Tuesday, June 28, 2022

10-years for Donald Trump

On this day, a government witness “sworn to oath”, testified that Donald John Trump while acting in the capacity of the 45th President of these United States and as well assuming the duties of the Commander-in-Chief, that he intentionally destroyed “government property”. This supposedly occurred on January 6th and possible other times during his tenure, according to the televised “testimony” by Mark Meadows’ executive aide Cassidy Hutchinson. According to 1666 Destruction of Government Property 18-U.S.C. §1361, the penalties for violations of this section are tied to the extent of the property damage. As amended on September 13, 1994, if the damage exceeds $100, the defendant is subject to a fine of up to $250,000, ten years imprisonment, or both.  No doubt the White House “china” and or other glassware that is of normal everyday use and of the category used when dignitaries are present so of value, in destruction through Mr. Trump’s fit-of-rage over the fact Joe Biden won the presidential nomination, it is the property of “We the People” through taxation. And thus any destruction should not be taken lightly, it suffers the wherewithal of this “We the People” concept even if it is just “china” or other articles that were used as anger projectiles and thrown against the walls of the White House eating areas. As it was also acknowledged by the White House staffer in a position in the know, that Mr. Trump in anger went fascinated with pulling tablecloth linens from tables that which held glassware, which one can only reason that would lead to more destruction of Government property. It is only “china”, maybe glassware, but the President is in such a position of dignity that it raises the “bar” such that a violation of this “Code” should be administered to the highest degree of force allowed, there are NO minimizations of the penalties, due that position of power that is supposed to respect the law of the land and the rule of dignity, no matter what may confront the president and invoke such anger to destroy things. Destruction is not acceptable and from the testimony, the intent was to destroy this property in efforts to fulfill the anger and temper tantrums. Mr. Trump should be held accountable under 1666 and should face a fine of NO less then $250000 and should be confined to prison for 10-years, any less of a penalty would demonstrate that a President is above the law. The throwing of eating and drinking articles is dangerous, and the intent was to destroy White House property in efforts to instill fear to his staff. This behavior is unacceptable and the fact it was used to destroy Government Property in violation of 1666-U.S.C. §1361, Mr. Trump must be held accountable.

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