Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Sarah Palin vs. Santa Claus

Dear Alaskans;

Sarah Palin is NO Donald Young! Consider that and this before you vote in another Marjorie Soylent Greene. About as close as Palin the “Quitter” can ever get to the “Honorable Statesman”, forget it! We cherished that Don Young, he was a steadfast icon for Alaska, what  the “Last Frontier” found in Don after so many years of public service never any rivalry partisan BS. That said, about the only thing Palin could contribute as a representative for “All Alaskans” is another stuffed “rabid skunk with gnashing teeth” and for display purposes only in Young’s game room at the Capitol. That is about the only reason Sarah Palin has any business at the “People’s House”.

Matter of fact just “GOOGLE “Sarah Palin” and here is the result I get on my 5G service provider.

GOOGLE “Sarah Palin” results = a defunct “Home Page” called “I can see Russia from my bedroom crapper” and re-GOOGLE that result and then you are linked to “Life Below Zero”. See the spy mistress, that Alexi, she tracks your every move and request with an APP algorithm that tries to think like Sarah. Now GOOGLE again the Sarah Palin results that linked you to “Life Below Zero” and then you get linked to a site that starts off with a WARNING: Adult Supervision Recommended, as it is now this thing about what to do when “Home Alone” in the Alaskan wilderness, a video of how to have sex with a chainsaw? So hurry up and GOOGLE that nonsense, and then you get to Rachel Maddow’s home page with an interference suggestion that finds the best way to watch Rachel is when the coffee grinder is making more noise then the blabber mouth herself. To end, one more GOGGLE link, but before you are allowed to sign-off in decency, the almighty server takes you to this page that advertises a way to donate $money$ to Donald Trump, still! And here is another WARNING courtesy of GOOGLE:

If your campaign contribution is not used for its intended purpose, we reserve the right to re-purpose such donations for anything necessary without prior approval or permission from the donor, including using such funds to find underaged girls for MAtt GAetz.

So the theory of this storyline on-line, we started with Sarah Palin and ended with Donald Trump, may the circle be unbroken? It means it’s a Realty Show, the reason some people get off watching a lunatic Alaskan having sex with a chainsaw and then that prepares them to go vote for a Sarah Palin, because Trump said so enjoy the buzz cut chainsaw massacre coming to a Congress near you - aka a Nancy LousyLollaPelosi "Bad Hair Day"!

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