Sunday, March 13, 2022

Stare Decisis Castration

Case: Crazy Psycho Shit v. Legitimate Political Discourse

Sidebar: This is what may happen as our attention gets focused on other very important things afar and at the same time takes us far and away removed from just as important things near and dear to our heart. It is the ultimate “slip opinion option” and with a brutal WAR over-yonder being hosted by the “Neighborhood Bully”, what may occur on the sidelines with this attention deficit disorder, it is also “WAR”! So yes, we are in WWIII!

And as Putin uses this opportunity to hold the world at bay, while at the same time through force majeure martial law secure more power with death-defying life-denying control over his own Russian civilization, is the same damn mechanism being accomplished here in the states? As we are also under attack. It may be so, but don’t look down the avenue for the carnage, as this flank to defeat is through an out-of-sight out-of-mind mentality that is propagating more control over our freedoms, through segregated control, on our very own soil sea to shining sea.

The Inferno in Evidence: So D.C. District Court Judge Carl Nichols has ruled in opposition, in trespass the legal argument in overwhelming agreement already of record by 10 of his in rhythm “robe & gavel” colleagues, in an unusual unprecedented NOT GUILTY verdict. It gives the “cloak & dagger” a whole new dimension, it dangles toward sudden death. To begin with, it involves the terms of endangerment wherein Donald John Trump was acting out Melania’s fascination as the boob-job of the 45th Imposter President of the United States. OK, back to the serious business. But in cases being tried before the “lower courts” for “Obstruction of Justice” through indictments cast down upon those with involvement during the January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack” on the U.S. Capitol - this trespass by a sitting judge surprisingly finds GUILTY has been suspended with NOT GUILTY! Even for those individuals caught red-handed shitting on Pelosi’s desk. And not because of evidence to the contrary lacking the merits in “you do the crime you pay the fine”, but in what appears to be a vagabond preferential denial of time-tested jurisprudence. Rather at odds, as once upon a time the court brooms sweeping in justice “Prevails”, it was honored by that “Stare Decisis” fascination, that wrong or right past litigation did unite to pave the way in that notion of “binding” and “precedence-set”. It was the roadmap, a guideline that would bring together the courts to be somewhat on the same page in verdicts “united” - as we call it the United States for a reason. But now the gavel resonates in justice “Fails”! It was one of those things with this “stare decisis” like in “have to love it can’t leave it” else the “Court” would be in total chaos, as then each and every Jester could rule as he or she pleased. And to think that then such “preferential treatment” could be weaponized for political corruption, and that is not how jurisprudence is supposed to work and or survive in a…what Democracy? Yes, that “could be weaponized” is today “would be weaponized” with this Nichol’s Court decent away from decency. So what happened? Ok, clarification required this ruling by the Court, in that concept of a “political weapon”, one side of the isle sees it as “Crazy Psycho Shit” and the other side reckons it as “Legitimate Political Discourse”. And this “slip opinion option” by Judge Nichols, well opportunity knocks and it appears as though while we pay attention to what Putin is doing to destroy the Ukraine “democracy”, so is the same destruction happening here “this land is my land this land is your land” - castrate the court system first and the rest is easy pickings as then law and order ceases to exist we are back to the old west and blazing saddles vigilante type justice. And yes, this dismissal of the “Obstruction” element of a January 6th case before Judge Nichols, for one of Donald John Trump’s “militia maggots” that heard that insurrection-erection “call to duty” by Rudy, well it is an astonishing victory for the Trumpeteers. And it appears the decision rendered by the “lower court”, wherein “binding” and “precedence-set” is now a thing of the past, it is fit to demolish the merits of American jurisprudence. To begin with, this defecation on the “stare decisis” criteria causing castration of justice which once prevailed, well it all began back on January 19th. That is when Baby Brett Kavanaugh found a reason to abandon this rule of the land in “Stare” and made it a point that even though the “High Court” had ruled against Donald Trump, as payback for the Moron giving in to fill a court vacancy with an illegitimate legal graving punk still in diapers, Brett fashioned an opinion that basically set the stage for the defeat of “stare decisis” - in issuing a “non-binding” verdict that disallows any of that “precedence-set” admiration which could benefit Donald Trump in the future on the same damn merits of “Executive Privilege” in challenge, aka “Obstruction of Justice”! And what we see going on now in the predecessor case wherein the SCOTUS decision in intervention with “Trump v. Bennie Thompson and the Select Committee”, even though the SCOTUS has ruled wherein one would think means “Case Closed”, that case has not been wiped off the slate and the court has allowed Trump 3-time extensions