Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Violating the “Sense of Congress”

It appears that the biggest issue with the Select Committee is the fact that its Chairman Mr. Bennie Thompson is misleading and destroying the “Good Will” of this “Committee”, through action(s) unbecoming a sworn to duty representative of the U.S. Constitution, especially in his leadership role on the “Committee”. When at the same time the members are accommodating this “destruction” as acceptable through their inaction(s), without challenging that violation(s), so “part and parcel guilty” is concerning. By violating the rule 503, that which allows for the existence of and governs the execution of this “Select Committee investigating the January 6th Domestic Terrorist Attack on the U.S. Capitol”. Accordingly this concern and according to Mr. Thompson during the opening of the 2nd pubic hearing:

Mr. Thompson: [6/13/2022]
Thank you. That’s the bottom line. We’ve had an election. Mr. Trump lost. But he refused to accept the results of the democratic process. Pursuant to section 5.C.8 of House Resolution 503. I now recognize the gentlewoman from California, Ms. Lofgren, for questions.

According to the existing and yet to be “Amended” 503 “Rule”, it is herein stated as the “rule” exists, for clarity upon this concern of a violation:

(c) Applicability Of Rules Governing Procedures Of Committees.—Rule XI of the Rules of the House of Representatives shall apply to the Select Committee except as follows:
(8) The chair of the Select Committee may, after consultation with the ranking minority member, recognize—

(A) Members of the Select Committee to question a witness for periods longer than five minutes as though pursuant to clause 2(j)(2)(B) of rule XI.

From Mr. Thompson's sworn opening statement(because members of Congress are drooly sworn to duty in the course of their Constitutional duty), accordingly as stated by the Chairman:

Bennie Thompson: [6/9/2022]
We need to understand how and why the big lie fested. We cannot allow ourselves to be undone by liars and cheaters. This is the United States of America. My distinguished colleague from Wyoming, Ms. Cheney, is not the ranking member of this select committee. But because this investigation is bipartisan, it’s important that we hear Republican voices as well. I now recognize Representative Cheney for an opening statement.

So during the 1st Public Hearing, the status that there is NOT an “officiated ranking minority member” was so stated in oath, so there could not be any such “after consultation”, unless it was through a ghost character. But during the 2nd Hearing, when the Chairman recognized and then introduced Zoe Lofgren, this member was allowed to “question” well beyond the 5-minute criteria but without the merits of the “503 Rule” in “after consultation” still in effect. As without a “ranking minority member” still, after many days into the “investigation,” it violates the ”Rule” and therefore must be fixed, either through a 503 amendment or this “Select Committee” should go on a long recess. And the fact that members also disregard their own ”rules” is very troubling, like they may be afraid to question the Chairman’s motives to violate the 503 Rules. This is a troubling bridge over troubled water and must be corrected, in efforts to uphold the righteousness and good will that “Sense of Congress”. Else, this “Committee” is no different then the main target of its very own investigation, namely Donald John Trump. And through actions and/or inactions in violation of the H.Res.503, it thus allows comfort for Trump’s January6th “coup d’scare”, like with the “enemy”, through even more willingness on the “Committee’s” part to orchestrate acceptance of the “big lie fested.” And for sake and saneness in condolences, this BS about “We cannot allow ourselves to be undone by liars and cheaters.”, well t becomes the case at hand like in “can’t beat them join them” consensus in understanding to what is really going on. Please get your act together Mr. Thompson, else RESIGN. Please stop the unprecedented embarrassment upon the U.S. Constitution through what appears to be premeditated “stupidity” as even my kindergarten kid can understand what the 503 rule states. May I suggest once again, please do US a favor and RESIGN, else the Constitution continues to get Constipated, on your watch!

Stugots – Lousy Hat Solidarity Party

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