Friday, July 1, 2022

George “Lard Ass” Conway

Every time I hear that George Conway is about to “consult” to CNN about the current MAGA Moron “state of affairs” from his $8-million dollar “gated” mansion he shares with the gal who brought us Donald John Trump, I puke with disgust as “Peyton Place” lives on! Why discuss the already disgusting Trump era that lingers about like a canker sore with someone that was in bed with the enemy? That gal! That bowel movement that allowed the “imbecile” to take up residency at the White House so he could in a fit of rage break the expensive “chyna” paid for by the U.S. Taxpayers and in tow this trespassing that “I Really Don’t Care DO U” Vladimirobitch! Look, Melania was a double-penetration SPY, what is it “We the People” fail to understand about that bedside manners position? It is the main ingredient as to why there is no accountability with anybody that was behind this Trump Dysentery Dynasty “coup d'scare” that started NOT on January 6th but the target date was like November in 2016, when Vladimir interfered in a credible election as the Mark Meadows entourage used homeless camps for voting rights. It was all part of the Conway camp’s campaign. It tipped the scale and Vladimir was “IN” and Trump was merely a whipping boy for the Russian Maggot. The reason all of this commotion today over Trump’s “Stop the Steal” reality TV show that fascinates the Select Committee! So yes indeed, it allows for more Georgie Porky Conwayism from the comfort of that living room, “a lavish lawyerly lair in D.C.’s ritzy Massachusetts Avenue Heights, acquired for a cool $7.785 million.” For real, the Conways’ have another $6 million home in “tony” Alpine, New Jersey and noted for “America’s most expensive zip code,” according to Forbes! More TV consulting fees while people starve, well here is my take on the entire population of Trump supporters, with George the “cock roach coach”!

Hope that stream of Hogan disgust was headed towards Miss Conway’s head! Ok, maybe those that supported Trump should be held accountable in $monetary$ damages for all the damage an imbecile Moron can do when let loose in the Oval Office, then maybe these perverted assholes that align themselves with Trump would have to think twice about “luxury living” like the rest of us thinking do we buy milk for the kids or gas for the car? I rest my case, as “We the People” have been hoodwinked, hoodwinked by the skunk works by some that are American in “Marjorie Soylent Greene Only” and have allowed Vladimir Putin to cause pain and suffering on the True Grit American Proletariats, and the only thing the bedside manners morons have besides that $money$ is nothing! Matter of fact, here is what a Patriot General said about Putin:

Former US Defense Secretary James Mattis criticized Russia’s war in Ukraine, calling it “immoral” and “operationally stupid”. “We have a saying in America, we say that nations with allies thrive, nations without allies wither and we’re watching Russia wither before our eyes right now." When asked what military lessons could be taken from the war so far, the former US Marine said: “One is don’t have incompetent generals in charge of your operations.” He also called Russia's military performance "pathetic" and decried "the immoral, the tactically incompetent, operationally stupid and strategically foolish effort" of its campaign in Ukraine. “The tragedy of our time is that Putin is a creature straight out of Dostoevsky. He goes to bed every night angry, he goes to bed every night fearful, he goes to bed every night thinking that Russia is surrounded by nightmares and this has guided him.” Putin had removed anyone from his circle that would disagree with him, so he "probably thought that the Ukrainian people were going to welcome him." Mattis added.

And if were not for the Conways still supporting Trumpism, so too would the Fucking Moron “be without allies and wither away before our eyes." And what General Mattis said about the Vladimir Vladimirobitch Putin is a Trump like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde “mobius” scenario! Bottom line, if you cast a vote for Donald “Shit-House” Trump, you should voluntarily turn yourself in to face sentencing, do your time and become a Patriot abiding citizen instead of a G.A.etz Moron follower.

In the Russian Rashist culture the “John” in Donald “John” Trump is all about:

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