs. Clinton, not to completely
dissolve any wrongdoing this matter, but there exists enough evidence that as a
“Federal Worker”, Mrs. Clinton violated 18 U.S. Code § 2071. This is a
simple law that all workers employed by the U.S. government are held
accountable under, when government records are at issue. It also covers
e-mails, under concealment, removal or mutilation through “other things”. The
sentencing for violations under this “code” can find numerous sanctions, but I
am asking that you put to rest this time consuming debate that continues to
waste valuable resources by finding Hillary Rodham Clinton guilty under 18
U.S.C 2071, based on the fact the IG's report makes it clear and convincing
that Mrs. Clinton did not surrender all emails – which is “Concealment” and
possibly an act of “Mutilation”. This would send a message that the U.S.
government means business, when laws on the books are violated. I “don't
need a weatherman to tell which way the wind blows” a violation under
this “code”, neither should the Justice Department. Unlike many others, I do
not want to see Mrs. Clinton serving time, for that matter any fine, just a
determination due the existing evidence and recent reports that warrants “Disqualified
from holding any office under the United States”. This is the law we all
fall under, there is no room for preferential treatment, only with the
sanctions upon violations. This is about the only law of record that finds
“Disqualification” and you must send such a message to protect this nation's
future, else precedence may be set that allows a further deterioration of
records handling, as that has already started to unfold. Mrs. Clinton thinks
because former head-of-state personnel did similar business through private
means, that it is OK. It is not OK if records were conveniently “purged” and
not surrendered and you are in a position to send the message, else it allows
this nation's foundation to be eroded as records are all important this
nation's business affairs as is transparency – as when there are laws designed
to obstruct such derelictions but we have no fortitude to uphold the
consequences for violations, we fail. Even though there exists ongoing
investigations that continue to make outsiders see this nation as foolish, you
have the power and opportunity to end this now and forever from the report that
was authored by the State Department under Inspector General Steve Linick, with
a simple sanction, that being a reprimand under the allowance of
“Disqualification”. What more evidence does one need? So please take under
consideration finding Hillary Rodham Clinton guilty under a violation of 18 U.S. Code § 2071, from the evidence
made public under the IG's report and as a simple fine, the minimum a
disqualification from holding any office under the United States. It is that
simple a case!
S. Pam McGee
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