Monday, March 14, 2022

First Lady “Is a Tramp” MIA

First there was Michelle the 44th, then Melania the 45th Imposter and now Jill the 46th. And first came First Lady Michelle Obama to call out the Madman Putin for his “WAR”, then came the same words of advice from First Lady Jill Biden, that Joe would kick his ass. So what’s up so far with First Lady “I Really Don’t Care DO U” Melania Trump? I mean she is from the region close to the “conflict”, from Solvenia which is offering out a helping hand to refugees. Yet so far, Melania has been very quiet - maybe she is busy with tennis time, time will tell. But no excuses warrant such a privilege in position to remain silent like in “everything and anything you say may be used against you in a court of popular opinion”, it is times in need like this when innocent humans are under attack wherein the words from a First lady can be encouraging, as a blessing in disguise to those under such an assault, that which finds world-wide condemnation. With words that offer a glimpse of courage “We are with you”, that there is hope so don’t give up. Thus it boils down to one of two things why First Lady 45th is still a No SHOW. Off beat, Melania continues to flourish in that cesspool of “I Really Don’t care Do U” else she is a Russian SPY? Then again, maybe life in Mar-a-lago is like living in Russia, wherein complete “blackouts” of real world state-of-affairs rules the citizens reality. But if you take both possibilities in combination, that “I Really Don’t Care DO U” aspect along with the fact Melania is a SPY, maybe a double action SPY v. SPY so is controlled by both Putin and the Moron, well praytell the truth the “Lady is a Tramp” finds the reason. And especially now so troubling, that NO “reason” to remain silent when Moron Trump’s maggot friend Putin is bombing medical facilities that house the mentally insane. Because there came no WAR time preparation time for those facilities to evacuate the patients to safety - which means Putin’s “cleansing” has begun in earnest - well one would have thought that would be the “that does it” and Melania could no longer keep her peace. But when you cop an attitude of “I Really Don’t Care DO U” and advertise it so, do you really think Melania finds a love for son Bannon? And sad that the kid looks more like a Putin then a Trump!

WAR is OVER if you want it!

But "I Really Don't Care DO U"?

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