Law of 1812
Circa 1812: Upper Chamber of
the United States Congress - “Hear Ye Hear Ye the Town Crier through his
rightful dutyship comes today before the United States Senate bestowing the Law
of 1812 “By the People”, that which prohibits a Senator to act in “bad faith” calling
upon another Senator in colleague, that colleague maintaining a vocal presence on
the floor of the Senate, to refer to that colleague engaged in lawful conduct
as an “ass”. The authorized penalty for breaking this Law of 1812 is punishable
by citizenship stripping and immediate deportation, if the actionable Senator
in guilt is an import, as no brave-heart “True American Senator” would honor
such a dereliction in duty and run afoul to call a colleague the likes of a “stupid
person” as referenced herein the “donkey” in slang the “monkey” in “dunce”. This
fundamental Law of the Land follows the Madison Doctrine, that which honors “senatorial
trust” but allows for penalty any dereliction the “stability of character” a
U.S. Senator.”
Yes, there out to be a Law of the Land that allows US “True Americans” to send back rejects like Ted Cruz to their homeland when a continued pattern of abuse within the Senate chambers sets the stage to sicken our Founding Fathers “dream”. And it appears there are two things we did wrong, in efforts to make sure the jurisprudence of Constitutional “stability” remains unharmed by “Treason” without reason. First and foremost, we gave the Confederacy “leniency” away from the gallows come the end of the Civil War wherein the New England Patriots were victorious, the reason the Mitch McConnell Senate is that “wolf in sheep’s clothing” and trying to rape this nation all over again. I second that motion and this emotion, that any immigrant that disrespects the Founding Fathers be stripped of any “citizenship” and deported, not allowed back into “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” for 9-years and an additional 9-years to receive citizenship again, in efforts to protect the “Upper Chamber of Congress” from vagabonds that have but a single intent, date raping the Constitution like an underage kid under attack by a pedophile, or like we see today all too common and unabated with Trumpophilia - defined as sex with a flagpole draped with an American flag, akin to necrophilia.
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