Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Mr. Thompson - Pelosi's Saboteur

CC: BENNIE G. THOMPSON as Chairman along with ZOE LOFGREN, ELAINE LURIA, ADAM SCHIFF, PETE AGUILAR, STEPHANIE MURPHY, JAMIE RASKIN, ADAM KINZINGER, LIZ CHENEY as “Rank & File Members” on the Select Committee Investigating the January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack” on the United States Capitol;

Subject: Hearing Cancellation – Chairman Thompson Must RESIGN

“Technical Issue” cancellation, my ass how asinine, as it is the year 2022! Please do not try to pull the wool with this “Lipstick on a Pig” fascination of “too small a video staff” as when you see the cast of “outside counsel” the “Committee” has at its disposal courtesy the U.S. Taxpayers, this excuse is frivolous. And if that be the real case the sudden cancellation of tomorrow’s  anticipated “Realty Show Special”, why did not Chairman Bennie Thompson or Vice Chair Cheney make such an announcement, as to why the 2nd “Select Committee” Hearing was abruptly cancelled 24-hours shy before its intended audience, it is “Lipstick on a Pig”! So why is the “Select Committee” begging for the Joe Wilson “You Lie” award? And how much is the US Taxpayer on the hook for this cancellation and delay bull-crap, as this kind of malfeasance comes at a cost? But it seems as though the cancellation, was it because of insider fighting or the possibility that Chairman Thompson broke the laws, broke the sense of Congress, maybe in efforts to be Nancy Pelosi’s “saboteur”, that the Select Committee investigating the January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack” on the U.S. Capitol sounded good, but for real had no intentions of getting anything accomplished that would give the American spirit a piece of hope that democracy was still sustainable? My point of contention, since Day Uno Chairman Thompson has preached that “must protect the institute”, which means he was adamant all along the watchtower at providing cover for members of Congress both sides of the isle that may have been indicted some involvement in that “coup d’scare”. And due to the effect of what trickles-down must trickle-up theory, that “protection” would thus include the “Executive Branch” of government. And we see that cause and effect already with the DOJ letting Mark Meadows and Scavino off the hook, for “Contempt of Congress”. Makes me wonder, what was Pelosi hiding in knowledge that “coup”? And then with Thompson’s “part and parcel guilty” theory, that which went against the grain the wherewithal of the once mighty Constitution, well praytell we have no Democracy as with no respect for the 5th Amendment, no avenue for self-incrimination protection exists under Thompson’s rule of law, thus we are no different then North Korea! And then on May 25th, Pelosi’s legal team entered an “amicus” in the Bannon “Contempt” case that is sure to find a dismissal warranted, especially now that Chairman Thompson during “Lipstick on a Pig Select Hearing Number 1”, well he went off the “As Delivered” script in his introduction and claimed that Liz Cheney was not the “ranking minority member”. Which means there is no such animal when the rule that formed the “Committee” acknowledges there is supposed to be, in “consultation” for critical legal issues that could confront the “Select Committee”, like when issuing “subpoenas” to compel “testimony”. And the day after low and behold with Thompson opening up a rotting can of beans, low and behold some more Bannon’s legal team motioned for an emergency dismissal of that case, because the “Select Committee” was now in contradiction with its own legal team and at the same time throwing the DOJ under the bus. Wait there’s more to the debacle - aka “Sabotage” – as on the 2nd Lipstick on a Pig Hearing, Thompson did blow the roof off the House, by breaking the “House Rules”. With words to the effect: “I now recognize the honorable lady from California Zoe Lofgren for questioning under 503.c.8.” Wherein the latter cited citation requires a “ranking minority member” so positioned in consultation with the Chairman, but remember there exists no such member, just ask Bennie! Worse thing ever in any legal minded situation, get the story straight or else Judges like Carl Nichols will set the record straight! But don’t ask Doug Letter about this “mysterious “ranking minority member” that seems to appear when it is convenient and then disappear when convenient, as Pelosi’s main legal counsel he believes differently then Bennie. And the storyline continues to go off the beaten path and now on a dead-end street called “Dismissal Desire”. Confusion? No pure unadulterated castration the merits of a House Committee acting out-of-order, when it is supposed to understand how to act properly. I will say it again, this kind of malfeasance is only possible in a Democracy in the “Cross-hairs”, if it was so designed to fail the system, to fail the merits of a society that wants to enjoy freedom under that Democracy. So Mr. Thompson must RESIGN and this “Select Committee” should abandon any efforts to strive to accomplish anything, as it sure appears to be a sinking ship. And remember, we allowed an inebriated captain to sink the Exxon Valdez. Please don’t let history repeat itself, get out of the way NOW and let the DOJ do its job. Matter of fact, cancel all the remaining “Lipstick on a Pig” soap operas. One last question, who will pay when Rudy files a defamation lawsuit over his “Inebriation” follies? Mind you, stay away from the Peyton Place bull-crap, get serious and that begins by pushing for Bennie Thompson to RESIGN “immediately” – this is a TIP!

Your Friend Always, Stugots – Lousy Hat Solidarity Party

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