Wow that was quick. See,
it has been only a few hours since I published “Don Young vs.
Jewel” and already the Young camp is threatening me with “Cease
& Desist” orders with castration follows if I continue to bash
Mr. Young. Look, I know I am under attack by Young's youngsters,
it's the used condoms left in my mail box that gives them away. Sure
it is from Young supporters, as the condoms are the “EEE” for
Extra-Extra-Extra “SMALL” sized orgasms. So I will regroup my
thoughts on what I was trying to say. Yes Don Young has served this
country well, while engaged as a member of the U.S. House of
Representatives for well over 40-years. There is no doubt about it
that he is a genuine American that believes he is upholding the U.S.
Constitution – his sworn duty as a member of the “House”. To
that dedication he receives credit from this individual who sees
government's role this protectionism in a different light. So Don
should be commended for his steadfast ability to fight for American,
especially for Alaska, best way he sees fitting with legislation. But
to close my apology, I cannot and will not let one singular
bothersome point go unattended. Historically speaking, Don was always
for “government”, as that is wherein he shinned up for continuous
re-election, as that was wherein the hand that feeds was found to be
so vulnerable, so don't.... In effect a success story, by working his
way up through the ranks, chairing committees that held unabated
freedom to the appropriations spending sprees that became common
before we were faced with a “Do Nothing” Congress – like Young
passing the biggest DOT funded appropriations bill of record ever and
so-named after his dearly beloved spouse, TEA-LU – Don made his
mark in the “Hall of Shame” with respect to bringing home the
“bacon”. So contrary to present day popular opinions, he was
indeed a supporter of “Big Government”, as there comes not a
“Bigger” entity found under the auspices of “Big Government”
then that of the U.S. Treasury. With respect to regurgitated U.S.
Taxpayers' loot, it is military spending followed by DOT spending
that finds an extravagant lifestyle – both right up Don's alley! So
Don was good at making sure Alaska received more then its fair share
under the “appropriations” bills that passed through Congress and
then Handcocked by the sitting U.S President. Yes, Don was in
Congress under Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill
Clinton, George W. Bush and now Barack Obama. For the most part, the
“Golden Goose of Pork Years”! So with that said, Don knows what
goes on in the “Beltway”. But all of a sudden, like when Obama
won the race against Mitt, well Don had a change of heart over “Big
Government” spending habits. See, when Obama was handed a crashing
economy by George “Yellow Face Coward” Bush, Obama had no other
choice then to take over control of the Treasury – and so was
invented the “Stimulus” that would take control of the past
pilferage, by controlling the loot and creating jobs, a program that
would last for many years too come. In fact, the final report of the
success of that program was just released and to Obama's credit –
it worked to save this nation from entering a “Depression”. But
by taking the purse-strings away from Congress, it made many very
upset. “How are we going to get re-elected” was the town criers
spat. That is the main reason today we have a “Do Nothing”
Congress, as the only thing they seem to be good at is spending money
– no money, we end up with a “Do Nothing” attitude. And just
about that time, when Don was told he no longer had control of the
Treasury, he signed up with Schaeffer Cox and started a campaign to
overthrow Obama! Why? It is called prejudice, racism, whatever you
prefer but it casts an ugly duckling side of things upon Mr. Young's
own transparency. To this factor alone I offer no apologies my
sentiment that he is a racist. He does not like Obama by any stretch
of the imagination when in reality Obama does find a fit into Young's
mindset of old, in a way. Name one other president that has signed a
permit for a nuclear power plant to be built here in the “Homeland”?
And what do you think was behind the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act? Yes, Obama did take control of the spending, not a
ways and means to limit it, but it became a true “appropriations”
bill based on “Need” not “Greed”! If not for that program,
this nation would have found out what “TILT” was all about. So I
do not get what Young is trying to prove with his alienation away
from “government”, and this escape exists for no other reason
then the “Color of Thy skin” and that has a trickle down theory
upon how Young now looks at the role of “government” - with “NO
Respect”. So my apology does give Young credit for his years as a
Statesmen. But when prejudice enters the scene, then that takes away
the “States” attribute and we have left only a “man” with
inner hate upon his “Brothers & Sisters” - that is what I was
trying to say. OK, no holds barred he's a genuine bigot when it comes
to chastising Obama – the “Commander-in-Chief and at the same
time lending “zero” support to the present day administration.
Young is stool stuck and cannot reach out and admit what has happened
is OK with any seriousness, that a “Black Man” became a U.S.
President under his watch - something he will never get over with as
“prejudice and racism” is all about our inheritance and that
takes generations upon generations to find a fitting fix! It is
something that cannot be forced upon an individual, but must come
about through a changing mindset that begins to see that there is no
threat of a “Black Man” as Commander-in-Chief. Amen....that a
color of a mans skin was the Creators choice, that inside we are much
the same and wouldn't the world be a boring place if we only found
“White Mans” food? Talk about “Bland”!
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Don Young vs. Jewel
“The Goof that keeps
on....” I guess now that Don is no longer the beltway's “Most
Eligible Bastard”, he is posey whipped. Look, it gets pretty sad
when this elder so-called “statesmen” must take shots at Jewel!
But in a recent poll engaging Alaska's youth, that poll's results
indicated that Jewel could beat Don if she were to run for the
Congress. Why? Because many of Alaska's kids thought Don was in jail
and could no longer serve in the “House”. Wishful thinking, but
what a concept. Go KIDS! Look, Don has tried for years to attack
Nanny Pelosi, labeling her a “Rabid Skunk” for selfish reasons
and a personal vendetta for reasons still unclear. When all this time
it may have been merely a cowardly attack based on the fact Don may
go down in history as the longest lasting representative, but will
retire the poorest of record! See, Don still thinks the Kenai River
Classic is of interest to his colleaguess – there's no fish because
it's in “By-Catch” mode and Pelosi has a classic that does bear
fruit – a winery social and Don doesn't get an invite! Let's see,
the “Nanny” beats out Don by a factor of 120x in the wealth while
in office category – yes wealth made while holding office. But Don
is way down on the list of wealthy congressmen, and as freshmen
representatives find out how it works, most are quickly advancing in
the standings and leaving Don behind. Very few leave that position
not wealthy. Don is the exception, and it is not based on any ethical
behavior to say “NO” to handouts, so hold off any
congratulations! Don is known to have taken more then his fair share
of bribery gifts over the many years Alaskans were fooled and voted
him back in – like hunting expeditions to far away lands so he
could fill his office with reminders that he represents those opposed
to abolishing slavery. Look, did you ever see how the “black”
hunting guides are treated on an African Safari? Yes, those “slaves”
cannot even eat with the “white folk” and only after the “white
folks” have been fed! The only reason Don has not retired is the
fact he is embarrassed, because he would not be able to keep the same
company with a meager “Congressional Retirement” and his meager
wealth will be absorbed by lawyers trying to save his bacon from
being rendered in prison. So he must continue to stay in office –
waiting for a handout? “So long its been good to know ya” is what
the lobby is singing to Don. The fact that he has an ethics charge –
or is it an “ethnics” charge – pending approval for removal, no
“Lobby” will even get close to him by offering a job for life
after the other job for life. In fact, Don will be banned from
entering the chambers once he retires, due the fact that he has a
conviction for a domestic violence attack, when he roughed up that
security guard just trying to protect the “House”, just trying to
do his job! Look, there will not be a televised going away party for
Don, as most in office can no longer stand his odor, that
“frumunder”. Ever notice when he is invited to sit in on a
hearing, others vacate the room as they do not want to be on camera
when Don takes a conniption shit. He has made the holding of that
office a mockery. He cannot abstain from ridiculing other Americans
asked to testify, he carries around a grudge like attitude of “My
Shit Don't Stink” which in my book is very UN-American. Look at his
posture, he is not a happy camper and appears these days to be under
the influence of “Constipation”! And my biggest gripe today is
the fact that he has thrown a once colleague of trust under the “Bozo
Bus”. Yes, he uses every opportunity to tell his fans that the
“Ferry To Nowhere” was Ted Stevens' doing – when all the time
it was Don that wanted this amphibious assault weapon nobody else
wanted – including the U.S. Navy – just in efforts to carry
forward a tradition of “Nowhere”, just like with Don's pathetic
thirst for bridges and roads providing nothing in return. “He's a
real Nowhere Man” ring a bell? He must harbor an existence of high
blood pressure and blowing fuses an everyday affair - good luck new
wife - as his only speaking engagements these days are at Prevo's
“Devil's Disciples Shelter for the Idiots” in Anchorage – the
last American hold-out that despises the LGBT community and equality
is a word banned from this religion's snake-oil bible. And that
congregation's following of lemmings is still stool-stuck with the
belief that the “CBC” is a network broadcast's call sign – look
busing still exerts pressure on society in Anchorage, with this
religious faction – whole different subject. But we need Don, no
matter how much “frumunder” mold is affecting his judgment. He
has been under the weather ever since Ted threw Don out of his
office in Anchorage, because Don farted without approval. And we
still need Don, not because he still has staying power - even though
he probably gets free Viagra - but we need Don for a single reason,
as a remembrance that this state may not have learned yet from our
mistakes in electing representation that finds “NOT” an interest
as members of the “Corrupt Bastards Club”. It takes years and
years to get to that recovery stage, as denial has a tendency of
lingering around, but when so-called leaders of the community still
kneel down to kiss Don's “frumunder” covered ass, we still have a
long ways to go before we find a way out of the mess. And when you
look at the candidates considering keeping the Don Young legacy alive
and well, maybe Alaskans need a lobotomy. So maybe it will take a few
generations to get the point across. But the fact that a younger
generation would vote in Jewel over Mr. Frumunder, it is a good sign
of the times, as long as we disallow Prevo's henchmen to spoil our
right to clear horizons. See, Don cannot give it up, has no idea what
battles to pick these days – like his continued abusive attacks
upon the EPA. It can work to our advantage if problems are approached
with a willingness to compromise, instead of Don's abandonment
posture of “Kill the Hippies”, I meant “Messenger”! A case in
point is how Mark Begich has dealt with over-reaching government
oversight to “Our” advantage. Instead of taking shots at the EPA,
Begich can take credit for working with that Federal oversight to
extend the air quality permit for Eielson Air Force Base. Until such
time it is known the status of that base, the EPA has allowed the
power plant to operate under a “shield”, working with Alaska's
DEC to allow continued operation under a “waiver”. And it is
Begich that has worked with the EPA for permitting SHELL's efforts to
continue with exploration work up in the Arctic Ocean. If we just
abandon this oversight, we loose sight of respect for the
environment. Look, the EPA is not a bad thing. If the EPA mandates
cleaner fuels, corporate America is not hurt – as the supply and
demand theory controls still today. And how come Don is so hard on
“Our Government”? Because he is a closet racist. He hates Obama,
as for over 30-years he was all for “Our Government” when it came
to porkaholics anonymous. But when a “Black Man” became president
and the entire nation found a “Stimulus” program that had
transparency, Young didn't like it, not the “stimulus” but the
transparency! What in hell is wrong with the American people finding
out what is going on? Nothing, except that interfered with Don's
concept of how the Constitution allows for “appropriations” to be
delivered to states. Which under the Constitution Alaska would get
its share, not above and beyond that has been the trend for way too
many years. What do we have to show for all that U.S. Taxpayers' loot
sent this way in disguise? And it appears that being in favor with
Prevo, that Don hates gays and he hates biking trails and anybody
that promotes a healthy lifestyle. Don Young has not been good for
Alaska, if you disagree with me it is because you are also in denial
and have not paid attention to reality and base your political
aspirations on a Sarah Palin type reality. Name one thing Don has
done for this state? OK, the “Ferry” and some bridges which
created a few jobs. OK, he has a tattoo of the VECO grill on his
butt, some have said. But give us a break, cannot we do better with
our representation. Maybe Don should hire Schaeffer Cox as his
campaign manager, then maybe the truth would come out as too why we
should no longer tolerate a “Don Young” advocacy. See, Don has
lost all respect with his colleagues, can no longer chair a committee
due the ethics violations and can no longer visit the White House -
due temper flare ups - so he has been sent to the pasture and
therefore has no longer any credibility. But we need to keep him in
office, said again so Alaska's next generation can be made aware of
what “Corruption in Politics” will do for us when not paying
attention to details. Honestly, after how many years in Congress is
his net worth still less then a $million$? And he cannot get anybody
to pay him attention like it was in the old days, when he had Ted to
string along, as his only speaking engagements are at local “CBC”
affiliates wherein the only stipend is a free lunch. He would do
better just showing up at “Bean's Cafe”, at least the clientèle
there have a better handle on important things. Honestly, what has
Young done after all these years to help out the “Homeless”?
