Thursday, June 30, 2022

Select Committee Stupidity

To: ZOE LOFGREN, ELAINE LURIA, ADAM SCHIFF, PETE AGUILAR, STEPHANIE MURPHY, JAMIE RASKIN, ADAM KINZINGER, LIZ CHENEY as “Rank & File Members” on the Select Committee Investigating the January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack” on the United States Capitol;

Excluded: BENNIE G. THOMPSON as Chairman

Could the rank & file members of the “Select Committee”, either get your act together or find outside legal Counsel that will stop Chairman Thompson from acting in a manner unbecoming the boss of the “Select Committee”, that which could eventually challenge the wherewithal in merit the standing of this “Committee” and thus make all the hard-earned efforts worthless? Not to forget a loss to the U.S. Taxpayers that have funded the free-for-all. Mr. Thompson continues to act against the “Sense of Congress” and all it would take is for a single Court to allow for injunctive relief based on the Chairman’s participation of inciting the existence of a “ghost”! I am talking Mr. Thompson’s continued abuse of the House Resolution 5ZERO3, his persistent pursuance of 5.c.8, as the latter requires a “ranking member” that is to date “Missing-in-Action”. Unless we have been blindsided, that either Liz Cheney or Kissinger are acting in that capacity, regardless “We the People” should be aware of that if it be the case. And as stated herein this “TIP” for your reference, as maybe it is time overdue to refresh the entire merits of 503 with respect to Mr. Thompson’s point and Stugot’s bone of contention:

(c) Applicability Of Rules Governing Procedures Of Committees.—Rule XI of the Rules of the House of Representatives shall apply to the Select Committee except as follows:
(8) The chair of the Select Committee may, after consultation with the ranking minority member, recognize—
A) Members of the Select Committee to question a witness for periods longer than five minutes as though pursuant to clause 2(j)(2)(B) of rule XI; and (B) staff of the Select Committee to question a witness as though pursuant to clause 2(j)(2)(C) of rule XI.

And let us not forget, it was House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that called the “composition” of the Select Committee an “unprecedented decision”, yet that does not relieve the “Committee” away from the rules as found in the “unamended” House Resolution 503. If there is not a bonafide “ranking minority member”, either STOP referencing 5.c.8 as if such does exist or seek to get a “fast track” amendment that allows for the “Committee” to exist without such a member in position as a “consultation” for purposes of recognizing members of the “Committee” during such televised hearings, it is that Simple Simon a resolution. So please STOP Mr. Thompson from ruining what may turn out to be a good thing, because he does not understand the ramifications of quoting something under oath that is a fantasy or a real ghost!

Stugots – Lousy Hat Solidarity Party

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