Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Jan6 Committee Pardons

Well la-de-frickin-doo-warp-da as it appears that the House of Nancy Nanny LousyLollaPelosi’s “Select Committee” investigating the January 6th “Attack” on the U.S. Capitol, well it appears a change of heart. See, since this “Committee” was convened to investigate Donald John Trump and his cohorts in shame and that “pussy parade” that ransacked the Halls of Congress and shit all over the walls of Liberty, this Taxpayer funded “Committee” has failed miserably at the very foundation of collecting testimony as evidence through the serving of a “Congressional Subpoena”. Matter of fact, not just an ordinary motion-to-compel but an “extraordinary” serving guided by the gavel power that the U.S. Congress yields, to compel a person-of-interest, to depose witnesses. But due the fact this “Committee” has repeatably found that this “Subpoena” has been met with obstacles meaning a challenge after challenge, well if you can’t beat them Trump hoodlums then may as well join them in that shenanigans enough joyriding adventures for the entire Jed Clampett family! So now the “Committee” instead offers a “Friendly Fire Invite” to those that would deny and defy a valid “Congressional Subpoena”, in efforts that maybe a person-of-interest will feel…well it is merely a “Pardon”, as there is no punishment for sending the “Committee’s” open invite a middle finger in response. Dear Committee Chair Beenie Thompson, here is my answer to your invite, read between the lines my pointed objections! Yes, a Congressional “Pardon” for the Mark Meadows and Clarks and Eastmans and Flynns and Stones and at last count 18-individuals-of-interest that stood around Mr. Trump on January 6th and lit farts and ate ham-sandwiches, well they are still bathing in jubilance that they can castrate the “law of this land”. And guess what, that means that Donald John Trump did not have to secrete, OK ejaculate an executive privilege “Pardon” to those that surrounded this Freak’n Moron on the days leading up to that “insurrection” nor such a follow-thru “I Guarantee” the days following, when Trump found out he lost the battle of “Little Limp Dick” as the “Militia Penis-Men” he called to duty were trained at “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” and didn’t even have the “Attention” stamina to join the Girl Scouts. So way to GO Nanny Nancy, and I beg your “Pardon”, as I thought you were a Patriot and the only difference today between Trump’s “Turncoats” and this “Committee” is that “n” in that coat-of-arms, just replace it with a “d” and look in the mirror…better yet “take a whiff on me”! Oh, and in the category of a “Pardon”, appears that representative Jamie Raskin was also given a “Get Out of Jail Free Card”, so he could publish a “book” about the same damn thing he is investigating? Is there not a “law of this land” consistent with “evidence tampering” and or abuse of process, conflict of interest mean anything anymore? Oh, I get it! That makes sense with all the ignored subpoena pardons and as this “Committee” continues to demonstrate, will leave no TURD unturned! I think Henry Murray called that a craprophilia addiction - when scat and animal sex(necrophilia) and beatiality becomes one in the same addiction attraction!

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