Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Once a Putin Hoe…


Host Tucker Carlson: “Why do I care what is going on in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia? And I’m serious. Why do I care? Why SHOULDN’T I root for Russia? Which I am.”

…We interrupt this program to bring you the following News’ ALERT from Ukraine:

FOX News veteran and 25-old Ukraine journalist “KILLED” by those rooting for Putin!

Veteran Fox News cameraman Pierre Zakrzewski, 55, and Ukrainian journalist Oleksandra “Sasha” Kuvshynova, 24, were killed in Ukraine on Monday when the vehicle they and Fox News correspondent Benjamin Hall were traveling in came under fire in Horenka, a town northwest of of Kyiv.

Shelling of bread line in Ukrainian city of Chernihiv kills at least 10 people, by Putin’s ARMY rooting for Russia, according to witness accounts:

…Back to local programming already in progress:

Host Tucker Carlson: “Before we go, earlier in the show I noted I was rooting for Russia in the contest between Russia and Ukraine. Of course, I’m joking. I’m only rooting for America —mocking the obsession many on the left have. Ha!”

Always a Putin Hoe!

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