NOTHING, as he believes that is what is meant by “free choice”.
That said, maybe he can retire to serenade the devils disciples, as
it looks as though his only choice for retirement is to relocate to
Fort Yukon, or maybe Prevo can offer him a free home – take
advantage of the system some more. Anyway, credit to that 3rd
grade class that would vote in Jewel over Don Young, way to go! The
school that held this poll will be left anonymous due possibility of
retribution attacks from....
The Face of Constipated Representation?
The Face of Confident Representation?
Monday, September 29, 2014
Begich's Record?
First and foremost, I did
vote for Mark Begich during his first term attempt at unseating
incumbent U.S. Senator Ted Stevens in exile. Basically, Ted didn't
have a future in politics once he became friends with Bill Allen and
the bimbos let him down. But today, there is only a single reason as
too why Begich may never find again my support. I will get to that
later during this campaign opinion broadcast. But for the record my
dissatisfaction as too why there will come a “No Vote”, Begich's
record of achievement surpasses that of MoanaLisa MurCowpie and Don
Young's combined, in a heartbeat! Take note: I did not say “vote of
non-confidence”! In that category alone, there is no comparison to
what Begich has accomplished for Alaska. He single handedly opposed
the military cut-backs for Eielson Air Force base, once again on the
BRAC wish list - because of Begich's ideologies to keep Alaska from
collapse through an economic slowdown showdown. And because of that
steadfast conviction to keep Alaska a military state that continued
to have bragging rights, now that base is a contender for the new age
F-35 squadron. So talk about an about face Begich can take full
credit for! Remember, still on a single all-important thing Begich
has accomplished as a U.S. Senator for “ALL” Alaskans. At
Eielson, now that it is known that base will remain part of the North
Defense “shield”, it means a new power plant will be built
because the existing plant is running under an “expired” EPA air
quality shield – because it was destined for the wrecking ball, so
the EPA was very lenient. Yes, a new plant will be built that uses
“dirty” coal from Healy yet designed with energy efficiency in
mind by using clean coal combustion technologies – developed by
funds earmarked by Ted Stevens many years ago. This is all part of
Begich's plan of attack, as we have already invested in the
technology so he has made the point of no turning back. Where in hell
are the other “bums” with respect to looking out for Alaska's
interest? Too busy with the lousy lobby I guess. Bottom-line, Begich
is looking out for Alaska, even if many of those jobs at the base
gainfully employ “Tea-Party” voters - it doesn't matter to
Begich. Along with base jobs continuing to supply pay checks with
decent wages, it means more then enough jobs for the interior mining
industry and increases in rail traffic for the Alaska Rail Road –
which is good because with the Flint Hills Refinery shutting down,
Casey Jones Sheffield was getting a nose bleed. Yes, Begich's
approach is in effect fueling the very same group that is adamant to
defeating him at the voting booth – ironic, how silly! So this
“one” effort by Begich means thousands of jobs, many for the long
run as it would automatically mean a 12-year contract with Uncle Sam.
And the trickle down theory, it creates a local supporting
infrastructure that was almost lost for this base – once a very
important outpost and maybe we will see the same in the future –
but that all depends on who is pushing for it. Any newcomer will
loose focus, because it was Begich's idea not a very good idea and
Mr. Newbie will go into training with the cowards. And to make more
head-way in support of Alaska's importance for military superiority,
Begich single handedly has ignited an interest in bringing a Coast
Guard infrastructure to the North Slope, due the ice melting away.
Maybe a “Bravo” and that means jobs for the local native
villagers and we were most recently informed that part of that deal
entails building several world-class ice-breakers, to be stationed in
the North. Said again, thousands of jobs here and there. So it is
Begich that is looking after Alaska in the “Daddy War Bucks”
category. The reason he may not get my vote again – as I believe
WAR is an outdated excuse for jobs over peace. And get this, Begich has
convinced the “brass” to not abandoned the controversial “Missile
Defense Shield” strategy and funding may be on the way for an
additional 18-rocket holding silos, to be built alongside those
already in the preparedness stage in Delta. That means hundreds of
construction and engineering jobs for life, another infusion into the
local and state wide economies. So while Begich has been doing
everything right and gaining popularity amongst his colleagues as
another “Ted”, like maybe he learned from Ted, well while Begich
is working his ass off for “Alaska” the record will also indicate
with clarity how MoanaLisa and Don Young have been snoozing-off
while Begich does the “Dirty Work” - like MoanaLisa christening a
“Ferry To Nowhere” and Don getting his “Bridge To Nowhere”.
So yes, the asshole running against Begich, he is a bonafide asshole that knows
how to lie when taking shots at Begich's record of achievement – so
will fit right in with the faction that is trying its best to
discredit Begich. Be it known if you are too busy “texting” then
to follow what goes on in D.C., only Begich has shown the gusto that
supports many of Alaskan's ideologies with respect to representation,
above and beyond he goes I should say. Look, Begich realized that it
would be a tough road ahead, trying to fill the shoes of the “Hulk”
- he has not failed Alaska in that demand. So to think that a guy
named Sullivan that is leading in the polls because he is backed by
enormous wealth has more to offer, forget about it as the payback
schedule makes sure Alaskans will be in the running, but not first in
line and somewhere way down the line. In the meantime jobs and
opportunities will evaporate, military funding will get cut and if
you elect Sullivan, the $54-Billion state reserve will be on the raid
by the Juneau legislators. Said again, if you oppose WAR, then that
is the only reason to vote Begich out of office. The “War Machine”
lives on, and Begich supports it here in Alaska – as it means jobs
and with government cutbacks now a forever reality, there may be no
more “Nowhere” projects. For Alaska, it appears military spending is the "saving grace", especially as oil bucks run dry. And Begich was also instrumental in
making sure Alaska received its over-share of “loot” with Obama's
stimulus program. As most of the nation enjoyed $800 bucks per
capita, Alaska realized close to $2000 per tax paying individual –
because Begich was at the forefront of that “Recovery” handout.
Take it or leave it, we took home a whole lot more then others. And
Don Young and MoanaLisa cursed this program! So you best think twice
before rocking the boat with new blood. I need not go into any more
convincing detail as too why Begich will not see my vote, as I think
I have made my point of why he deserves another term – he is
committed to make Alaska a military stronghold, as the only money
available seems to be in that category – gory? It's your choice. I
beg to differ and will vote my conscience, hoping Sullivan has less
of a “War Lord” mentality – but I doubt that be the case, so I
will reserve my vote. But if you are all for “Military Superiority”
here in the 49er, Begich is your man! And if one of the 49% that
realy on Uncle Sam writing a paycheck for working at one of the many
bases throughout Alaska, you have no other choice – unless
un-employment is of interest. Yet if “Give Peace a Chance” is
your fancy, best find another state to call home!
Just In
IRAQ leader Saddam Hussein has deployed
“Chemical Weapons” to halt the flow of ISIS insurgents invading
IRAQ's border through Syria. News reports give indications that a
"Yellow" cake like dispersant released a testosterone
chemical that caused the rebels to have erections lasting longer
then 4-hours followed by explosive diarrhea and then constipation –
making the ISIS front retreat.
"I give dem hard ones, ha, ha. To bad the constipated one, that Dick Cheney didn't get some of my yellow cake"
“Leave no stone
unturned...the last thing any officer
wants to see is an innocent person sitting in jail.” A
quote from U.S. Senator of the 113th “Do Nothing”
Congress, Alaska's MoanaLisa MurCowpie in a recent correspondence to
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. This is truly a WTFSP message -
“What the Fungi Sarah Palin” - designed to “STRATTERGIZE,
cause the stakes'r high” - according to Dolla B. But maybe more
befitting response to MoanaLisa's response is this: “And
naïvetivity don't pull you through...they got some
hungry women there and they really make a mess outa you”.
