Monday, June 13, 2022

So Rudy was DRUNK?

So after how many confiscated documents after how many subponeas after how many more bragging rights, after how many person(s)-of-interest compelled to interview before the "Select Committee" after how many members of Congress gave the middle-finger to cooperate in the Jan6th "investigation", not to forget $millions$ in Taxpayer's hard earned income confiscated by the "Tax Man Commeth" then given away like taking candy from a baby to law firms that know when the time-is-ripe time to make a "Killing" taking advantage of Uncle Sam's generosity - for real all we get is the fact Rudy Giuliani was DRUNK?

Most costly DUI of record move over Paul Pelosi!

Mona tried to tell me
To stay away from the train line
She said that all the railroad men
Just drink up your blood like wine
And I said "Oh I didn't know that
But then again there's only one I've met
And he just smoked my eyelids
And punched my cigarette"

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