Thursday, May 19, 2022

Putin’s Trojan Whorse - Update#2

Putin’s Armchair Armageddon

Scenario: On April 13th, the Ukraine military was successful in breaching the hull of the Russian NAVY’s “Glory”, or better known as Vladimir Vladimirobitch Putin’s flagship cruiser the “Moskva”. This pride and joy high seas modern warfare machine was named in honor of the Red Rashist Russian capital, Moscow, but when hit by a Ukraine land-based missile launcher, the ship eventually sank. According to Moscow, a fire started in the munitions bunker, wherein officials of authority cautioned it was unrelated to the missile attack itself. Now one would question how the ill-equipped Ukraine military could have pulled off such a feat against the Russian NAVY, a demobilizing attack against one of the most powerful ships in the Russian fleet. And no doubt this was Putin’s high-tech well equipped front-line war machine, with air defense capabilities and thus used as an escort vessel, one must ask why so vulnerable? Matter in fact, it was the vessel that would follow Putin around when he was gallivanting on the oceans-11 in his chastity-belt purgatory boat, a floating Trojan Whorse mansion. With the Moskva on fire, it wasn’t a sinking ship episode chalk one up for Ukraine due the missile hit, but that was used as an excuse as this may have been a planned Putin “false flag” operation to support his “special military operation”. The sinking that is, into the abyss of an underwater boneyard. With all the support vessels of the Russian NAVY already at S.O.S. readiness in the Black Sea, there is no way in hell that ship should have been dealt such a blow, to sink - unless? When it was hit by missiles, well may as well give Ukraine the credit wherein credit was due and sink the ship, for other reasons that would benefit Putin in his “operation” moving forward. See, now that ship sits at the bottom of the ocean, in close proximity to EU NATO countries and officially designated as a Ukrainian “Cultural Heritage” site, aka shipwreck grave. It is something that Ukraine can now brag about and then used as a history lesson, when and if there is ever again peace on earth and the schools of Mariupol get rebuilt. Now talk about salt on the wound, as Zelenskyy has claimed a double victory with this shipwreck at the same time the Putin was supposed to be doubling down, in efforts to turn around his so far failure in Ukraine. So the Moskva rests in peace? Supposedly with many Russian sailors now finding the Mothership their eternal grave, entombed going down with the sinking ship. Now what if, what if some of the Moskva’s onboard missiles still secure were equipped with “nuclear warheads” and still found functionality - the reason for the sinking? Like the possibility to deliver a somewhat predetermined punch, like in a 350kT ground shaking earth shattering hot spot - that means 600-millions pounds of dynamite in detonation obliterating all life forms for 65-square miles of ground “zero”. And what if the “false flag” was designed to have this menace shipwreck situated as a lost cause in abandonment, wherein it could be spooked by saboteurs, military seals from other countries or pirates? And what if there was still enough battery juice to ignite the propulsion system of one or more rockets and we hear a boom in the night, say with a crash landing in Poland, a non-nuclear NATO member hit with a Russian made “nuke”! An unprovoked attack, but nobody taking credit as the death toll skyrockets with this “Apocalypse Now”, a fire-ball sentencing innocent people to charred remains. Maybe a tactical hit, maybe not. That’s right, shipwrecks belong to no one, especially in contested territorial waters wherein there is a war going on as maritime law ceases to exist. And all Putin would have to say in excuse while Poland “melts” is the fact that the battleship was compromised by a Ukraine attack that which was provided military might and intelligence from the United States. And Putin can also tell us that when the launch was confirmed, that all efforts to intercept went without avail, like in excuse the launch codes were altered by “Terrorists”. Yes, he can wash his hands of any involvement, and I would not put it past him that was his plan all along with that “sinking” that could and should have been avoided. Look, NAVY commanders practice such predicaments, to save a ship from going under. Look, it appeared the sinking phase of the Moskva was well planned, time and place for a reason it was a coordinated effort in battle planning. Look, way too many “military experts” are encouraging us to believe that Putin bit off more then he could chew in Ukraine, that is not the case. He is winning the war due to his precision and prenuptial calculations, well thought of in advance wherein the rest of the world is trying to piece together a last-minute strategy to beat the bastard at his own game. So what if those Russian missiles at the bottom of the ocean have the name of a dead Russian navy man or women on its firing tube, and ready when willing to retaliate? I ask again, then who would be at fault? Who would be blamed for a rocket launch from no one? Could NATO respond? NO! It is all part of Putin’s plan and those missiles at the site of the shipwreck are most likely controlled today by some sort of “Dead Man - Dead Hand” philosophy, preordained to deliver a blow to NATO, wherein that type of scenario could become a reality. And there is not a damn thing NATO could do about it, as to respond in-kind would mean the commencement of MAD, and Putin knows he can call that bluff charge off. He is winning, get over it. And his plan was to use Ukraine as a convenient scapegoat landscape stepping stone, and like the so far “scorched earth” referendum upon Zelenskyy’s territory, it will grow like a cancer and provide Putin with the ultimate in an uninhabitable “buffer zone” that which will then surround his wet-dream fascinations. It may look like he is losing the battle, it is all part of his plan! Forgot another all-important facet as to why Putin is winning. The EU thinks that in order to rebuild Ukraine, now in a “scorched earth” position and still under fire, that a “solidarity fund” must be set up with all peaceful nations contributing to the $2-trillion so-far price tag. Putin’s “WAR”, and he has natural resources like oil and gas, yet do you really think he will contribute to his atrocities? When we hear the leaders that have come front and center to provide military aid to Ukraine, when we hear them now take the “bait” in responsibility to rebuild the war-torn infrastructure of Ukraine, Putin is laughing all the way to his private bunker piggy-bank “bank account”. If that be the case, that in the end when it is all said and done no more bombs away and the wrecking crews are mobilized to rebuild things and Putin has not been held accountable, it is his ultimate “Win” and will set the stage in precedence, that he can do it again and get away with it again and again and again, all on your $dime$! In time, Putin will deliver a “scorched earth” response, so that ultimate buffer zone can afford him a border, wherein no man can exist. Get over it, “nukes” are part of Putin’s game plan.

He's a martyr, he thinks he's a prophet.
But he's a coward, he's just playing a game
He can't do it, he can't change it
It's been going on for ten thousand years

Tell the people they are safe now
Hunger stopped him, he lies still in his cell.
Death has gagged his accusations

We are free now, we can kill now,
We can hate now, now we can end the world
We're not guilty, he was crazy

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