As to even start to believe this statement finds any semblance of
believability, that there are not “innocent people sitting in
jails” from sea to shining sea demonstrates how out of touch the
wealthy have become - be it out of convenience as stupidity does have
its limitation. As wealth today is not made the old way, but more in
tune to success through hocking! I would bet that some of the
Cowpie's wealth comes from the “Prison Industry” and I would bet
she gets funding from “SuperPUKE” lobbies bent on the “Three
Strikes Your Out and In For Life” racket – gotta keep them beds
filled! There are hundreds maybe thousands of innocent “victims”
incarcerated that never saw a righteous trial, because they were
“poor” and today we must no longer hide or holdout the truth
behind this concealment, that it was more likely than not a
preferential sentencing of “Throw Away the Keys” treatment based
on “color”. And why place blame on the “police”, as it is the
“All White Jury” that propagates this dilemma. Remember, “Prison”
helps out that 401K retirement plan as putting those away for 3-puffs
is a great investment! It is so easy to point a finger of guilt at a
man of a different color, even if for innocent misdemeanor crimes!
Too bad will all of the hi-tech wizardry that some inventor has not
devised a mirror “APP”, wherein when you are preparing the makeup
for the work-day the color of your skin is different – to get a
message across when starting off the day – that there is not or
should not be any difference of opinion based on a spectrum
reflection. But just look around you, the evidence is overwhelming
that many give not a rat's ass about our “Brothers in Black”, as
when Obama was elected, it was like a premeditated prejudice through
racism backed discrimination that oozed from our follicles and we
have before us today a “blood on the tracks” society. Just too
damn busy to get involved, allowing acceptance this racism rules due
those inherent prejudices of inferiority – just another black
convict our sentiment. In Texas, when aging prisoners of color
incarcerated for life realized new trials could set them free based
on technological advances in DNA tracing, Rick Perry signed a
declaration that would no longer allow DNA as evidence in a re-trial
to those already incarcerated. WHY? Because it was beginning to show
a very bad patent of abuse and costing the state $billions$ in
retribution. It was cheaper to keep them locked up, had nothing to do
with honesty for freedom's sake. Hey, it doesn't pay to put someone
away just because – throw away the keys again it was! There are
some states wherein “Black” arouses hatred and like a virus
storms across to border states and soon our nation will be engulfed
by this hatred. Sorry, we are already there. WHY? Anyway, it is not
in hiding any longer, it will never again be back in hiding and we
have now the time to amend past discriminatory practices – we owe
it to mankind's humanitarian “trials & tribulation” to get it
right. We as a nation have always learned from our mistakes, it takes
time and maybe not the first time a lessons learned reaches out for
“Change”. We are still challenged by the atrocities upon our
Native Americans, but time seems to be healing. We owe it too other
challenged races, to make good the protection afforded under the
Constitution – else we will fail ourselves. Look, if we eradicate
the “black race” like some proclaim is the solution, the wealthy
will still want them prison beds filled – get the point? But when a
sworn U.S. Senator thinks this mindset, where in hell do we begin to
fix things? Even though a “Do Nothing” Congress, they can still
get things done when push comes to shove that positively affects
their selfish needs, in the form of despicable legislation “Not for
the People” but representation for those that help survive the “I'm
PACing” mentality. We are being held hostage, by Congress! And it
is our very own vote that allows this self-inflicted wound. When are
we going to get it, and get out of it? Anyway, if the shoe fits wear
it – the cowpie is what we get thrown back our way, when trying to
save our say! So we fight today for what little we have left, which
means we give not a hoot about those wrongfully incarcerated, more
self-important issues at hand requiring our undivided attention. That
is not a failure of Congress, but a failure that incarcerates us
individually for complacency and that flag is not weathered from lack
of environmental protection, but lack of attention. And how can we
begin to regain a freedom lost for someone wrongfully incarcerated
when at the same time we are loosing our own freedoms? Because it is
a failure of Congress, they have the keys to “Our” treasury and
money still speaks of freedom, yet we are only getting 3-cents on the
dollar and if a “Black Man”, more like a big fat “zero” with
respect to RESPECT! IMAGINE, if the Supreme Court ruled that
“Lobbyists” are crooks, due RICO violations? Then imagine again
the trickle-down accomplice theory – then maybe we would have to
set free our wrongfully incarcerated as Congress would demand for
themselves “single status” cells!
What a “STRATTERGIZE” fit looks
Friday, September 26, 2014
Dear Mr. President!
Yes, it is sad that we
are starting to see an end of a “Revolution”! Yesterday, Eric
Holder stepped down as the United States Attorney General – not for
reason of any wrongdoing, but he has successfully fulfilled his
duties as an appointee of the Obama administration. So it is time to
move on and this American wishes the best and sends along a sincere
“Thanks”. And yes, it is sad, as in my book Holder will go down
as the “Best” Attorney General of record my lifetime, hopefully
going down in the record books as an icon as to what it means to
faithfully perform the duties surrounding this all important
position. Hopefully, future appointees will look up to Mr. Holder as
an example to follow, a “True American” committed to helping a
“True Leader” fulfill the obligations inherent with the highest
of office under the Red, White & Blue! I still remember the day
Mr. Holder single handedly confronted an all out cowardly attack by
Darrell ISSA, no match for Holder and it will go down in history as
one of the greatest days wherein Congress displayed how out-of-touch
it was with American ideologies. And Holder can sure “Hold” his own,
especially when such unwarranted attacks seemed to be a continuous
blitzkrieg barrage of abuse from other “Statesmen” supposedly -
wherein time-after-time Holder proved them all wrong with their
frivolousness and that in most cases we witnessed “statesmanship”
on the attackers part missing in action. Sad, that such low-life
idiotic attacks from the “Poor Moaning Looser's Club” were in
efforts at getting to Obama, through his administration. Trying
foolhardily to fail this administration under Barack Obama, the 44th
President of the United States! Sure it was a planned attack and has
been going on now for almost 8-years - whittle away at the
administration's appointed executives in efforts to whittle away at
Obama's legacy. That is wherein my sentiment of a “Revolution”
has its foundation, as this is the first U.S. President in a long
time that has entered the White House without a personal agenda or
secret motive, except to succeed in upholding the U.S. Constitution
in all its meaning - for ALL! And Obama along with Holder, they
weren't part of the “Good'ol Boys Club” entrenched for way too
long with “Corrupt Beltway Politics” and bringing along baggage
detrimental to the real cause, so applause to Obama for bringing in
new talent to promote his advocacy. That of equal rights and equaling
out the playing field of opportunities so all Americans, no matter
what political following one preferred, could continue to enjoy the
“Trinity” - that of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Enjoyment of such “rights” is not possible without a righteous
“Commander-in-Chief at the helm, along with a dedicated staff -
seeing eye to eye with the “Chief”. And that my friend is
“Revolutionary” to say the least, with respect to the overall
definition of the “Presidency” and what this nation has put up
with through past delinquencies and dereliction of duty so practiced
by “Oval Office” appointees. With such dedication, Holder was no
exception to the Obama doctrine and all the time following the boss
with devotion to uphold that sovereign “Trinity”, which was for a
while under selfishness practiced by other past presidents headed in
the wrong direction. Without this “Revolution”, the class system
was becoming a reality broader then what could be tolerated by a
Democratic Republic. The separation caused by wealth in America has
seen a drastic challenge under Obama, not that the wealthier are
loosing that $$$ status, but rest assured that wealth does not find
favoritism under the present administration's “Mission”. Let's
hope the trend continues as only a righteous individual can make that
stance hold its ground, that we are “All Created Equal” - what a
concept to fight for, what a battle to pick! So yes, we have before
us a genuine “American Revolution” and that trend must continue
with the next occupant of the “Oval Office”. Today, this
“Revolution” has saved the U.S. Presidency, after it was taken
over by hoodlums under the Bush Dysentery Dynasty. During those
horrific years, we were held hostage our conviction as Americans. But
Bush entered the White House so weakened by Clinton, so the
opportunists' wrecking ball continued to destroy away the foundation
of liberty and let us not forget just how bad off this nation found
itself when Obama was sworn in. We faced an economic disaster along
with a war-torn military. It was a going away present from George W.,
designed to fail Obama. But the “Revolution” was a counter-attack
measure, and today we have a strong economy, a strong military and
health care – the list goes on! But a “President” does not have
a magic wand, so let's hope we see the next Commander behave in such
a manner as to continue this “What's Best For All America” trend,
else we will again loose our courage. So thanks to Obama and men like
Holder, we have that part of government somewhat fixed and abiding by
the Constitution in its inherent powers granted under the
“Presidency”. So all we need to see now is a “Revolution” of
the same magnitude within Congress - and Bernie Sanders may be able
to perform the same change of mindset on that body as did Obama when
all of the 44th's men and women rose to the occasion, to protect the
U.S. Constitution at any expense. Said again to emphasize, unlike any
other president has performed such duties “For the People” in a
long, long time – maybe since George H.W. Bush. Even though I was
not a supporter of the latter, at least it wasn't a crime spree
administration like we witnessed under Clinton and sonny boy. As far
as a “Commander-in-Chief”, Obama's patience during conflicts has
helped this “Nation Under God” to become a more peaceful union,
unlike his predecessors that liked hitting that “shock & awe”
launch button so recklessly, before thinking. We have not seen this
kind of overall dedication to peace that office since Jimmy Carter.
