Friday, January 7, 2022

Nancy's Jan6 Circle Jerk

“I pledge allegiance to the Commander-in-Chief’s MILITIA of the United State of My America, and to the proletariat, this one soldier under God, indestructible, ‘Tis Democracy never to fall”. So as Joe Biden stands his ground to encourage the wherewithal the “now” State-of-the-Union, once upon a time not too long ago in ransack mode during the State-of-the-Eunuch’s reign of terror, “I’m In With Joe”! As I am in total agreement with the Chief that “Democracy” withstood the January 6th Pussy Parade that came to the aid of a Fuck’n Moron. Just yesterday, that Biden speech by a True Patriot cut Donald John Trump’s “throat”, may Old Yellow Matter Custard Flattop now drown in his own blood-bath. And while morning Joe was going on in celebration one year the anniversary wherein “We the People” stood our ground against Trump’s premature ejaculation cum runneth down the thigh of a 2-bit whore, the climax on his pushover pussy posse of imbeciles that couldn’t shit straight so soiled the Halls of Congress, well Mitch McConnell had other plans. It gives the meaning of “Patriotism” a Putin smile! But when one is guilty, best stay away from the “scene of the crime” attraction, so his cohorts in confetti abandoned their posts and instead went on a joy ride to be present when the unearthing of the Robert E. Lee “Time Capsule” commences, as in celebration of that one-year attack on Democracy. And according to Chyna Doll scriptures, when it is opened it requires a circle jerkoff so that the Confederate seed of destruction can conceive lucifers illegitimate child, another Buffalo Bill as the silence is of the lambs. IMAGINE, getting paid by the U.S. Taxpayers to jerk off! Having an orgasm on a dead stool, I guess necrophilia is a qualifier for the Goons of Pauline(GOP). So it is Patriotic to hear ol’ Joe sound off a warning shot across the bow of…for real Lindsey Graham was asked by Trump to get a face lift and now he is a tonified EUNUCH! For real, this dueling banjoes “Man of Deliverance” was the first GOP to comment negatively on Joe’s “Patriotic” speech in remembrance of that January 6th, as there seems to be lead again in Joe’s pencil whip. But we must all realize that there is still a “coup” in progress. And all this BS about the House of Nanny Nancy LousyLollaPelosi instigating an “investigation” into what happened on that day, with this Beenie Thompson “Select Committee”, if this is “who ya gonna call” then we must still be prepared as this “Committee” isn’t even close to anything in seriousness! It looks good, it sounds good, but get real is my sentiment. So as Beenie states with confidence that the “Committee” is piecing together the speculation to tell US a Mister Roger’s Neighborhood “story”, well I have been doing the same in this subject matter of piecing things together from the other side “don’t fence me in”, upon what this “committee” is up to. Case in point, 365-days gone bye by now and not a single Trump January 6th henchman indicted, why so? Well, even though Democracy survived that ordeal by a bunch of “cowards” in Marjorie Soylent Greene panties, what has failed US is the U.S. Congress by not doing anything about that pussy parade. “Pussy” protects “Pussy” is the bipartisan message, so good thing we have Joe Biden that is well versed in seeing through this 117th Congress and its nonsense. Joe doesn’t need that “Congress”, but we rely on it, so it is Sad Sack “sadistic” what is truly going on and it has nothing to do with Donald Trump. See, if House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Jamie Raskin were serious to prove something, then what does 557-days mean in limbo? As “Democracy” has been under “Inherent Attack” for that amount of time under Pelosi’s watchtower, so we saw it coming that Trump cheeseburger episode. But that 557, that is how long Ted Lieu’s “Congressional Inherent Contempt Resolution” has been held in real limbo, by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi! It started off with the 116th “House”, introduced as H.Res.1029 in June of 2020 wherein it found (25) cosponsors interested in this legislation that would considerably broaden the power yielded by Congress in efforts to issue “Congressional Subpoenas”. It meant additional power to compel individuals-of-interest in any ongoing “committee” investigation and was an all-important “bill” that would basically broaden the merits of a case known as “McGrain v. Daugherty” and already re-affirmed by the Supreme Court. In the “High Court's” 1927 decision in that case and thus is today a precedence-set “law of this land”, it addressed the merits and authority for the Sergeant-at-Arms to arrest individuals that defy a valid “Congressional Subpoena” being served. And the Supreme Court also argued that in such cases, wherein an individual that was served to compel testimony for “legislative affairs purposes”, that those that defied such and were thus “attached” behind bars, they could not exercise any “writ of habeas corpus”. It meant answer the questions, else stay behind bars. And after reaffirmed in merit by the “High Court” without challenges along the way, after almost a 100-years, it is like concrete! Yet over time, we find things that need a tweaking, what Ted Lieu was probing with respect to how Congress should handle its present day “Subpoena” power. But Ted’s first shot at enhancing the merits of “McGrain”, it fell off the cliff before the 116th could finish its