It has been No Twitter-Street
“showdowns” now “forty-one days and forty-one nights, forty-one years to wear the balls
and stripes…” and the “withdrawal” is teasing the wherewithal my FOXcopulation Syncopia Utopia
derangement syndrome. “Doctor please some more of these…what a
drag it is getting sold”. Not really and in all honesty still the best
policy, it has been a great “Twitter-Sweet” moment in reprieve away from the “insanity
napkins” that surrounds the foaming-at-the-mouth body fluid release from this fixation
fascination of “we all Tweet in a
subterranean homesick blues Twitter submarine”. It astounds me how we as a
nation “Divided” are so damn stupid with nonsense denial, bada-bing bada-boom we
hate each-other evidenced by the smoking text-gun! Even Hilter Gehenna Netanyahu
does not face this daily bread “hated” punishment as a prime minister under
indictment for killing little Palestinian kids playing with their dolls on the “strip”.
My accolade in condolences, well aroused as this social media “Tweety-bird” beast
of burden is “Mass Mindset Murdering” through Simple Simon “Helter Skelter” recklessness.
It is today’s proverbial carry weapon of choice concealed, this “Twitter” and
the epitome of what happens with “2nd verse same as the 1st…and I got even
with the Tweeter next door”! Ah, my new life, as when I was placed on “Lock
Down” for violating the Twitter Police “Pepe Le Pew Curfew” for indecent expose
prose, Dog the Bounty came a knocking with his big knockers and that Hurricane
Crater looked me straight in the eyes and smelled of danger. It scared the “hell’n”
out of me and I started doing a Jimmy Lee Swaggart repent - that Tammy Faye Bakker
yellow rain dance thing - as a fall into that crack, fromunder suffering would
be “torture”. Yes no denial about it, free-speech requires self-regulated
time-outs. We have the “right” to speculative speech writing by virtue the
Founding Fathers in realization that “jokes” were necessary in a civil society,
to break wind. But we must also remember that many a states’ own “Constitution
in Liberty” insists on that “who farted” with expectations that we are
responsible for that release of gas. For real, Trump is signing an ED
proclamation, so the KKK can practice its “Explosive Diarrhea” of the mouth on
college campuses sea to shining sea for recruiting even more “HATE”? No wonder
Woody Guthrie sang out loud and clear to hear me out “This Machine Kills
Fascists”, a dire-straits warning about “Old Man Trump” - look what that Daddy Sperm Bank has left us with his incest investment cumalong playbook! But this reprieve
away from socially acceptable unacceptable civilized communications, wow like a
withdrawal and my time away from the “Maddening Crowd” - that is so easily
accessible courtesy the “Flat Earth” technology at our fingertip - it is like a
gift of “Over-Time” pay. “Flat Earth”? That cell phone high that has become
part of us like a habit forming Roman Catholic priest’s perversion enjoying the
anal penetration innocence of little choir boys. For real, it is still going
on? I saw it happen when I was a kid, that was 55-years ago before now, so “Dear Pope Francis of Piety in Pity, enjoy your
Emerald Analversary Award”. Look, if there was a Hurricane Crater gap in
the “Separation between Church & State”, we could fill the prisons with
perverted pedophile priests, lock ‘em up throw away the keys. It is a sickness,
these bible thumping menaces, becoming “Holy Men” for the habit. Seesaw now,
when on “Lock Down” with “Twitter”, I can use the time to ease my mind. So take
a lesson from me, “Twitter” something that gets the boot as it is like a
miracle worker, self-regulation is aspiring as it promotes “limits”. Like how
we limit the “Screen Time” for our children, too bad we don’t have adults
looking after adults, to limit this fascination with constant karma “Twitter” attacking
so at ease. That is what this social media is all about, attacking others from
the comfort of our living rooms - to hell with that six-shooter, as
finger-fucking is quicker no reloading necessary. And the value-added product,
shrapnel. Sure this “Twitter” mobility no nobility necessary finds other
reasonable expectations, but like that genuine “Good Will Hunting” intent, all
is lost when the cost is “greed”. And that “greed” in this case is not the $loot$
but the “hurt” that fulfills the Neanderthal ego…it is “killing” society and
should be banned. OK, restricted. The limits of civility, it is a platform that
is purposely limited in scope how a player can react, and that is NOTBOT how
humans are supposed to respond to other humans, so it is designed under the