Yet, the tyrant opposition has tried relentlessly hard to take Obama
down, by trying to take down loyal confidants like Holder, trying to
find something to attack Obama's steadfast credibility. So far, the
neo-conservative fringe “Right” has failed miserably. And I ask,
why are they wasting their time, as Obama is doing his job! When it
comes to pure “governance”, Obama is not on the side of the
Democrats nor on the side of the Republicans – he finds middle
ground as that is what is behind the making of a “Good President”,
what it's all about. Very few today can perform such an undertaking
without prejudice, Obama has proven that there are exceptions. Even
with the ISIS problem, we can see wherein the critics have again
failed, as the patience in this case may be paying off. Yet, with
another success story that will over-flow Obama's written legacy,
there will come more attacks by the Sore Hannitys, the Lush
Limbaughs, the Ann Coultergeists and all the rest of the cowards bent
on seeing this man fail. Why - I ask why do they want their own
country to fail? But rest assured that it's too late their tyranny,
as Obama's term is running down and by this time next year he will
be getting ready to enjoy a placeholder in history unlike his
predecessors, of record not another embarrassmentt to America. So
thanks Mr. Holder for your dedication to the cause and more thanks to
Barack Obama, Commander-in-Chief 44th President of the
United States this one great nation under “Revolution”, so help
us succeed! Wow, maybe the Lush is on to something, Eric Holder
heading to the U.S. Supreme Court, YES!
Thursday, September 25, 2014
The Pusher Man
Stocks of Interest:
From the Wall Street Ticker - Raytheon, Kellogg Brown & Root,
Halliburton reach all time highs.
So all of a sudden like
overnight, this ISIS crisis became a threat so powerful that we are
again back at war without not even enough time to plan it out? And
once again the “Presidential War Powers Act” is a hot topic with
the Congress, but that representative body is still on vacation.
Therefore, we have no representation in this matter, does it really
matter? And really, like out of the woodwork came this “Monster”
that has Syria and IRAQ under siege. A combined landmass equal to
that of Texas, taken over at the blink of an eye by rebels – Rick
Perry may be drooling! OK like scorpions from the desert hiding came
this dreaded beheading faction and it so nerve racked the Obama
administration, well Obama had to place golf on hold and react. I am
glad he was at least cautious, but maybe a few more rounds may have
found a different outcome – but he held out for “Diplomacy” as
long as he could even with all the critics going ballistically
insane, because he knows there is something “fishy” going on. I
am with Obama on this “fishy” business. But what fascinates me,
when the United States did start to send in the Tomahawks in efforts
to cause a retreat, we knew exactly where the hoodlums were hiding
out? Is our over-night surveillance that sophisticated, of course not
as our military has been following this faction since inception –
which by intelligence reports started to take shape and make a bold
move towards IRAQ on the same day that John Kerry was sworn in as
Hillary Rodon Clinton's replacement – as Secretary of State. So why
all of a sudden a threat? Because this faction grew way too fast way
too soon, and that takes “money” and backing from outsiders. So
who or what is behind this yet another round in the annals of
out-of-control religious factions that have no home but are trying to
take over someone else's home? Look, after 8-years of war started by
false pretense and a liking for yellow cake, the “WAR Machine”
became addicted to “WAR”. And when Obama did the righteous thing
and called back home the troops, that addiction didn't like the
withdrawal symptoms - it craved a continuation to idolize the “Pusher
Man” so carved out a plan. And at the opportune time supported by
wealth and power, infiltrated the peace and dignity of another
country, just when Obama had his finger off the pulse – when Kerry
was initiated and still trying to figure out how to spell Benghazi.
See, “WAR” is so different today, as uprisings can take place
with modern day mobility under the disguise of an “Humanitarian
Crisis”, so it is easy to sidetrack “aid” away from the
intended receiver – thus arming a rebellious faction. Really, the
hell with the starving woman and children, I want my gun! What I am
getting at, “WAR” is manipulated for reasons unkind even to
“WAR”. Yes, the “WAR Machine” could not and would not ween
itself away from supplying the components of modern day hi-technology
killing machines and was on a roll – which means a “bank roll”.
So maybe all the profits made by the “WAR Machine” in efforts for
defense contractor CEO's to make a killing there and a killing here,
maybe this addiction has found aftermath casualties – the U.S.
American Taxpayers! Look, 79% of the arms being carried around by
this ICICLE brigade come from American manufacturers, even with
sanctions in place. Yes, Obama was OK with “Non-lethal” aid to
Syria, but somehow the “Non” went missing in action. I guess
there are those that believe the 2nd Amendment is a
universal “Right” as is “Stand Your Ground”! So maybe some of
the profits made during the Bush heresy went funneled to this hoodlum
insurgency, arm them to the teeth, give them transportation and tell
them to head towards IRAQ. Stoke up that thirst for “Daddy War
Bucks” contributions! And now we see the plan of attack has worked
– the “Stocks of Interest” listed above are the telltale sign
of the times. RAYTHEON: Maker of the Tomahawk missile
at $2-Million a bullet - day 2 of the War means 220 already fired
off, which means start the production line back up to replenish the
“WAR-Lords” bonus. And today our drones and jet fighters fired on
and destroyed all the oil refineries under ISIS control, which means
we will be sued and held accountable to rebuild that infrastructure
and we always make good our promise to help rebuild – in comes the
KELLOG. No not for cereal but for construction
engineering opportunites with no accountability for the U.S.
Taxpayers' loot getting looted. Hey, it creates jobs. And when
tomorrow comes and our “rocket's red glare” declares destruction
of the oil fields – hey Dick Cheney will say, “I told you so”,
that his net-worth as a top shareholder in HALIBURTON
will quadruple overnight. Wow, I hear a sigh of relief from the “Real
Housewives of Defense Contractor CEOs”, that they can continue
their own addiction, with botox treatments now that the income stream
is once again almighty! So, what is it good for, this “War”
besides absolutely nothing? Well someone's “Nothing” in this
case is another's ticket to wealth - that ticket as demonstrated in
the stock value ticker. Yes, the 1% faction here in the Homeland
cherishes “WAR”, not that its hierarchy of intent is promoted for
“Good Over Evil” but promoted by a “WAR-Lord” mentality in a
disguise's a monster this “Pusher Man” that winds up the
“WAR Machine” and evades any attempts towards peace and
tranquility. Sad thing, we are all part of this “WAR Machine”
madness, just watch your 401k portfolio the next few days! And we
cannot have it both ways, as any attempts at “Diplomacy” are
thwarted to failure by this “WAR Machine” madness - clash of the
Titans it is. Obama may go down as the last “Great Diplomatic
President”, he tried and in my book he succeeded by practicing
patience – but he cannot go it alone this option. He was
outnumbered and the odds were against him by his very own countrymen!
With that, we have become the evil insurgency against our very own
liberties, and that can only find a declaration of War upon our
Constitution. Solution? We must begin to embrace at any cost a
“Diplomacy” only option, and then walk away forever Amen –
until such time we as humans universally accept a “No WAR Machine” human rights policy, realizing that today even humanitarian aid finds “bloodshed”
stains when the "WAR Machine" is alive and well. Said again, Obama was on the right track, to that I commend!
Well, now if I were the
president of this land
You know, I'd declare total war on The Pusher man
I'd cut him if he stands, and I'd shoot him if he'd run
Yes I'd kill him with my Bible and my razor and my gun
God damn The Pusher
Gad damn The Pusher
I said God damn, God damn The Pusher man
You know, I'd declare total war on The Pusher man
I'd cut him if he stands, and I'd shoot him if he'd run
Yes I'd kill him with my Bible and my razor and my gun
God damn The Pusher
Gad damn The Pusher
I said God damn, God damn The Pusher man
Thank you Steppenwolf
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
From journalists to
tourists, beheadings by the insurgency hiding under the ISIS umbrella
are becoming an everyday occurrence. Why, and will it hit home,
wherein we see such bloodshed here in the “Homeland”? I hope the
hell not, but there may be an inexcusable reason enough along with a
sick understanding as too why this lunatic insurgency is behaving
with beheadings. Because the skull of Suddam Hussein is believed to
have been stolen away from the “Madman's” resting place in
Al-Awja Tikrit, when he was laid to rest according to the Qur'an
after his hanging. And why would someone be interested in a “skull”
of an evil person? Just ask George W. Bush, as this precious artifact
may be in hiding alongside the skull of Geronimo, another artifact
stolen away from its rightful resting place - by none other then
Prescott Bush. Yes, as a member of the “Skull & Bones”
bringing home the skull of a tyrant is the ultimate prize condoned by
a “club” prank called “crooking”, with the stealing of
“skulls” started by Prescott. It has become a tradition, wherein
it is rumored that Prescott was successful in several other grave
robbing expeditions – as supposedly alongside Geronimo's skull is
that of Pancho Villa and Martin Van Buren. So yes, Prescott stated a
tradition that may have interested George W. Bush – to be like his
grandfather and receive the ultimate appreciation by other club
members. Look, his legacy with the American public is nothing but
disdain, so maybe the “club” is all that counts. And this
ultimate in “crooking” raises a member to the highest level of
honor, as occurred when Prescott stole away the skull of Geronimo –
now in safe keeping and on display for a select few at the “Crypt”
located at Yale University. With that said, the skull of Hussein may
have been the ultimate reward behind “Mission Accomplished” and
excited George W. Bush's ranking in this secretive club to that of
his grandfather. And until such time the remains of Hussein are
respected by those that respect his passage, then we will see more
beheadings and an escalation of hatred. The following was recorded
after Hussein's hanging, by those entrusted to preserve the body:
"Hurry up, hurry up. I'm going to count from one to four.
One, two ...hurry up you're going to get
us into a catastrophe." Then another voice says, "Just
one second, just one second, Abu Ali. I'm about finished”.
Then a third voice says, "Abu Ali, you take care of this."