business. To that attempt in Ted’s “resolution”, be it acknowledged that Jamie Raskin and Zoe Lofgren - both members of the “Select Committee” investigating the January 6th “Attack” on the U.S. Capitol and today faced with unprecedented “stonewalling” by Trump’s minions those that have been subpoenaed - they were official cosponsors of H.Res.1029. Then again in May of 2021, with the 116th gone forever and the 117th gaveled into session by Nancy Pelosi, Ted re-introduced the same action this time under H.Res.406, now finding only 16-cosponsors at the same time the “House” was convening the “Select Committee” to investigate Donald Trump’s efforts to overthrow the 2020 election results, which culminated in that “Attack” on the U.S. Capitol. So those individuals being considered for that “Select Committee”, they were in understanding that to get to the bottom of that “insurgency” attempt, that “subpoena” power would be an essential tool for compelling testimony. So anything that would augment that power to compel, it should have been welcomed by all that would find involvement in any forthcoming investigation. For some reason suspicious, Zoe Lofgren was not onboard that “resolution” this time around, Raskin was still listed as a cosponsor. When Ted re-introduced the same “resolution”, it was immediately sent to the “House Rules Committee” again, likewise when under H.Res.1029, a committee chaired by Representative Jim McGovern, a democrat as this “committee” was in the Nancy Pelosi majority the democrat party goers. That “committee” also found Jamie Raskin as a “member” in good standing now with two-hats, as he was also selected as a member of the “Select Committee”, so here was an individual that would become front and center of attention the “subpoena” power yielded by Pelosi’s “House” with the present investigation on Donald Trump. Two other cosponsors of Ted’s reintroduced “Inherent Contempt” resolution H.Res.406 were also members of the “House Rules Committee”, namely Neguse and DeSaulnier, both democrats. So Ted’s “resolution” found an overwhelming support by the democrats in the majority - basically on Easy Street! The “House Rules” can take up any “simple rule” changes, which H.Res.406 was considered and requires a “simple majority vote” to change the existing rules. Which meant for this "House Rules Committee" under Nancy Pelosi’s gavel the democrats in the majority with the 117th Congress, 8 Democrats and 4 Republicans, and Democrat McGovern as the “Chairman” his own vote, it means a 9 to 5er and with 3-democrats already on board as cosponsors, this “Inherent Contempt” enhancement was a shoe-in. At least that is what one would expect, especially during such trying times wherein the “Select Committee” investigating that January 6th “Attack” would be confronted by every stalling tactic in the book by any and all of Trump’s minions served a valid “Congressional Subpoena”. But today, as “We the People” celebrate the fact that the “Panty Parade” orchestrated by Donald John Trump was a total flop yet is under scrutiny in investigation by the “Select Committee”, well the Ted Lieu “resolution” has gone nowhere, and today we have a major debacle over this “Congressional Subpoena”, to the point that the “Select Committee” now proposes instead a “Friendly Fire Invite” to individuals-of-interest that were in Trump’s domain, and that is merely a “Pardon”! So there is something overly suspicious as to why this Ted Lieu “resolution” has been silenced, as it would have also secured the solid ground-work to allow for members of Congress to be “subpoenaed” by friendly-foe colleagues, for valid “legislative purposes only”, which scares the Dickens out of many members of Congress, including the democrats. The House of Nancy is afraid to pass Ted’s resolution! So instead, let Trump’s minions go free! That “resolution” would have by now, had it been timely passed through the Jim McGovern “House Rules Committee”, wherein Raskin is a voting member, by now it would have proved its worthwhileness and showed “We the People” a strategy “becoming of a representative body” that would not have been bogged down by the merits of this “subpoena” power of Congress now "meritless". Now though, it means interference by the DOJ, maybe the Supreme Court further on down the Pelosi pike, just because “someone” wanted that Ted Lieu “action” shot down!  Had Ted's "resolution" been passed as it rightfully should have been by now, there would be no need to involve the DOJ for HELP! And the Supreme Court is already of record what it believes is the power of Congress with resepct to a "subponea". And that finds but for a single reason why there has been no movement with Ted's "resolution", it is called “GUILTY”! Yes, sitting members of the 117th Congress are AFRAID, that Ted's "resolution" may be used against them, both Democrats and Republicans placing there own self-worth-interests before Country! So this reckoning by that “Select Committee” serenading an investigation into the January 6th “Attack” on the U.S. Capitol, it all looks so genuine from the outside, that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is committed to the merits of such, but there is not a single ounce of “patriotism” as when the tools needed to be weaponized to protect “Miss Liberty” are foolhardily “silenced”, this is Democracy’s worst nightmare, now in the hands of the demon democrats that control all the punchlines!

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