Wednesday, January 5, 2022

MILITIA Constitutionality

Sad, that of all the Patriotic Americans that exercised the right to be heard at the voting booth during the daring 2020 election, how little we all know about the Founding Fathers steadfast in not “fasting” to allow us a future that relied on the U.S. Constitution! And our understanding of the latter as a roadmap, well it is easy for wrong turns down dead-end streets of desire with no retreat! Our very own “Home Grown” bible, misunderstood as far as many years as it has emancipated civility because it was so well suited to the American way of life in that pursuit to happiness, no need to fret. For so many years, we could have and did so rely on the resilience of the Constitution’s inherent merits for a long, long time it was self-serving and for the most part for the deserving it meant easy street, as we could just ignore the wherewithal of that guiding light. Said again, it was self-serving and it worked so well all good things sometimes come to an end. We are not there yet but Hear Ye, Hear Ye that shot across the bow we must listen up. The times have changed, so that self-serving element requires a re-confirmation, thus we must hastily sift through the various opinions everyone can be an expert and try to find an understanding what it all means. What was the intent of the Founders? From yesterday going forward for tomorrow, destiny’s child is being abandoned if we ignore this most precious of times. Yes no doubt about it, Democracy is being tested, that is good in the respect we will find a higher respect for its sincere generosity when it is all said and done. So now is the time for a genuine consensus that brings us all together again all things considered upon this disturbed State-of-the-State, that which is affecting our affairs as if we had been cast a spell, how do we dig out of the mess? But with that guiding light also on in its years, designed when things were a little different, well said then we must tread lightly in how we decipher wherein it will take US based on the current state-of-affairs, sickened by a Divide. Yes, how we make heads & tails what it means for the sake and not wake of DEMOCRACY, this is the test of time. The world is watching, but do not let the gloom gang spoil the fun! And I am talking both sides of the isle and the same with those disguised as joe-joe manikins the in between, so this misunderstanding is a bipartisan effort. Herein is me stand on where we stand divided. To start with, the January 6th “Attack” on the U.S. Capitol is front and center of attention this nation’s wherewithal in “Independence”. But “We the People” are missing the boat, forget about a desire by some to scoundrel the vote, on what that so-called “Insurgency” actually means with respect to Democracy and due respect owed to the Founding Fathers, in how does that event fit into the Constitution? Of course the Founders were in realization this could happen, but it did not occur on their watch but ours - so it is ours to contend with a little help from that friend! So does that bible from the Fathers’ give us a roadmap on how to approach that day? First and foremost, one thing that the entire mass media is ignoring is the fact that on that very day now cast in concrete, recorded as evidence, Donald John Trump actually called to duty his “Militia”. Interesting that during the unearthing of a Robert E. Lee erection came the uncovering of a “Time Capsule”, that eluded to a “coup” instigated to take down the merits of the Founding Fathers. Like what has happened under Trump’s watch was under the watchful eye in consideration of another time element. Back to the “Militia”, as the sitting U.S. President under the umbrella as the Commander-in-Chief, Trump owned that call and thus owns the fallout, that his plan of “Attack” for any and all reasons was a total failure. We hear all about Trump’s failures as the 45th U.S. President, accomplishing nothing except stacking the Hogg Court with ass-wipe butt-fuck’n wannabe Scalias and making sure the tax codes are polluted so that his wealth-seeking buddy-fuckers can enjoy the same tax wipe-outs as the Trump Dysentery Dynasty, basically paying “nothing”. But to be clear, ever since Washington to Jefferson to Lincoln to Carter to Biden, Oval Office mistakes are common-place as these individuals that are sworn in under “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”, they are human! We all make mistakes the nature of the beast as evolution is still finding its way, homeward bound is still out-of-bounds. And with that, what is new in the sights of the history makers, is the fact that today we have a U.S. President as Commander-in-Chief that called to duty his “Militia” and “lost” a battle! If the intent was to change the course of history by denying “We the People” our rights, had it succeeded, then it was a “coup”. It was a DUD. But with the calling upon of his “Militia”, which like able bodied patriots should without question come to the aid of their country, was there a desire to inflict harm against individuals that also salute the U.S. Constitution, because the Commander was in realization true to heart in Patriotism “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” there existed a valid reason for mobilizing his “Militia”? And Trump, as does every other sitting U.S. President of yesterday to today to tomorrow, as Commander-in-Chief has that power, if the obligation warrants such even without conferring with the brass in control of the other “Military” options. Now, did Donald John Trump hold a valid reason, a reasonable expectation with a patriotic intent, with respect to engaging a challenge to his successor Joe Biden to the point it required that “Militia”? The latter is the most important element in discussion in my book of patriotic wisdom, as once upon a time it was that “Militia” that proved our “Independence” worth the “fight”. But what we are not seeing is any semblance of the merits of that “Militia” included as a “major” piece of the January 6th puzzle, which puzzles this American. Matter in fact, it is but for so far a “moot” point, which lends me to believe the self-serving righteousness inherent in the Founding Fathers design of the U.S. Constitution, it may have polluted our patriotic