Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Jan6 Committee "Bookends" Sale

Dear BENNIE G. THOMPSON “Chairman” and LIZ CHENEY “Vice Chair on the “Select Committee Investigating the January 6th “Attack” on the United States Capitol”;

"We the People" demand RESPECT in an update, a simple “spreadsheet like” scorecard should be published by this "Committee" on a regular basis on its "Official Government Web-site" naming those individuals-of-interest that have been served a valid "Congressional Subpoena" and/or a "Friendly Invite”(compelled voluntarily) and in description whether or not such individuals subpoenaed or invited were a NO SHOW, are still a NO SHOW, or if an excuse to ignore a subpoena has been entered of record by such individuals, maybe a need to reschedule due conflict of appointments, 5th Amendment claim or other, or if the individual has been referred to the DOJ, all considerations should also be noted in such a scorecard. It has become very confusing this issue of those served and it appears this “Committee” is not devoting enough time and energy and dropping the ball, as the updates on the “Committee’s” official web-site are not in synch with what the “Committee” members advertise on TV with Bennie Thompson in appearance there and Liz Cheney sounding off over there and Adam Schiff somewhere else then Zoe Lofgren there and Jamie Raskin now there and Pete speaking out through other social media platforms - not only nerve racking it is mind boggling to get a grip on what is happening. Question, why is there “gag” on Luria and Murphy? Never you mind, more important things at issue here and I realize your time is valuable, from the Taxpayers’ dime perspective. But “Transparency” should bring accurate updates to this “Committee’s” web-site, I as an American Taxpayer should not have to spend my retirement time in front of a TV surfing for this information. So far the “Committee’s” web-site in “transparency” and or up-to-date acknowledgments, it lacks luster and if it is any indication wherein this “investigation” is going, I fear it will execute merely a waste of time on the Taxpayers’ dime. And another bothersome subject matter of interest, “We the People” do not want this “Committee” to waste precious time and resources on “prime-timing” hearings, STOP any intentions on turning this “investigation” into a ring-side circus, the “theatrics” are not wanted and can only spell disaster who we are as Americans under a Democracy. I am willing to bet that if you succeed in this “prime time” extravaganza, besides a rabid waste of the U.S. Taxpayers wealth, that on the opposite channels will be broadcast “Live” a WWV “Fake Wrestling” show that will garnish more interest from the viewing public then your very own circus romance. Just take the evidence gathered and generate a “report”, as surely there appears to be enough already confiscated that can justify a speedy trial, said again, please quash any interest in stage time. For those like myself in interest what this “Committee” is finding out what we don’t know already that Donald John Trump is guilty, well “We the People” can read! We are not IDIOTS or Freak’n MORONS, we don’t deserve the stage show we don’t need the theatrics. Just come clean with the goods in a “report”, that should be the priority, nothing else matters and time is of the essence. And the members will find plenty of after-life time to hawk their “book” ends.

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