Yes, a beheading following the maybe the “Mission
Accomplished” was for real! There's no telling how much the grave
diggers received for pulling this “crooking” off – but rest
assured they are rich folk today and probably in hiding here in the
“Homeland”. So why these “beheadings” on an uprise with the
uprise with this ISIS faction? Because, we have before us today a
Secretary of State that is also a member of the “Skull &
Bones”, and John Kerry may be well aware of who may be keeping
company today with Geronimo's remains and to the insurgents, this is
the ultimate in disrespect and is before us today an “eye for an
eye” mentality of revenge! How can we prove this menace that may be
causing innocent beheadings, an FBI raid of the “Skull & Bones”
would prove the point. But inaccted a long time ago, the “Crypt”
finds preferential treatment with John Lawman - as even a legal
search warrant subpoena cannot be obtained for the “Crypt”! So,
why did we go to War with IRAQ? To topple Hussein, for no other
reason then a ransom on his head for as assassination attempt on
George H.W.! And how could someone get away with this “crooking”
of Suddam's skull? According to the Qur'an, it is a “haraan” to
dig up Hussein's grave, so the perpetrators realized this, stole away
the head and sold it to the highest bidder realizing once
underground, their plot was safe and sound – most likely sold to an
associate of the Bush Dysentery Dynasty – and today we may be
paying for this fringe club's madness, or George W.'s madness! So
herein we find a fraternity club with a long history of mystery, one
that has for the most part minded its business - but a few bad apples
spoil it all. With the “crooking” for “Skulls” made popular
by Prescott, that may have been the beginning of the downfall of the
“Skull & Bones” when George W. found himself in the position
to declare war on IRAQ and made bringing home the “Skull” a
priority. Of course this is what has gone on and if the authorities
can ever determine that the “Skull” of Hussein is in hiding here
in the Homeland and American soil becomes bloodstained because of
that, then we have no other option then to attack this indecency, by
holding George W. Bush accountable. Then again, maybe the Skull &
Bones “Tomb” is not where the “Hussein Skull” is in safe
keeping, maybe the membership knows better based on observations of
George W. and have not any use for his “clowning” around attitude
– but one day the “Skull” may surface and if not already
finding ownership the bidding will be bold, so will be the beheadings
once again front page news.
Yes, the penny-brain land
poacher has endorsed Sullivan for U.S. Senator of Alaska. At the same
time, MurCowpie is using U.S. Taxpayers' “loot” to send “cease
& desist” threats to the Begich camp – for truth in voting
together statements!
Dear MurCowpie; “What
is wrong with telling the truth?”
Dear Taxpayer; “We
can't stand the truth!”
More of the same “Corrupt
Bastard Club” withholdings, and now we see wherein Sullivan's mom &
pop have contributed to Karl “Ca Ca” Rove's “Destroy America
Some More” campaign. This guy Rove, he is in my book a terrorist –
totally an UN-American attitude with a thirst to destroy this
nation's democracy for a Rovacy – which means the 1% can spit on
the rest and laugh all the way to the bank. Remember, he was the
“brain” behind the Bush! Look Mr. & Mrs. Sullivan, money
doesn't buy happiness but more political corruption, why not use that
extra income...just leave us alone. See, nowadays “True”
Americans have not the chance at ever getting close to even thinking
their sons and daughters can become a representative to uphold the
Constitution – as the entire system has been hijacked and is held
hostage by lunatics that have no business deciding what is best for
this nation, and by now generations of crooks have taken this nation
on a Constitutional crash course that is cursing our heritage. Yes we
vote, based on false pretense campaigning, and then they take the
oath – sworn to laugh at the constituency and smile with the lobby.
We cannot have it both ways, it is either US or THEM. Lobby is the
wealth side of the political scene, and today money speaks louder
then the “voice”. Sad it is, that the “greenback” would ever
find enough sympathy to strangle out liberties. And with a “Do
Nothing” Congress, it appears a siding to the “THEM” is the
only way our representative body acknowledges a priority or call to
duty. Look, MoanaLisa MurCowpie was initiated into the “Good'ol Boy
Club” just when it all started to fall apart, and her terms have
done nothing to stop the bleeding – she is one of them, the
destroyers of the Constitution! Sure they smile and make it appear as
if they care - they don't as the odds are against US. And many
notable Constitutional scholars are now voicing dire strait concerns,
that members of Congress have lost touch with reality and have placed
their representative duties way behind the image! There are a very few
exceptions to this priority, of representation verses keeping the
image in efforts at re-election time, as like with the presidency a
one-term means failure! Another reason “Term Limits” is still an
option no longer an option but a necessity. Why Alaskans continue to
vote in a woman not in favor of women's rights, it is beyond this guy
– except when one considers that domestic violence which is
out-of-control in Alaska may be in control of that vote. Honestly, if
you are a middle class salt of the earth American, if your kids show
an interest in arresting the crooks, tell them to find a better
hobby, as it ain't going to happen - not without beau-coup “bucks”.
And that body is so entrenched with “Corruption”, where does one
begin? Maybe at the voting booth, by boycotting. The mindset that has
taken over our representative body is far beyond a shame, and I guess
it will get a whole lot uglier before it gets better. I have hope,
faith but it is the charity that cherishes the corruption. I have no
respect for my vote any longer, and will exercise that “Right”
when things are straightened out, but it nauseates me when this
election cycle once again reminds us of who is in charge of things
yet doing nothing! Yes, a vote counts, but when we have to rely on
trickery of persuasion, what is gained? MoanaLisa wants a non-thinker
to take over as Alaska's replacement for Begich – as we all
realized from the beginning that Begich is a one-term only senator.
Why, he is still somewhat honest, and that doesn't cut it any longer
on the “beltway”. The MurCowpie camp wants someone MoanaLisa can
persuade to think her way - like “We don't need an EPA”! Really,
when is enough truly enough with respect to over-influence? Better
yet, why are we wasting time electing another for a “Do Nothing”
job? Ever since MoanaLisa MurCowpie used the nepotism “trump”
card to enter the “Do Nothing “dungeon, what has she really done
for Alaska? A whole lot less then what Begich has tried to do in a
much shorter period of time. Said again, the political corrupt
climate does not allow for a righteous person approach. Look at the
record, to what Begich accomplished compared to what the Cowpie has
of record. Yes, MoanaLisa has been on the Begich shirt-tails when it
works to her advantage, but when push comes to shove she retreats
with a Midol headache. I am not by any stretch of the imagination a
fan of the Cowpie dynasty, or for that matter the Begich camp. But
like father like daughter, this nation has suffered under the terms
of indecency, to which the father and daughter have so contributed.
Any endorsement by MoanaLisa MurCowpie should be received with
“CAUTION”. So, here is my take. Don got his “Bridge to
Nowhere”. MoanaLisa got her “Ferry to Nowhere” and all they
want to do is endorse someone that has another dream for, well people
they can trust, to preserve the “Nowhere” mentality. Said again,
there are thousands of good Alaskan fit for that job to represent
this state, but when money is the object, those dreams vanish like
the river bank of a swollen river come spring breakup. Yes, shame on
US for letting it get so damn out-of-control, “Desolation Road” I
hear from the distance singing out loud.
MoanaLisa MurCowpie
“Christening” her “Ferry to Nowhere”
"Dear Alaskans, Don got his bridge, I got my ferry"
Monday, September 22, 2014
Reset Windup
In process control
theory, there is a phenomenon called “Reset Windup”. Basically,
in a process like making apple sauce should something go haywire, it
can get out of control with “sauce” blowing everywhere. Most
“processed foods” - anything that is found at the grocery store
in a box or bag – today are made by hi-technology robotic
production lines, so fall under the auspices of “process control
theory”. Basically, under “Geek Control”! It is a sophisticated
science of sensors and gadgets all designed to work in unison in
efforts to speed up the process for maximum yield. And even if a
modern day production line is equipped with a sophisticated computer
trying to control things and outwit humans that used to perform the
same tasks at minimum wage, there comes a point in time of
diminishing returns wherein even the best logic faults and can never
regain stability – throw it all away and start over – after
“Humans” clean up the mess! Remember, computers are programmed by
humans, so have the same limitations, except a computer makes
mistakes faster. See, humans could “strike” for unfairness when
asked to work faster, nowadays.....And when this out-of-control
phenomenon that is governed by high-level mathematical algorithms
begins to show signs of mischief, when this happens the uProcessor
based devices – like apple smashing gadgets and conveyor belts –
it just doesn't stop things in its tracks, but tries towards
“infinity” to regain consciousness and correct things. So it's a
crap shoot, sometimes it works, sometimes it is nothing short and
exercise in futility and a worthless attempt to try and save the
quota for the day. If it fails, the brain of the beast ends up
tightened up forever like a spring of a clock, and can never again
unwind. Remember the old wind-up wrist watches? Wind a little too
much and, yes “Reset Wind-up” takes over and the ticking goes
silent. What was once a fine and precise metalist's work of art, well
it then looks like a junkyard! With this “Reset Wind-up”, it's a
mathematical phenomenon that remains today a mystery, so has not been
resolved. Sounds just like the U.S. Congress, like being constipated.
That's wherein the term “Reset Wind-up” originates, as time was
not on the beast's side with an attempt to reach “infinity”, or
was it? Question. Why in hell are there Viagra commercials broadcast
with the cast of the International Space Station way out in space or
for that matter the smiling crew of some commercial fishing boat way
out in the middle of nowhere? Anyway, Bernie Sanders has called for a
“Political Revolution” and is now testing and teasing the waters
for a possible run at the White House in 2016. Just recently at the
Iowa political pow-wow, Bernie was the talk of the town – way ahead
of Hillary and Hey Joe! In fact, I heard Bill was run out of town as
in Iowa there is the 3-second rule – if an adult male eye-gropes an
underage girl for more, “You're Out”! Anyhow, if I could vote
today, I would cast that vote upon this “Political Revolution”,
as we need something to get this out-of-control ship back on the
right course. As like mentioned above, this nation is on a high alert
of “REST WIND-UP”, yes constipation on “Overload”. Now we
often times equate a “Revolution” to turmoil, unrest and other
things nasty a coup d'etat, but we must resign that notion to a more
friendly version of what would be behind a Bernie “Political
Revolution”. First and foremost, Bernie does not really represent
the majority of the “People”, nor does his political ideals
represent that even of the “Minority”, as being a Democratic
Socialist - the Independent label he is so proud of - that in itself
finds total disrespect here in the Homeland. Anything affiliated with
“Socialism” is a no-no. But look at what this single individual
has done single handily for this nation, as he is about the only U.S.
Senator that has not taken the bait and dismissed responsibilities as
a member of the 113th Congress, like upholding the U.S.