reasoning at ease, as the “Militia” is paramount what occurred on that day which will be in celebration that one-year anniversary a few hours away. Like are we afraid to incorporate what is already incorporated in that Constitution? That the “Militia” is as Red, White with Blue as any “individual patriotism” above and beyond any pledge of allegiance by a single salute. My roots evolved as a New England Patriot, so I know what I am talking about. My dad, it was Patriotism then Country before God then time for fish & chips - hold the vinegar! So, discounting that this “Militia” has not become part of the puzzle, that missing link is paramount how we must approach that day of January 6th in understanding. So, when a “Militia” is involved, there are secrets in the U.S. Constitution…OK, not secrets but things that have never tried our understanding of what the Founding Fathers gave us back some 235-years gone bye by now. Now one of those well-kept secrets, when a “Militia” or a land ARMY or sea NAVY is called to duty, then that is wherein the “exceptions” to the 5th Amendment finds a way of life we have never before had to challenge, not for a long time when neighborhood Militia’s helped rule this land in Democracy and helped quash the Confederate movement. And the exception is two-fold for a Militia. Gone away is any grand-jury summoned for capital crime indictments and punishment against a “Militia” member, like for “Treason”, which means the Federal Courts find no jurisdiction any litigation upon criminal or civil disobedience activity, when the “Militia” is involved. And the self-incrimination clause that we as citizens enjoy, that is no longer a valid defense for members of that “Militia”. And because this “Militia” is not of the land ARMY nor of the sea NAVY, there is no court-martial jurisdiction through a military tribunal to try such offences against the United States by the rank and file. Now then with the Citizen Kane court and the Colonel Jessup court-martials finding no involvement to try individuals for committing a crime while “In Country On Duty”, does it mean any and all jurisprudence is a moot point? No, quite the contrary. As it remains a tribunal jurisdiction, wherein only the Congress finds involvement. Yes, throw away the DOJ keys, bring to justice Donald John Trump before a sitting judge, in this case it would be House Speaker Nancy Pelosi yielding the gavel. Now, now don’t piss in your pants and spoil the Jim Jordan jock-strap already soiled by Marjorie Soylent Greene, as this provides Mr. Trump a stage to claim his innocence his reason for calling out that “Militia” on January 6th, as maybe he can challenge this Pelosi tribunal with a valid excuse - we must give in and give him that benefit of doubt to be heard by a jury of peers that being the U.S. Congress. And this is nothing close to an “Impeachment” hearing that Adam Schiff proved was a foolhardy endeavor, as the sitting U.S. President yields unfettered power, so can get away with “Murder Most Foul”, just ask JFK! Things are different in a tribunal, as the setting insists on the possibility of a simple guilty verdict of a crime against the United States. Impeachment is like a bad school report card, so you don’t show your parents and just forge their signature. OK, maybe better said as a bad hair day! So that is wherein we are at, as the Founders kept it simple in this respect, when in reality their nation could be confronted by a “coup” attempt without merit. So Donald John Trump should be “subpoenaed” by the House, to answer for his actions and or inactions on January 6th. The fact that the DOJ is hesitant any involvement, well Garland understand what the Constitution can do, without his help. Now once Donald John Trump is legally served that “subpoena”, any ignoring the validity would be met by the Sergeant-at-Arms with “Arrest” authority, often times referred to as “Attachment”. And after the shoot-out with the Secret Service trying to protect a “person of interest” Mr. Trump would then be placed in “confinement”. And that is wherein he would remain, until such time he was placed under oath and willingly without protest or preferential x-presidential preferences of privileges, sorry enjoy the stay in cell Block#9 you are in jail and will remain until the questions are answered to the satisfaction of the judge. Yes, it is that simple. And Trump would be held in confinement until he pleased the court, in this case the Congressional tribunal that is under control of the Democrats. Then what? This tribunal could then set a punishment, which would maybe amount to a few months of “Home Confinement” and Mr. Trump would go away to Mar-a-Lago and waste the day away playing golf and committed to a weekly check-in with his truant officer. This is what should have already taken place. And the best thing! The U.S. Supreme Court has already set-precedence when “Congressional Attachment” places an individual behind bars, that there exists no “writ of habeas corpus” to contend with that normally could be used to argue for an individual’s freedom “confined” without due process exhausted. It means the Founders had it all figured out, yet we have already demonstrated a willingness to breach the spirit and merits of the U.S. Constitution, by haphazardly avoiding the merit of a “Militia” involvement on January 6th and that movement’s affiliation with a sitting U.S. President and that can only make claims for a “mistrial”, and that is about all “We the People” will ever receive from that January 6th “Attack”, as the way the House of Congress through its “Select Committee” investigating that January 6th “Attack” and violating the Founding Fathers Constitution, it is sad maybe criminal in itself. OK, resignations are being accepted! Well guess what it all means, because we are so naive with the U.S. Constitution and its “inherent power” provided to Congress, well the tides have turned on the culprit and Donald John Trump is now the victim in any “mistrial”. So, maybe it is time to place blame on the House of Nancy Pelosi, for paying too much attention to manicuring her IMAGE then that of the Founding Fathers’ legend, that being the “Once Almighty” U.S. Constitution and how that bible realized the “Militia”.

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