Thursday, January 6, 2022

Jan6 & Aunt Bethany's Dead Cat


1/6/22, 4:09 PM Tip Line | Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol


Chairman Thompson is interested in any information regarding the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol. We respect your need to remain confidential and will use your contact information only to follow up with you regarding your submission.

First Name: Stugots
Last Name: Scoregge nella mia testa
Phone Number: 202-456-1111


On this One-Year Anniversary of the “Attack” on the U.S. Capitol - Dear BENNIE G. THOMPSON “Chairman” and LIZ CHENEY “Vice Chair”, along with, ZOE LOFGREN, ELAINE LURIA, ADAM SCHIFF, PETE AGUILAR, STEPHANIE MURPHY, JAMIE RASKIN, ADAM KINZINGER as “Rank & Feeble-Minded Members” on the “Select Committee Investigating the January 6th “Attack” on the United States Capitol”;

So here “We the People” are, lamenting the 1-year anniversary of that January 6th “coup” and was that not one hell of a Patriotic speech by the 46th President of the United States, way to go Joe! It made me stand and salute with “Pride”, that we have such a Commander-in-Chief at the helm to get US through the tough times ahead, as the perpetrator of that “Attack” still enjoys sunshine bathed with freedom. And from my magic bus, it appears even more so the latter sentiment since this “Committee” convened and today with its “best practices”, proves to US that a “Congressional Subpoena” ignored can be “trumped” into a Select Committee “Pardon”. To bad we did not get anything of encouragement from this “Select Committee” to mark this anniversary, except a book tour by member Raskin. Someone is always finding a way to make a quick $buck$! So Jamie, more credit to you! So here is my TIP for this day. Since we heard “nothing” from Merrick Garland on the “Committee’s” December 14th referral, the “Contempt Referral” against Mark Meadows, could that be a sign of weakness with that request some 23-days old by now? I believe so, which means all those “tools” that member Pete mentioned on the boob yesterday, best open up that bag of tricks hope the instruction book is included, as the laughter upon this “Committee’s” merits to date from the “peanut gallery” is nauseating “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”. OK, to re-iterate it appears this “Committee’s” serving of a “Subpoena” can now be ignored and then we see a shift by the members, acting even nicer with those “Friendly Invites”, which is basically a “Pardon”. To begin with as I have mentioned in previous “TIPS” to help this “Committee” see the light of a better ways and means to conduct its business, as book ends are like that gift from Aunt Bethany, if you cannot get tough then you will continue to let US down, but maybe this “Committee” does not want to get tough. Instead, steadfast to be nice, play fair, don’t bully, we learned it all in kindergarten and in a few weeks according to Adam Schiff, live broadcasts of Mister Thompson’s Neighborhood in “prime time” and “who is the bully in your neighborhood, in your neighborhood”. For real, Ted Lieu’s “Congressional Inherent Contempt Resolution” is still hung up in Pelosi’s “House Rules Committee” that is chaired by Jim McGovern a democrat(H.Res.1029 now H.Res.406)? For real, stalled for 557-days, over a year and a half in a House that is controlled by the democrats? That is what “Attacks” Democracy more then a single event by a gang of morons that was easily squashed, as that Lieu sponsored “resolution” was and is still one powerful tool that should have been already included in this “Committee’s” bag of tricks - had it been timely passed during the 116th Congress and a Sad Sack crying shame that it is still stuck in limbo with the 117th in session. It should have been made available before this “Committee” set foot on this “subpoena” venture, that which has been a total flop. Hey, where’s Jordan? And because Raskin is a member of that “House Rules Committee” as well a member in good standing this “Select Committee” and we may find that Lieu’s “resolution” will most likely go over the edge to nowhere once again, don’t go crying to this Nation’s Top Attorney, because you are fools and the cart is way before the horse. So pretty please, I believe it is time for this “Committee” to get that warm cookies and cold milk then take a much needed nap! But that aside, one thing is for sure, you seem to understand what the “remember to flush” is all about!


1/6/22, 4:09 PM Tip Line - Thank You | Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol


Dear Constituent,

Thank you for contacting the Select Committee and sharing information regarding the January 6th attack on the United States Capitol.

The Select Committee has received your submission and is prepared to follow up on the information you provided as appropriate.

Sincerely Bennie G. Thompson Chairman


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