Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Putin’s Trojan Whorse - Update#1

So now that we hear from Finland, “JAA” the parliamentary vote of the people to establish a NATO presence on 800-border miles of Putin’s “bankrupt” landscape, well according to the Red Square Rashist O’Bitch no need to worry! And that was the sentiment also from Putin’s explosive diarrhea mouthpiece, that Sergey LabRAT, nothing to worry about if Finland and Sweden join ranks with NATO. I mean with the Russian ruble downsized to rubble and the Russian name to rubbish following the O’Bitch’s invasion of Ukraine, well instead of military base building along that 800-mile expanse, may as well build bread factories for border crossing bread lines. As Russia will remain in bankruptcy and economic ruin way past Putin’s days in exile, so maybe Finland can offer humanitarian help to feed the Russians. Yes, Putin is in “exile” from the rest of the World, his pattern of celibacy already well known to even his Trojan whores! But this change of heart, wherein the threat of NATO expansion seemed to be Putin’s “last draw straw” now no longer a problem, then why for so? Because it was all designed into Putin’s plan to begin with, as part of his coercing invasion. He is not “stupid” and this is spot-on what Putin wanted to happen all along, as the World is taking the hook, line and sinker and it is the latter stage wherein we are at in a suspended animation awareness of a “doomsday” approach, he has “NUKES” and has already decided to use them when push comes to shove. He has gone on record, he will use such weapons of mass destruction! From military ruin to economic ruin to oligarchs’-in-ruin, what’s there to live for this Mr. Putin? Look, this Putin plan would not have been possible under a Donald John Trump, as the outcome would have been detoured with the scumbag bed-fellows. Because Trump would have sided with Putin any attack on a peaceful neighbor, that would have been instrumental in a Putin defeat! Putin’s plan would not or could not work if Trump was around to face-off with Putin, in friends not enemies. So the fact “We the People” endured a Fuck’n Moron in the Oval Office, well it delayed the O’Bitch’s plan to take on the World. Were we better off with a Trump? No as it was only a matter of time the Oval Office would be missing an idiot, as like with the U.S. Supreme Court having waited 30-years to circumcise the Constitution, time waits for no one except lunatics and so has the O’Bitch been waiting so patiently for his one-man stage. And with Putin’s deteriorating health, he is now in full throttle ahead mode, due the fact Trump was in Putin’s way for awile, as no way in hell under the MAGA maggot would Vladimir Vladimirobitch’s plan ever come to fruition as intended. He is playing a game of crotch-rot catch-up right now, causing as much pain and suffering until he gets tired, then he will deliver his wet-dream in the form of “Total Destruction” annihilation, on a gamble he will survive. Look, that was his secret message on May 9th, “have no fear for atomic energy, ‘cause none of them can stop the time”. Am I the only Sad Sack that can see right through all the experts that think otherwise? Look at what Biden and his military brass have gone on record with, that it is time to “weaken” to “destroy” Mr. Putin. Said again, Putin understands that sentiment the reason he decided to unveil his plan when Joe Biden was at the helm, as having an American Patriot as the Commander-in-Chief would no doubt assist in Putin’s plan, so Putin could then make enemies that would then invite our interference to engage, which is but for a Putin decoy that Trojan Whorse has arrived - well I hope you are starting to get the point. The O’Bitch is now positioned to unleash an Armageddon response, all hell will break loose in his game of Russian Roulette, as Putin will pull the trigger and engage in a “limited edition” retaliatory measure “MAD” drill, in hopes NATO will balk away from a full response when some nation is annihilated by a “thermonuclear detonation”. What the response will be and the outcome when the radioactive dust cloud makes its way into the jet-stream, and an all clear is heard, it is anybody’s guess. Putin is betting on the World having some better sense of denial, some better sense of pity, some bitter sense of cowardice and will hold back in retaliation, then he wins. So every move so far since February 24th, it has been a carefully calculated move, and in efforts to address this mess the World was quick to embrace a decision to intervene, exactly what Putin had planned for. Which means Putin is wining, and to reiterate it was first the hook, then the line and today we are into the “sinker” phase and in the end, someone will end up on the bottom of the cesspool. Putin may unleash a “nuke” on Poland, then when Boris retaliates, Putin will be in the position to calm the nerves of the Biden administration, the NATO nations that border and in close proximity with Russia will be destroyed and then no longer a risk to Putin. Then it will be down to a them Russian Rashist verses US showdown, exactly what Putin has planned for, take it or leave it either way in a “Total Destruction” nightmare no one will remember or a “Scorched Earth” Europe, and what do you think Donald Trump will have to say about that? Regardless of what you or Michael McFool thinks he knows about Putin, we all have been fooled as the Putin Trojan Whorse road into Dodge, and we may have dodged the bullets for now, but that was not our own worst nightmare. Putin gambled on the fact that the “Good Samaritan” is alive and well in humanity, that my friend may have been our “Archilles Heel” and the O’Bitch understood that and took advantage of mankind. What the final outcome will be to close the books on “History”, sad to say!

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