auspices of psychosnaut Henry Murray - that “needs” is fulfilled with a
subverted IQ that is allowing Ted Kaczynski “Tweets” loose in society. I was following
Donald Trump before the “Boot”, that’s about it as I want first hand warning
when to dive into my backyard’s underground “bomb shelter”, the hideaway my dad
built for the family back in the 50s. A cesspool repurposed into a shelter, it
stinks! But I am prepared, as one day in a rage Trump will pick up the wrong hi-tech
chalk board and destroy “mankind”. But recently the “chain migration diarrhea” with
Twitter, wherein those bent on securing that place in line at the expense of
others exercising “free-speech”, well this “Femdom Freedom Caucus” plays this
tag-along and it crowds out those with a voice in the matter. So Twitter has
become yet another cesspool on overflow and maybe the “Boot” is worth it. I had
been following two all important issues confronting mankind, and trying to use “Twitter”
as a platform for awareness seeking, but the “competition” to be the “first
one on your block to have your kid come home in a box” is “what
are we fighting for”? First and foremost is the verdict in Warmbier v. Kim Jong UN. A competent jury
through this nation’s system of justice in the courts awarded the parents of
Otto Warmbier $501-million for the unrelentless over-bearing “torture and
murder” of their college son when this youngster was visiting the “Hermit
Kingdom” and was arrested but for being an American “kid” with a free-spirit. Otto
did nothing wrong, his crime was the fact he was an AMERICAN in good standing “Patriotism”
towards “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”! And I was also engaged in following the
failure of the “Korean War American
Soldier Repatriation” effort, which came about when Trump met the punk-runt
Kim for the first time - when Trump saluted to the Songun military generals
like he salutes to his own generals! For goodness sake, we have amongst us “Treason
by Traitors”. But my “Twitter Account” is still blocked, because I called for
the arrest and capital punishment of Kim Jong dUNg before the Hanoi Blowfish
Summit commenced - for the “torture & murder” of another American.
Bottomline, Kim Jong dUNg is not welcome “ever” this land is my land this land
is your land… And then Donald Jong Trump went to his “Lover Boy Butter Ball
Love Toy’s” defense, when asked about Otto Warmbier during a “Hanoi Hilton Summit”
news’ conference following the falling apart of yet another thing Trump touched.
Yes, this nation’s Eunuch-in-Thief said Kim Jong UN had nothing to do with how
Otto was experimented on and became a “human vegetable”, “We the People ALL”
have a compromised president sitting on the Oval Office “crapper”! Look, in
North Korea if you want to take a crap you need permission from the perverted
dictator that rapes little girls. And you thought Jeffrey Epstein was
perverted, Kim “Trumps” that Hannibal Lecter child pornography addiction. And
that “Repatriation”, no wonder Trump never talks about it, as it has “Failure
So Far” written all over those 55-flag draped caskets that Kim sent home with
our “Fucking Moron” over a year ago, as most of the bones are remains from dead
dogs, leftovers from Kim’s cruelity-to-animal eating celebrations. And right
before the “Hanoi Summit” my “Account” was blocked until I voluntarily remove
my “Tweet” that angered Trump. Soon after Trump threw “We the People” under Kim’s
bus by taking sides with the “Hermit” over the death of my kid “Brother can you
spare some time” Otto. And now that Otto’s parents have spoken out and holding
Kim Jong dUNg responsible for the death of their child along with many in the
political arena indicating the same dissatisfaction how Trump gave Kim Jong a “Get
Out of Jail Free” plea for Otto’s “torture chamber”, well Mr. Twitter holds his
ground and reneges its duty by siding with Trump on Kim - else the significance
of my blocked “Tweet” would be re-ignited in chastising Trump. So NO, I will
NOT voluntarily “Remove” that “Tweet” dear Mr. Twitter, your social media
network is NOT worth it, as to do so I would be just like Trump who is just
like Kim and I will have nothing to do with a threesome, especially with this “Dueling
Banjo Deliverance” in cowardice conjoining boys-will-be-boys penis envy “Love
"We have been
respectful during this summit process. Now we must speak out. Kim and his evil
regime are responsible for the death of our son Otto. Kim and his evil regime
are responsible for unimaginable cruelty and inhumanity. No excuses or lavish
praise can change that.”
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