of over 90-days relief “so he can plan his next move”? Yes, I ask also WTF is going on! That “next move” is possible but for the SCOTUS handed down a non-binding decision. Yes, one must read into the SCOTUS opinion pencil whipped by Baby Brett Kavanaugh to get the full ramifications of what the SCOTUS accomplished in getting involved, possibly a roadmap for complete destruction of jurisprudence the way we came to understand its wherewithal in justice served for so many years. When honesty was the best policy. It does not make sense any common denominator except does payback ring a bell? Ever so damning, it indeed was designed to set the “stare decisis” down a dead-end street, wherein we may see over-time that “binding” and the theory accompanying the time-tested relevance of “precedence-set”, the latter legal knowhow will become a thing of the past. And now we see how the trickle-down theory in “payback” works and it will continue to facilitate the eroding away the once upon a time decency with the court’s jurisdiction. And that brings us to Judge Nichols and how we got to where we are today. Well before trespassing on the jurisprudence of the “Court”, he was denied a membership in the “robe & gavel” club during Donald Trump’s terms of endangerment, in a 1st attempt anointment ceremony to appoint Nichols to the district court to fill a vacancy. And it was then shoved down Miss Liberty’s deep throat in an attempt at a reappointment coup, wherein Confederate Mitch waved his Robert E. Lee slave-to-grave wand, and it was said and done. And once seated in a “job for life” and when the time was ripe, use the opportunity to discourage the justice system. Now I am not trying to say there is any “preferential treatment” in this case where the gavel punted away any “binding” or “precedence-set” normalcy, but it will have a drastic effect on other pending litigation…and for those that have been sentenced already under that “Obstruction” clause and facing fines and possibly hard-time, well does “retrial” sing a song and dance? So it appears that the Nichols court gives not a rat’s ass about past performance of “binding” and or the effect the latter should have on “precedence-set”. I can only conclude that this was by reason of payback time, to gavel away the legal reasoning wherewithal of 10-colleages that had already ruled differently and in favor of the United States, not against it, to hold accountable those individuals involved in that “Domestic Terrorist Attack” of January 6th. And maybe so “Big Payback”! Now guess who is the Judge in the Mark Meadows case? Yours truly! Wherein Meadows is using the “cloak & dagger” to challenge House Speaker Pelosi and the Select Committee interfering with his rights, the reason after some 3-months we still have heard nothing from Merrick Garland’s DOJ the status of a Congressional referral to hold Meadows in “Criminal Contempt of Congress” for being a no-show at a scheduled deposition before the “Select Committee”. The court case is setting precedence over what and what not the DOJ can do to move forward on this case, yes holding up justice and if Meadows gets his way - there is no “Select Committee”! Meadows is trying to convince Judge Nichols that the “Select Committee” is illegal. And the way that case is going, it looks like Meadows could single handedly cause the Select Committee to “cease & desist” any further investigatory functions that which is trying to get to the bottom of who is to blame for that heinous “Domestic Terrorist Attack” on the U.S. Capitol, and that may be what is behind Judge Nichols’ ruling to castrate “stare decisis”. Upon that not guilty in “Obstruction” constituted by the merits of the “Crime Fraud” exception, a verdict which went against several other cases the same elements of criminal activity the same evidence, as a ways and means to pave the way for Meadows’ to be “free at last”. Yes a premeditated “strike” that could reverberate and set free those individuals that sanctioned that “Negligent Infliction of Severe Emotional Distress” upon members of the U.S. Congress during that January 6th “Attack”. And wait there is more, as that will then pave the way for any and all acquittals resting its case any involvement Donald Trump may find a responsibility for what occurred on January 6th - which will then allow him to run for the “Presidency” once again. Look, the clear path to victory for Trump is in the planning and execution stages, and he has friends in high places that can disrobe Miss Liberty! And if a WAR is still smoldering in Ukraine when Trump declares martial law because the “legitimate political discourse” finds a ways and means to give him more time not behind bars but in the Oval Office latrine Trump's favorite pastime bunker down palace, then Putin will get relief, as I am sure there is already an agreement that the U.S. under Trump 47th will find that NATO is a waste of energy, time and money. And like so Nichols has retreated away from the decency of “Stare Decisis”, so will “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” retreat away from helping our brothers & sisters in need against the Russian “Neighborhood Bully” so that Trump’s madman can still enjoy zoom-me-up Melania broom sex in the Oval Office as “We the People” are rounded up and branded with hot irons that we belong to the “I Really Don’t Care Do You” SPY bitch!

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