Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Jan6 Select Committee

Dear BENNIE G. THOMPSON “Chairman” and LIZ CHENEY “Vice Chair”, along with, ZOE LOFGREN, ELAINE LURIA, ADAM SCHIFF, PETE AGUILAR, STEPHANIE MURPHY, JAMIE RASKIN, ADAM KINZINGER as “Rank & Feeble-Minded Members” on the “Select Committee Investigating the January 6th “Attack” on the United States Capitol”;

This is an addition to my TIP of 1/2/2022(9:08 delivered, 9:10 acknowledged receipt by Mr. Thompson) addressed then only to Chairman Thompson now edited to address “All Members” as follows below: (Note - Additions were necessary as the day after Bennie Thompson and Liz Cheney ransacked the airwaves with “updates”, by now the magic of speculation through the news’ media adds an element of surprise to what was broadcast on Sunday by this “Committee’s” mouthpiece, so the message can lose patience with the “Truth”)

Here it is, only 3-days away in celebration for some in Donald John Trump’s “orbit” that January 6th 2021 “Attack” upon Miss Liberty peacefully conceiving Democracy - or vice-versa! Now even though that “coup fools gras” was unsuccessful and merely misfits on a rant with rage in extravaganza the efforts to destroy “U.S. Government Property” to which they most likely paid for themselves trough “Taxation”, it reminded me of fake wrestling! That is who they are, Mr. Trump’s fan base as was Tillerson’s Freak’n Moron a fan of Vince McMahon, so why not engage in more “fake” upon the “Ultimate Takedown”, the U.S. Capitol! Crazed body slamming that looks good but is genuine “fake”, as if it were in design as the “Real McCoy” it would have been already “outlawed”. So this parade of imbeciles that stormed the “Capitol” on January 6th, it was poor planning by a show of “cowards” that couldn’t think straight. That said, what we did not expect would be the same sentiment with this “Select Committee”. What I mean, the sheer fact that only under the auspices of that “coward” lapel pin would this “Committee” have nothing to “show & tell” those of US on the Patriot’s side, in defense of our Founding Fathers’ DEMOCRACY, something for our side for goodness sake that tells US this “investigation” is worthwhile. Words of encouragement are meaningless, “We the People Proletariats” want ACTION! We deserve ACTION! If indeed Bennie and Liz have “significant testimony” and “firsthand testimony”, then do something NOW, as if it is true and reliable evidence wherein under oath those that gave such “testimony” would not then be silenced like a lamb, then why are you allowing this maniac to get away with it and at last count enjoy almost a year reveling in that “Attack” in its aftermath? So far, Donald Trump remains the winner for what occurred on January 6th. And mind-boggling enough, for real Bennie and Liz emphasize that the jury is still out-of-touch any criminal referrals moving forward and finding Trump’s action merely a dereliction of duty? Dear Donald, your punishment “no cookies or warm milk” before your nap. So now what, he is out of office which means only another nothing. No wonder Trump is laughing out loud, as that means no accountability and he skates away another day as an “untouchable”. By the way Mr. Chairman & Mrs. Chairwoman, what’s the update on the Mark Meadows referral to the DOJ? By the way some more Mr. Chairman and Mrs. Chairwoman, what’s up with Jim Jordan refusing your “friendly fire invite” to spill the beans on his mistress? This “Committee” is NOT doing justice the way the Founders would have already taken care of business. So will 2022 be like 1861 all over again? And we end up in another Battle of the Appomattox Court House wherein the “confederate bastards” will once again find it convenient to play out their fantasies of “ol’ yell’w belly” and we give in with sympathy? And even though just yesterday at break-of-dawn Chairman Thompson wasted time and energy to advertise this “nothing” along with his sidekick Cheney same old storyline “don’t need a weatherman to tell which way the wind blows”, well right after that appearance we did get to hear the “good stuff” from Honorable Representative Ted Lieu and Honorable Representative Madeline Dean. Yes, these “Patriots” “trumped” the “Committee’s” Sunday morning sermon about this so far “investigation” and what appears to be turning into a “Father forgive them for they know not what they were doing” in penance, as we did not hear from the “Committee’s” mouthpiece anything except a bunch of chaotic foolhardy nonsense!  Dear Beenie and Liz, you are not taking this “investigation” seriously enough, and I have reason to believe that is per design, as “You Can’t Handle the Truth”! So it is good when the likes of a Ted Lieu and a Madeline Dean step out-of-line to warn us what is still going on and what is at stake. Sad, as Ted and Madeline are not members of Bennie’s farce force and thus do not receive the aftermath attention deserving, so we end up with more of the same day-in day-out nonsense which is scary. And not that I fear another “coup” attempt by the Trump idiots, the sheer fact the House of Congress under Nancy Pelosi is drowning in patheticness what to do about this January 6th “promance” between Donald Trump and his comrade rug rats. Basically speaking, this “Committee” is a “FARCE” as it is not providing anything constructive to