Constitution for what it's worth – still something I suppose? He
has not a political interest in himself, or entertaining re-election
out of selfishness, because his only mandate is that of “Nation
First”! He's a “Peace-nik”, and Casey Jones of the “Peace
Train”. Look, we just need a time-out away from WAR and hate, get
us back on track to reassess what we are all about, as this
“AMERICA”! We must give this “Peace” a chance. And look,
Bernie has no intention of bringing “Socialism” to a voting booth
near your disenfranchised precinct. So I am all for giving “Bernie
against the Beast” an opportunity to unwind the wound-up spring of
constipation we live with today through the “Do Nothing Congress”
as we are going nowhere with this “Do Nothing” attitude! Today,
our representative body is wound up tight, by the “Lobby” and
like an out-of-control process, the point of diminishing return
promotes a valid reason as to why we must all put aside our
indifferences in government accountability and vote for Bernie's
Revolution, as it is “Our Revolution”. We just need a leader that
is not afraid to initiate a change and is not interested in an “ego
boy satisfaction”. It can either backfire, or get this nation back
on track – we have nothing to loose giving it a GO! One thing for
sure, if Bernie does get to take over the “Oval Office”, rest
assured the “Lobby” will be forever banned from the “beltway”
and “K” Street will become a “Green Belt” and if for this
single reason only, we must break tradition and vote for Bernie, no
matter what his party represents! Democratic Socialist: “extending
principles of democracy in the economy.” What in hell is
wrong with that from an American worker's standpoint? In ending, the
“Only thing we have to fear is the wealth funded fear of the 1%
Beast”! Bernie, Bernie, Bernie, Bernie against the Beast, Beast! As
with Bernie's dream of a “Political Revolution” becoming a realty
as it should, we will once again prevail against that "Beast of Burden”!
Divide by “ZORRO”
Wow, I just received a
medical bill and for the time being, dizzy with disdain and
completely disillusioned as to my future health, I mean leftover
future wealth after the payoff! OK, so one too many beers, I'm in
heat! Now I am not in the ObamaCare bracket racket, way too old. But
not yet of legal age to rip-off Uncle Sam with “Medicaca”. “Ca”
meaning “Care and Caid”, the modern day “Can and Able” to
assist you in loosing your estate! OK, so I meant “Cain and Abel”,
no different as one is trying to destroy the other, only thing
different today is the fact an infant sister has entered the scene,
with ObamaCare – still a virgin Mary! And I am healthy so may never
get the chance to take more than my fair share, as that seems to be
the American way today, the hell with just one's share of things -
best take it all before someone else pilferages the “Homeland's”
hen-house. Hold on, the phones ringing. “Dear patient, you don't
need a fake knee but you deserve a fake knee, and it's almost free –
but wait there's more. Act today and receive two fake knees for the
price of one, just pay....”! Actually, I would consider some botox
treatments for my groin as “frumunda” is taking over, but that
started when I visited Don Young in D.C. His office was a mildew mess
cluttered with big game hunt relics, each dangling a “game” tag
that thanked the “Lobby” that paid for the trip! Yes, he has a
wall mount of Nancy Pelosi called the “Rabid Skunk” and it does
smell of urine, his office – like a homeless shelter. And after
leaving his office, when the TSA did the “swab” for powder, I was
arrested! When interrogated, as soon as the police realized I was
visiting from Alaska and was in Don's office, they let me go.
Supposedly Don spends time reloading for Schaeffer Cox instead of
representing, so his office is a powder keg. But low and behold,
someone else is taking advantage of my fair share of medical bill
fraud! Have you received your “IOU” statement from Uncle Sam, on
how much you owe? Hurry up, change your mail box delivery address!
But yes, the medical insurance industry is taking advantage of good
intent – by taking advantage of ObamaCare. And the trickle down
theory never fails, as increases in medical costs so everyone can
have affordable lobotomies, it is now costing me twice as much as
before – so I didn't gain a damn thing. I wasn't supposed to gain
anything from Obama's plan of attack against the 1% faction, as with
35-years as a working class hero for a company that did supply family
medical benefits, it is estimated that benefit alone sucked away over
$200k in what could have been part of my wage, had there been a
government “We Care ObamaCare” sponsorship. I only used a
fraction of that coverage, and somebody gained from my wage
garnishment. Boy, did we get screwed! Think if that “lost loot”
was actually part of a wage and spent on the economy instead of going
to some wealthy “Bitch” with an offshore account. Did you hear
the latest, that many American Investors have invested in ISIS –
that is why that insurgency is believed to have in excess of
$2-billion in asset wealth. So “We the Taxpayers” must foot the
bill to fight the investors' investment – screwed again is getting
old! But somehow with the medical “deductible” crap donut hole
not yet in effect, I am out money that could have been used to buy
“beer”! This pisses me off. How in hell can costs for the same
damn procedure increase by a factor of 2x in just under a year? And
even though Mr. MD Botox can charge more, the deductible remains the
same – who votes on this crap? Is this Wall Streets biggest
“Investor Gain” accomplishment upon an opportunity, again? And
this medical procedure, I didn't even get to talk to a real MD, just
a guy with a broom who was answering questions for everyone, as we
were tricked into thinking this place employs a real live MD! Just a
figment of the imagination, just like in thinking we have
representation. Honestly, the guy at the “House” with the broom
works for a living, unlike those he picks up for. So why is it that
we have a mentality today that over-shadows righteousness beyond
decency – stealing I am talking about. How much money does a
doctor's wife need, for showing off? Look, the money is going
somewhere, and not in “My Wallet” and with increased costs and a
stagnant deductible, I was screwed again! Sometimes I just don't get
it. Actually, getting it is no longer the problem as we all get it,
as we are in the bent over position from birth! Blame all of this
county's wows on a “Do Nothing Congress” that should have already
found the medical insurance executives in Congressional Court, and
already placed a bounty based on “Contempt”. But when our
representative body gets away with “Nothing”, do we really stand
a chance? Mark Twain was so right on, something about when a “Senator
is not serving time should be doing time”, damn why have we not
learned from our mistakes? OK, here it is. I really hate Saran wrap,
as it looks so neat and tidy when still on the roller. But as soon as
you start to take it out of its cage, it misbehaves, just like
Congress. Yes, sticking to things foreign, just like “Congress”
sticking to the “Lobby” instead of the intended subject. Yes
again, so neat - yet so unorganized once it is called to action and
in the end we get “No Action” as it becomes a massive confused
assembly, and as time goes on less and less affiliation with
“coverage” and in this case “Medical” coverage. Now, isn't
there an old “common law” that says, “No Taxation without
Representation”? It may be time to exercise that option, as their
must be a judge out there waiting and willing to become famous, by
telling “Congress” to shut up. Anyway, I try to track my medical
stuff coverage and when I tried to use an on-line “Benefits”
calculator from the insurance outfit hired by my carrier, I get that
“Divide by Zorro” error, and what the hell does that mean? ZORRO:
Masked outlaw who defends the people of the
land against tyrannical officials and other villains. Wow,
maybe it is trying to tell us something, about “Congress” and
about the “Lobby”! Just in, “Chuck Norris: Top 10 reasons why
you should pick your nose”.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Spuce it Up!
Wow, an Alaskan business
has become the recipient of the coveted Francaise “Pomme De Terre”
award, for the best of the year's innovation for spice and
seasonings. This award goes to Alaska Pure Sea Salt company from down
in Sitka, Alaska - for its “Sea Salt with Spruce Tips” sensation.
I tried some, it is unbelievable and takes away the boringness of
regular salt from the sea with a hint of “spruce”, talk about an
earthly and invigorating essence. Try some as it is indeed a winner
and will make your food, well “spruce it up a notch”!
Another Sarah Wannabe:
According to the
“National Institute of Health & Welfare”, due to the noise
blast that follows a bullet discharged from a rifle, pregnant women
should avoid shooting weapons that are more powerful than a .22
caliber rifle or pistol. Your weapon of choice, the 270 used to kill
that moose, it emits 10x-plus the decibel level - a.k.a. “loud
noise” - that of a 22, which means your baby will never hear a
thing you say once delivered. What are you crazy? I forgot, we all
want to be like “Mama Brawl Moose”. Just another reason Alaska is
becoming the “Lost Frontier”, pregnant backwoods lunatics on the
loose for moose! “Got to fill the freezer, got to fill the freezer,
got to get my PDF welfare check....” What in hell happened to this
state? In fact, ask an Alaskan Native woman that is pregnant what
they think of your deliberate act of “baby” abuse, you would be
banned from the clan. And don't you have “Internet” access, so
you can check this kind of stuff out beforehand? Pathetic to say the
Black & Blue
Wow, what a week for
those that are supporters of “Domestic Violence”. I bet Bill
Clinton is....May this be the turning point, to see this sacrilege
against another human being held hostage by a dominating partner for
experimental body and mind control finally made more then a “nothing
crime”. I vote for “guilty” punishable by Deliverance! Yes,
from pro-sportsters to village police officers way up here in Alaska
indicted for “Shut Up Bitch” violence finding the fist as a
weapon of choice – and we thought ISIS was proving itself a brutal
troublemaker! Do you have any idea what the penance for “Domestic
Violence” is under the Qur'an? Even though “women” are
considered of lower value then “Hush Puppies” in many Islamic
nations, you get caught beating your spouse and that spouse finds
what being a widow is all about – and the dog gets the estate! As
an intelligent society short on intellectual perseverance, we are
well aware this “domestic violence battle” goes on day in day
out, even in our gated neighborhoods as today it is not only a
low-income crime - yet complacency allows it to continue on,
unabated. But what really bothers me is Mind Altering Domestic
Violence or “MAD-V”, wherein the violence is not bodily harm
directed at the victim hostage, but mental abuse. In fact, the latter
is probably more detrimental, as the body can heal itself from
concussion like punching-bag blows - a.k.a. Body Altering Domestic
Violence, “BAD-V” - whereas the mind may not find room for
corrective action and the victim falls deeper and deeper into the
denial stage. Yes, the “fake” smile gets bigger as does the pain
and suffering. For instance, this “MAD-V” may exist as spousal
abuse condoned by the victim, for a husband on the cheat, addicted to
pornography, or alcohol and Sister Morphine abuse that reflects upon
loved ones through mind over matter! Yes “condoned” as the victim
knows it is going on, yet is afraid to speak up – no different then
abuse that finds the victims waking up with black & blue sexual
assault marks – for resisting! When you hear many victims coming
forward today as to why they thought it necessary to stay in such
relationships, it is in effect an affect on a once healthy mind
wherein the reasoning process gets annihilated. The fake smile is
just a stool-pigeon for reality behind the scenes! So it is my
reasoning that “Domestic Violence” is a dual proposition attack,
physical abuse along with mental abuse. Now there is always the
mental abuse element present when a victim is under attack, but the
mental element can work alone as a lingering side effect, without the
physical abuse. Threats are just as bad as a beating as is denial,
wherein acceptance of the spouse's abnormal behavior trumps any
corrective action. Now perpetrators of the physical abuse element
have no control except loosing control, wherein push comes to shove
away decency and human respect and victims are punished physically.
