Thursday, June 30, 2022

Trump – Prison Cell #45

To: BENNIE G. THOMPSON as Chairman along with ZOE LOFGREN, ELAINE LURIA, ADAM SCHIFF, PETE AGUILAR, STEPHANIE MURPHY, JAMIE RASKIN, ADAM KINZINGER, LIZ CHENEY as “Rank & File Members” on the Select Committee Investigating the January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack” on the United States Capitol;

TIP: Please make a referral for crimes committed by Donald John Trump in the capacity of the 45th President of the United States in violation of CRM-1666 Destruction of Government Property 18-U.S.C.  §1361

Bravo, as after many painstaking months of investigating the Donald Trump January 6th “coup d’scare”, finally “We the People” have something that we can applaud with confidence, upon the wherewithal the merits of this “investigation”. And hopefully by now the “Committee” is far ahead on a referral for the destructive anger commotion(s) fits of rage committed by Donald John Trump and of evidence in sworn testimony, that he destroyed government property. The fact that a referral is proper falls under the auspices of CRM-1666 DESTRUCTION of GOVERNMENT PROPERTY 18-U.S.C. §1361, and that carries with it a $250000 fine and 10-years in prison. Because of Donald John Trump being in the position of the U.S. President at the time of this destruction, he bears the burden of penalties to the fullest extent allowed under this law, as he is supposed to be the leader the Number One “law abiding citizen”, so an easy case for a jury. This law of the land under CRM-1666 protects “any property” including dinnerware, that was destroyed in the Oval Office eating area to wherein the crime of destruction was committed, with the intent to destroy government property in efforts to instill fear amongst government workers, including those that had to then clean up the mess. Cleaning up “intentionally” broken glass places workers in harm’s way, this is unacceptable behavior by a Commander-in-Chief and should never be tolerated, plus it harms the U.S. Taxpayers who must foot the bill for replacement “chyna”. Now Mr. Trump may not be capable of that $monetary$ fine, but is capable of serving that time to the maximum allowed under 1666 due his position at the time at the scene of the crime – it is of the highest in “bar” and his penalty should not be compromised. And as the “Committee” struggles in question why no action by the DOJ upon the “Committee’s” efforts to date, do not balk at this opportunity to see Donald John Trump arrested and behind bars, this is the opportunity all Patriotic Americans have been waiting for, something with the legal guts to hold the MAGA Moron responsible for his actions. Mind you it will be entertaining for future generations to read “History” that Trump was put away for breaking a glass! It is about the most embarrassing of penalties for an imbecile like Trump. It may be all “We the People” have and the “Committee” should not hold out for something in the “bigger fish” category of crimes that it cannot alone establish a punishment, and to hold Trump accountable under 1666 does not violate that “must protect the institute” as this rage in destruction falls outside any semblance of being “Presidential”. It was a failed “coup”! It was a failed re-election scam. Which makes it difficult to apprehend the “boss hog” and his perpetrators for any meaningful sentencing, the intent failed miserably for the MAGA Moron which means that “beyond reasonable doubt” has doubts. The intent was there but not the success. Pinch yourselves, this is how “We the People” can get satisfaction, to see Mr. Trump behind bars for breaking dishes and maybe being assigned the duty as the cleanup valet when behind bars. So I hope the “Select Committee” has already executed a referral to the government cops that can take this matter on, and hold Mr. Trump to answer to his crime of destroying government property. Said again, it may not amount to anything in the really serious category of crimes committed unbecoming a Commander-in-Chief, but it’s a crime and has penalties for this Commander-in-Thief as such destruction is “theft” from “We the People”!

Stugots – Lousy Hat Solidarity Party

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