date that instills any seriousness along with a solution in merit forthcoming, as BIG TALK with NO ACTION doesn’t cut it for Democracy and it appears in the end all “We the People” will get is a “comic book” in relief disguised as an expensive waste-of-time report after several weeks of “Family Matters” hearings wherein Urkel will keep us entertained during commercial breaks! Why Ted and Madeline are not engaged as members of this “Committee” stinks! And let us not forget, Ted Lieu sponsored H.Res.1029 before the 116th Congress under Nancy Pelosi having the majority gavel. That “bill” which would have enhanced the merits of such an investigation being performed today by Bennie’s House, well that performance went MIA. Mr. Thompson, big question in seriousness your commitment this investigation will turnover every stone, how come you were not an advocate as a cosponsor of Ted’s backing of “Congressional Inherent Contempt”? And back then, that “bill” was endorsed by Raskin and Zoe, the only “Committee” members committed to having the tools to get things done right if and when such an investigation was warranted - say through the sitting President staging a “coup”. And Dean was also on-board as a cosponsor, so when she shows up with a voice over this “Committee”, I listen up! Now wait there is more! And then Ted did bring this “Inherent Contempt” up again under H.Res.406 when the 117th came to be, and it was right before the House decided on this “Select Committee” would commence and thus start its investigation into January 6th, so Ted’s “Resolution” found even more worth the second merry-go-round. And this time around Dean was still a cosponsor of Ted’s “resolution” as was Raskin, but no one else on the “Committee” with the guts to stand up for a “bill” that would protect DEMOCRACY under “Attack”. This was such an important treatise, it is a shame in Representation as it was a simple bill to get through the House. Dear Bennie once again, why are you still not an advocate of that “Resolution”? Dear Zoe, why did you support that bill once-upon-a-time then renege any support when you most likely understood that Pelosi would pick you for the “Select Committee”? Was that “Selection” based on removing your support for Ted’s bill? As that “bill”, had it been in effect during this “Committee’s” investigation, there would have been by now a completely better understanding of what went on in accordance with Donald Trump’s focus during the “rat riots”, for sure it would warrant that no “public hearings” would be necessary cut to the chase as those involved would have respected that “resolution” or else face the consequences of enjoying Bubba’s cell-mate eggnog at Christmas!  As everything needed to address accountability would be of evidence. And without Ted’s resolution, we find that ignorance upon the integrity of a valid “Congressional Subpoena” is the way to go! A “Get Out of Jail Free” card. Zoe, no need to answer that “renege” thing as if I remember correctly, you have already cast your vote in broadcast that what went on that day was merely boys-will-be-boys in “mischief”. Bottom line, with the upcoming January 6th Anniversary and really nothing to show us, it is a pathetic show of the same kind of “cowardice” as Donald Trump’s January 6th “Turncoats” and what makes matters worse off, that “resolution” is stuck in the “House Rules Committee”, under that same Nancy Pelosi gavel of power and Raskin is a member of that “Committee”! Yes something stinks worse then Jim Jordan’s used jock-strap re-purposed by Marjorie Soylent Greene…I hope this “Committee” is getting the message why this Patriotic American is suspicious, as why in hell has this “Committee” not moved forward on Ted Lieu’s “resolution” that would have already proved its worth with what this “Committee” has been stonewalled with by Donald John Trump, the single individual responsible for that mess almost an entire year ago. I can think but for a single reason, this “Committee” is a farce, it was slapped together in haste by Pelosi’s “cowards” without any intent to get to the bottom of that insurrection, it is all for show! So I am glad to see that Ted and Madeline made a show on the news media after Bennie and Liz burped with excuses that seems to be indicating a turn for the worse, a “Nothingburger Special”. Please extend a sincere thanks to Ted and Madeline, for telling us the truth! If this “Committee” means business, then it should instruct Raskin to demand that McGovern gavel in the “House Rules” ASAP and get H.Res.406 passed, and if Nancy Pelosi is delaying this “must have” legislation NOW as the “law of this land”, then we will know what side she is really on. Please DO YOUR JOB! Get 406 moving and if Adam Schiff is really afraid to “arrest” individuals under the authority vested in this Congress through the existing, without the Ted Lieu enhancements, “Inherent Contempt” as precedence-set standing order law, then he should be removed from this “Committee” as it appears there is internal strife within the rank and file of this “Committee” that which is allowing Donald John Trump to continue his “Attack” and in defeat is this “Select Committee’s” wherewithal. Show US some GUTS! And if indeed this “Committee” has all this “significant testimony” and “firsthand testimony” in the fact that the White House and