The evidence is very ugly, black eyes, broken jaws, chilling
restraining marks left on a body, just a few to name but a few from
this “BAD-V”. Then we have the Doctor Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
abusers that realize bodily harm will just get you in trouble and
cuffed, as rough housing finds overwhelming evidence of guilt should
there come that breaking point with a victim and a 911, a call for
help is a justified phone call. So those that realize the
shortcomings of the physical abuse element resort to the mental
intimidation – the “Mind Altering Domestic Violence” abuser. No
signs of foul play, but wherein the “victims” are still
brainwashed into NOT seeking help – to get out of the hell-fire
relationship. Said again, usually intimidation through threats of
livelihood, social embarrassment or future insecurity. And some
employers will “can” a worker's ass if convicted of a felony.
Especially if convicted of “Domestic Violence”. So the livelihood
threat is for real and is used by the abusers against the victims –
till death do us part? This nation and its citizenry as a whole have
been way too silent way too long this sickness, we must act now to
stem this abuse. That is why this nation cannot and should not
entertain Hillary Clinton as a candidate for the U.S. Presidency, not
today or ever in the future. Bill Clinton, when he was sitting in the
“Oval Office”, he cheated on Hillary – and it wasn't the first
time. And because he lied about this affair, he lied to Hillary as a
continuation of that mental abuse. Did she just blow off all of Bill's
extramarital affairs as nothing serious? Of course not, she must
harbor mental anguish or else she is in total denial or still has not
come to terms that she has been abused! She shows no anger, because
this is how that MAD-V element entrenches itself away from normalcy.
It was OK yesterday, and tomorrow will get better? Keep dreaming as
once an abuser finds out how it works, there is a reason to keep the
practice going. We are “Control” freaks, so it doesn't end until
one escapes the grip of torture and takes “Control” away from the
abusers! With the Clintons - finding the worst U.S. President this
nation has ever put up with because of the Monica Lewinsky Cuban
Cigar Crisis - Bill knows it and still controls it. Remember when the
Clinton's dog was killed, when Hillary was on the road, rumor has it
Bill was busy in the house – doing what? Read what the neighbors
have said was going on! Had Hillary divorced his ass when Bill
embarrassed this nation, then maybe by now the realization that time
has healed and she may be of interest to lead this nation. But she
did nothing, just stayed in the same damn situation and today she
wants sympathy at the polls? Forget it, as someday that mind will
explode and we will end up with another Helter Skelter situation.
Hillary Clinton has been in a “Mind Altering Domestic Violence”
situation for way too long, wherein I doubt she could ever find a
healing term. And it just wasn't with Monica wherein Hillary was
subject to “mental abuse”, as we must also remember Jennifer –
these are the victims that came forward. Yes, there is also the
possibility that other “victims” never spoke out, as they were
probably spanked upfront and continue to suffer the consequences –
of mind control manipulation! Threatened into secrecy as “Bill”
is the all powerful. It makes me nauseated everytime I hear that
Hillary is entertaining seeking a shot at the U.S. Presidency and
shows up with the abuser, smiling and trying to look cool, with
sunglasses – must be for concealment of the roving eye who is my
next victim? So Hillary has been in a “Mind Altering Domestic
Violence” situation for many, many years and still has not found
the courage to get out of it. That is the main reason she is not fit
to be in any position even close to the White House. So anybody
entertaining backing Hillary, retreat back and reflect upon what we
are seeing today, on the subject of “Domestic Violence”. Be it a
mind game or a punching bag type of abuse, and realize that the
victims may still smile and say everything is OK with the proverbial
“I forgave him” - yet even that finds more of the same in the
denial category and that is a continuation of the “Mind Altering
Domestic Violence”, quid pro quo!
Face of MAD-V, "Mind Altering Domestic Violence" ?
Friday, September 19, 2014
Did you hear the mess-up
from the White House podium:
“We are at War with ISSA”!
“We are at War with ISSA”!
ISSA Response: “Off with da head”
What Crime!
So the Denali Park
rangers are about to arrest some hunters for shooting a moose in the
Denali National Park Preserve, just wasting their time and U.S.
Taxpayers' loot. See, a guy shot a moose at the visitor center, a few
years ago - no crime. And there has been “Legal Precedent Set”
here in Alaska that will set these idiots free. Yes, just find the
lawyer that saved the “Runt” from going to jail for the same
“crime” and then enter a “Grounds for Request” until you get
the same judge. I'm talking Jeff King, as he was caught red-handed
killing a moose in the same damn area then dragging it out of the
park, and was basically acquitted. Why? Juries can be hyped by the romance of
things, like dog mushing, culling and free-loading Senators. See,
“Precedent Set” sucks, and is a ways and means to, well “cull”
corrective action when a crime has been committed and the
perpetrators afraid to live up to expectations as trustworthy
citizens. When did "I'm Guilty"....Here is the take as this will be an interesting story to
follow, as to its outcome!
FAIRBANKS -- Two Alaska hunters reportedly shot
and killed a moose nearly a mile inside the boundaries of Denali
National Park and Preserve, according to a news release from the
park. Park rangers were notified on Sept. 14 by a hunter in the
Stampede Trail corridor that two men on an off-road vehicle had
crossed the boundary into the park, and had shot a moose. - ADN
Iditarod champion musher Jeff King was ordered
to pay a $4,000 fine and another $750 in restitution to the National
Park Service on Friday for illegally killing a moose just inside
Denali National Park and Preserve more than a year ago. King, 52, was
found guilty of shooting a bull moose 600 feet inside the park
boundary by a federal magistrate on Oct. 24 following a two-day
trial. He faced a maximum of six months in jail and a $5,000 fine.
With tears running down his face as he addressed Federal Magistrate
Judge John D. Roberts near the end of the 4 1/2-hour sentencing
hearing at the federal courthouse in Fairbanks, King described
himself as humbled and emotionally spent. "I'm ready for it to
be over, this has turned my life upside down and has caused me
countless nights of sleepless worry. I am deeply embarrassed by it
all.” Defense attorney Myron Angstman called Cooper's
recommendation for jail time preposterous. "This is a petty
misdemeanor and should be treated as such," said Angstman, who
asked that King be allowed to serve community service in lieu of a
fine. "The only way you go to jail if you shoot a moose in
Alaska is if you waste a substantial part of it or you are somehow
commercially involved in profiting from that moose." In the end,
Roberts sided with the defense. He said there was not sufficient
evidence that King lied under oath and that shooting the moose inside
the park boundary was a case of poor judgment, not blatant disregard.
"This is not a case of failing to notch a harvest ticket or
taking more than one moose in a season," Roberts said.
"Basically, it's about taking a moose in a national park."
King said; “The support of my character came from Sen.
Lisa Murkowski...”So, to those hunters now under arrest for the same crime. Hire the same damn lawyer, learn how to cry, have King be your expert witness and send MoanaLisa MurCowpie a donation....Freedom, Freedom, Freedom!
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Main Cast: George W.
Bush, 43rd President of the United States. George H.W.
Bush, 41st President of the United States. Prescott Bush,
father of George H.W. Bush and grandfather of George W. Bush – all
members in “Good Standing” the Skull & Bones Club. George
H.W. Bush Skull and Bones' nickname was "MAGOG”. George W.
Bush, though not official, may have taken on the nickname “GOG”
for this operation.
Of all the lame excuses
or reasons worn out by now as to why the United States went back to
WAR with IRAQ under George W. Bush, not one of those excuses or
reasons has stood the test of time. And today, many reasonable people
along with scholars here in the Homeland, and abroad also, still are
looking for an answer - especially now as the United States' military
gears up to enter again that theater of turmoil and bloodshed. Here
we go again how many times? What “charm”? Yes, once again the
fingers are pointing and those trying to maintain a legacy without
affiliation to “Treason” are speaking out with “Don't Blame
Me”! Last Sunday, the old “War Lords” were resurfacing on the
airwaves, Cheney and Rumsfeld to name a few. But not a word from
George W. Bush, even though ridicule has often followed his
retirement away from office along with a legacy of an embarrassing
war campaign remaining a thorn in the side, and for that matter very
quiet on the Bush camp – like this “silence” upon this matter
is, well a “golden” opportunity as a “right to remain silent”!
Yes, the stench of guilt for premeditation seems to render a powerful
verdict! And to those war and Constitutional scholars that spoke out
long ago that any “unnecessary” invasion of IRAQ would forever
destabilize that nation and possibly grow like a cancer to
neighboring nations, that “cautionary” did not stop the invasion
fervor and we can say today that may have been words of advise to
respect. But under the auspices of “OPERATION MAGOG”, we may
finally have reason to believe that the IRAQ war effort
“after-the-fact” following the Desert Storm was a clandestine
operation, directed by a “secretive mandate” found within the
ideals of the Skull & Bones Club – a “Mission” to ouster
Suddam Hussein for selfish reasons that had nothing in common as an
American interest. Yes indeed, George H.W. Bush as the 41st
had reason to send troops to fend off Hussein's attack on Kuwait back
in 1990, and did indeed heed that “cautionary” that enough is
enough – by bringing the troops home when the “Mission” was
accomplished. Said again to re-empathize, the re-entry into that
theater under George W. Bush as the 43rd
Commander-in-Chief, it had nothing to do with anything “American”
- it was not a military effort infuriated by “yellow cake”, nor
was it due continued threats from IRAQ as Suddam had said enough was
enough when pictures revealed a highway of burned out vehicles,
rubble and charred corpses of his troops trying to retreat, after
George H.W. Bush sent in the Tomahawks. And let us not forget an all
important aspect upon the craze to invade Hussein's kingdom, there
was “zero” Al Qaeda presence in IRAQ! So it had nothing to do
with 911 and Bin Laden. Read on, as this is very revealing
information that should have repercussions upon the cast so involved.
