Dear faithful audience over the years, including the Alyeska
Pipeline Service Company legal goons tasked with SPYING on my activities on
this blog and monitoring my “another” blog dedicated to the Alyeska “Covert
Operations”[The ALYESKA PIPELINE (],
wherein SPYING on the Trans-Alaska-Pipeline workers engaged in trying to
“UNIONIZE” was once-upon-a-time a routine ordeal. But no regret, as this
SIGN-OFF is temporary. Like Bob Dylan said, “I sleep in the kitchen with
my feet in the hall, sleep is like a temporary death” as it remains
gospel “we are what we eat so death do us part” that has found its
priority my new job in life - as a sheriff with a posse, even though I retired
away from Alyeska many moons ago. Alyeska who, what, where, when and why? Akin
to challenging Clarence Thomas in like “Black Rider, Black Rider, hold it
right there. The size of your cock will get you nowhere. I'll suffer in
silence, I'll not make a sound. Maybe I'll take the high moral ground.”
Yes, no more “suffering in silence”, and I will no longer “not make a sound” in
efforts to be heard from sea to shining sea by taking the highest of “high moral
ground”! As I am now pre-occupied, in definition and meaning, by full-time
participation in litigation against the Trans-Alaska-Pipeline’s ROW holders,
that being “Big Alaska Oil”. In reason, for years and years and years bye-bye
by now the ”Owner Company” allowed their agent – that Alyeska – to subject the
pipeline workers to excessive cancer-causing “Benzene” exposure in overdose. As
a condition of continued employment that “Johnny Paycheck” keeps commeth home,
just suck it in with a smile! And my “desire dire straits” interest, due the
fact the mortality rate from this “Benzene Pusher is a Monster”, sad it is so
sinful staggering, and must be dealt with using the courts for redress. As it was
condoned no doubt an atrocity in the making, with negligence written all over
it, including the State of Alaska through the Alaska Department of
Environmental Conservation as an accomplice – to a crime spree! The latter entity
trusted with oversight to protect the workers, in dereliction the conviction in
oversight went AWOL, when the officials knew all about the “Benzene” abuse, but
remained so silent for 45-years.
To stay informed my trials and tribulations, this one guy taking the “Big Alaskan Oil” barons to task for this unprecedented “poisonous” Benzene Alley journey, visit my blog(link follows) dedicated to that cause, designed as a wipping post to hold the reckless "BASTARD" management behind that “Benzene” abuse $monetarily$ accountable. As a bonus in the First Round of gavel applause, the litigation striving for a $350,000,000 RELIEF TRUST FUND, it will be not only for the pipeline workers, but also any victims “within or without” the Right-of-Way proper for that 800-miles of pipe that were victims of this “Hazardous Air Pollutant” abuse. Victims that were part of an experiment, to see just how much “Benzene” abuse a human body could withstand before any of the many side-effect cancers and/or blood poisoning and other debilitating tragic outcomes from such exposure would take hold to rob one of that one-and-only life. This BENZENE BANDITS REILEF TRUST FUND, it will be that “piggy bank”, that saving grace in time of need, that which will help out those in need of cancer treatments, hospice care and also relief for the family members that will be challenged with a father and or mother or spouse finding a premature death to deal with - due the fact we were tricked into believing this “Benzene” in the ambient air we breathed was caused by LA like traffic jams in a one-horse town with but for maybe 1000 cars and that every person in Valdez, including the kindergarteners, smoked over two packs of non-filtered cigarettes each day. They lied to us, they hid the truths!
And once successful with the First Round,
the litigations will strive for additional “negligence” awarding as is allowed
under the ordinary rules of negligence. And then we move to the Second Round,
another $350,000,000 as Title 43 Chapter 34 – Trans Alaska Pipeline, it allows
for that amount in damage awards, “for any one incident”! And with each year an
“Incident”, you do the math! OK, if successful in litigation, it is the same
amount in award the profit margins made by “Big Alaskan Oil” with its North
Slope “Black Gold” venture the past 45-years. We made them rich, they KILLED us!
Stay tuned at: Alyeska Pipeline Benzene Bandits RELIEF