Istinka told Mr. President to do something, then how come this “Committee” is just sitting around and doing the same damn thing? Are the cheeseburgers that good? If you have the evidence, then STOP wasting time and show us something constructive in addressing accountability and responsibility else in July when comes the 1st Anniversary of the creation of this “Select Committee”, getting away with the same damn “do something” attitude on pause. This is NOT what “True” Representation through the Founding Fathers’ “Democracy” is all about, you are a mutiny onto yourselves in disguise upon what should actually be occurring to face off another Trump like “Attack”. Sorry I feel this way, but the facts point my sentiment in that very direction, that this “Select Committee” has its limits, perpetrated by House Speaker Nany Pelosi more concerned about her very own IMAGE and what the history books will tell future generations, and IMAGE is the biggest insecurity to an individual’s self-worth when it comes to “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”. If this “Select Committee” does still not acknowledge the power that the Ted Lieu “Congressional Inherent Contempt Resolution” will provide as much needed enhancements upon what power the Congress already yields on that subject matter, including the “attachment” of individuals that defy or ignore a “subpoena”, then the message has been lost in space. But I have reason to believe this “Select Committee” indeed knows what that “resolution” would provide, but with only a single member an advocate of that legislation and with another senior member against the “attachment” power of existing “law” when even though the Supreme Court is on the side of Congress with respect to having the Sergeant-at-Arms arresting those that deny the Congress in its power to “subpoena” individuals for legislative purposes, with such a small committee it appears the members are not on the same page. And that is not due stupidity, but do something that shatters the livelihood of Miss Liberty. My TIP, STOP what you are doing and get Ted Lieu’s resolution in effect, then maybe you can prove me wrong how I see in potential that “bill” and I am not afraid to offer up an apology for my sensitivity in disregard what this “Select Committee” has done, so take that as a challenge by the Patriotic American! Forgot one thing before closing. This Beenie Thompson BS that the “Committee” is looking into the rules and regulations if indeed the “Committee” has the power to subpoena members of Congress, it’s not a good ol’ boys club. To even think in this fashion, like I have already eluded upon the main reason Donald Trump is still a free man and has not been called to answer for his disgrace, the fact he lives outside the domain of law-abiding citizens. And this Beenie BS, it amounts to the same foundation that lets Trump get away with “murder most foul”, that members of Congress can also enjoy crimes without time? So let’s do the due process hocus-pocus math scorecard. Congress already enjoys “Inherent Contempt”, which amongst other things without interference from the Federal courts allows for “attachment” - aka “House Arrest” without any permission from the Senate - for various reasons and because that January 6th “Attack” was orchestrated by Donald Trump calling to duty his ”Militia”, low and behold we find a hold on the exercise of that “self-incrimination” defense! By law, through the U.S. Constitution, since there are 5th Amendment “exceptions” with respect to the “Militia”, the tribunal to try all crimes consistent with that of the “Militia” falls solely in the Congress, no DOJ required. And it may mean that the 5th is not an available lullaby! And guess what, the U.S. Supreme Court is in harmony with Congress on the exercise of its power under “Inherent Contempt”. And the icing on the cake in the 7th inning stretch, take me out to the ball game buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks…Ted Lieu’s resolution would only enhance what is already available as we have not had to use the law of the land for trespass for 50-years, so some things have changed and so Ted saw a need to modify the existing laws in efforts to strengthen what Congress had at its disposal to calm a “coup”. So something is not adding up, with what has gone on and what is still going on and if this is what this “Select Committee” is up against, their own IMAGE as the gambling chip, then my words of advice from Melvin Udall, “shampoo my crotch”! And for real, now a “Friendly Fire Invite” to Sean Hannity? It is like this “Select Committee” is giving all the Trump executive rug rats, well a “Pardon”!

NOTE: This is a “TIP” and delivered to the “Select Committee’s” TIP line as it appears to be the only means to provide timely advice and advise on a concern of interest and I would not waste a stamp.

No Exercise of “Confidentiality” is requested with this “TIP” Respectfully Submitted by the “Lousy Hat Solidarity Party” under the Freedom of Obligation and under the guidance of Marshall v. Gordon and not intended to “prevent or obstruct the discharge of this Committee’s legislative duty.” In no way shape or form should this “Correspondence of Concern” impede the House’s ability to legislate, it is just entered as a “TIP”.

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