So why my sentiment that the famed “Skull & Bones” had
something to do with the mess we have before us front and center
today facing Barack Obama as a Commander-in-Chief? Look, to its
credit, the controversial “Bonesmen” don't just start wars
without a reason. Even with all of this club's elite membership,
which finds unabated wealth and political clout that could overthrow
many nations, it doesn't entertain using that power and might to
invade other nations. It doesn't try to play out a role as a behind
the scenes “government” and is basically a “club” of big kids
still craving adolescent behavior from time to time - innocent fun
for the most part with this notion the “club's” secrecy is
something to be proud of from the inside and feared upon from those
on the outside! Sure its membership has an influence on the political
scene, but I still vote my conscience and it appears that with
Citizens United, this “club” may find some of its clout
sidetracked! But it is a “club” loyal to its membership, until
death do they part. Like “Skull & Bones” 1st,
power with money 2nd, family then country? And this
clandestine operation – OPERATION MAGOG – it was most likely not
condoned by the S&B. Yet this “power elite” club may have
become the beneficiary of this “Operation's” success, a coup
d'etat hanging arranged by the most powerful and influential American
family with deep roots in the Skull & Bones club – yes be it
known this club has also an echelon of elitists and the Bush Dynasty
tips the scale! I mean who in hell is Dana Milbank? Yes, a member of
the “club” just like John Kerry. And this “beneficiary bonus”
may be today a reality as when Hussein was captured and hung out to
dry, it meant for the operation's perpetrators bringing home the
ultimate prize – Suddam Hussein's head! With the possibility that
it is now an artifact in captivity alongside Geronimo's stolen skull
remains, kept hidden away in the secret “CRYPT” at Yale
University – home of the Skull & Bones! Also known as the
“Tomb”, it is an impenetrable fortress that is even inaccessible
by a legal subpoena search warrant. I ask, what are they hiding? But
that was the “goal” acknowledged by “Mission Accomplished”
when George W. appeared on the bridge of the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln,
he made a fool of himself in the eyes of Americans as we asked “Is
he Serious”? But we were not getting the message as that message
was not for us – this was George W. signaling George H.W. in front
of the world the accomplishment of toppling Hussein and realizing
that the “mission continues”! Yes, continues on, not for any
American interest, but to finish the goal of “OPERATION MAGOG”.
When Hussein was run out of town the ransom for his capture spoke out
loud, American $Bush War Bucks$ found closure upon his fugitive
aspirations and what followed was a short-lived incarceration and
subsequent hanging at the gallows. Even though the release of
Hussein's body was proper in a fashion consistent with the Qur'an,
money speaks and those that had participated in removing Suddam's
head for delivery under “OPERATION MAGOG” are now living in
secret locations under a protective custody program, as that was part
of the “Deliverance” deal. But those that helped secure the
“skull” are also sworn to secrecy or else, they would disappear
overnight without a trace and their families sent back to IRAQ to
face justice for violating the Qur'an – which means only one
outcome! A head for a head. So here it is in a nutshell. Yes, like
father, like son and like son again, we may find out some day that
right here at home on this American soil another “Skull” of
controversy is in hiding. Sacred remains no longer laid to rest in
its rightful home but on display, used in initiations and rituals
played out in the “Tomb”. During an initiation into the “Skull
& Bones” and that afforded only a select few, supposedly
kissing the “Skull” of the enemy - like Geronimo - finds the
ultimate passage, more powerful then a salute to our flag and more
powerful then a swearing of oath as that found with the U.S.
Presidency. The “Skull & Bones” is a highly secretive club,
like already mentioned most of the time minding its own business. But
the bylaws are also “secretive” and from what little is known
about through “loose lips”, those on the outside have come to
realize that it is plausible that “OPERATION MAGOG” did indeed
enlist exactly what is covered herein, a clandestine operation to
invade IRAQ, to get Hussein's skull in captivity as part of the
continuance of the Bush family dynasty recitals – to stay in “Good
Favor” the notoriety of this “Club”! See, George H.W. failed
the opportunity, as he is supposedly one that had been given the
privilege to the “skull kiss”, as was George W. by virtue their
relationship with Prescott Bush. Said again, this “kiss” is
preferential treatment for a select few that are asked to join the
“Club”. But due Prescott's history with “crooking skulls”, it
is a pass it down the family bloodlines ritual and tradition without
compromise. Not something that is a maybe, but a mandatory
sentencing. So when George H.W. failed at “crooking” a skull of a
terrorist, an evil, the Bush family was facing the possibility of
“Club” disbarment – something that has never occurred! So we
find wherein this clandestine operation was fabricated to arrest a
graver situation facing the Bush dynasty, so started was George W.'s
6-year war with Hussein – from the time the invasion started up
until Suddam's hanging. The reason we hear little or nothing today
from George W. Bush, as it was indeed the ultimate “Mission
Accomplished”. It all really started when Suddam Hussein attempted
an assassination attempt targeting George H.W. Bush, after the Desert
Storm was said and done wherein IRAQ's attempt to invade Kuwait
failed due to the United States intervening. At the time, H.W. said a
protracted war into IRAQ was not on the agenda. Like for the time
being and justifiable so, Commander-in-Chief H.W. had placed
“Country” before “Club” enthusiasm and honor. Let's face the
facts, why use American troops-in-boots for a selfish agenda? And
that refusal to invade IRAQ found scrutiny amongst his “War Lord”
administration, like a job not yet complete. As being an ex-CIA
commander and familiar with the religious factions in that arena,
H.W. realized it was easier said then done – so postponed any
escalation attempts. But that righteous deceision may have violated
the “Bonesmen” code, as it is rumored and more likely then not a
true fact, that Geronimo's skull was stolen away from the grave by
none other then Prescott Bush, George H.W.'s dad and George W.'s
grandfather. That “crooking” may have started a family tradition
that under the “Skull & Bones” must be upheld at any expense
or else! So the rules are simple, which means when H.W. decided
against going after Hussein, he broke the Bush legend, and with the
assassination attempt “OPERATION MAGOG” was hatched – after a
day out fishing along with a few beers and some of Barbara's potato
salad, when the Bush family had gathered out at Kennebunkport on the
coast of Maine. George W. Bush was then in a position to finish the
“crooking” tradition. So, once this plan of action was approved
by the family – namely daddy George and boy George only – and
taken back to the Oval Office, it would be only a matter of time
wherein Suddam Hussein would be overthrown, incarcerated and put to
death then supposedly laid to rest. This all makes sense out of the
nonsense that we have lived with for the last few years trying to see
an end to the turmoil and bring the troops home for good. It ain't
going to happen because of what you are reading into this operation's
intent and success! So why the escalation that is facing Obama to
react? ISIS is a Sunni Islamic Jihadist following, they want
Americans to return as they want revenge for what George W. Bush did
– the “crooking” of Hussein's skull. They want to engage the
infidels at home, as that is the honorable choice under the Qur'an.
Look, the Native Americans have tried forever to get the return of
their worrier's remains, yet have failed all legal attempts and the
only way forward would be through a declaration of “WAR”! To his
clan, he was a worrier not a terrorist – it all depends on what
side of the fence one sits. To the “Skull & Bones” an evil.
The ISIS regime that is well armed realize that asking for the return
of the “Skull” is a worthless attempt, so they will continue to
behead, until the “Tomb” is destroyed or George W. Bush faces a
trial that would have to find the same consequences as that of Suddam
Hussein. Scary, isn't it! What we know. George W. Bush has gone on
record that “GOG and MAGOG” were at work in the Middle East!
These are the nicknames of father and son, what meaning is anybodies
guess, but could be questionable. The grave-site of Suddam Hussein
was under tight security, and when rumor surfaced about a possible
grave “crooking” attempt, the authorities refused to exhume as
that is considered a “haraam” under the Qur'an. But with ISIS,
supposedly the beheading of Americans is in retaliation and that
American is now a target, because of the “Skulls” disappearance.
And this has placed Secretary Kerry in an awkward position, as he is
also a “Skull” member, and the secrecy behind what he knows tops
that of his Secretary of State responsibility. Yes, Kerry may know
about the whereabouts of Hussein's “skull”, but to speak up could
be disastrous – said again, no member has ever been evicted, the
Bush family came close. So we may see that a crank called “Crooking”,
stealing stuff as part of the “Skull & Bones” initiation,
well it may have started out as innocent behavior but when Prescott
“crooked” the heads of Geronimo and that of Pancho Villa, it was
then up to the son and his son to keep up the tradition. And today,
that may have invited an evil pawn upon that game. So that's the
reason George W. went back into IRAQ, to topple Hussein, to finish
something his dad failed to do but a mission that had to be
accomplished at any expense – even that of our troops in harms way
for something of no value for American interests abroad. This is how
America finds conflict along with pain and suffering, due selfish
agendas, just a big fraternity at work and play. So yes, the
whereabouts of the “skull” of Suddam Hussein may be in hiding,
but when it is known about, that will bring even dire consequences.
But the best that can happen is this remains but another “skeptical”
Bush Family Conspiracy theory, else we may be in the cross-hairs of
a faction that wants more then beheadings abroad. In closing, this
all makes common sense. Especially with George W., as he was in a
position to invade IRAQ, topple Hussein and reap the benefits for his
family's name. That's it, don't try to look beyond this for any
reasonable doubt as George W. was a simpleton, never grew up and
with the assassination attempt on his dad by Saddam, if there is a
better reason behind his madness, well I welcome a plausible excuse. There is none!
Then again, maybe we “can't stand the truth” and with the secrecy
behind the “Skull & Bones”, we may never know the truth of
the matter except the fact that Arlington is getting full!
"GOG & MAGOG" rock formation in Colorado.
Supposedly for Prescott, George H.W. and George W. Bush
"GOG", a.k.a. George W. Bush.
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