Tuesday, January 25, 2022

10%s Club - A Privilege

Amazing, 10% of the Democratic delegation representing Californians in the House of Representatives of the 117th Dolittle U.S. Congress suffers from “Emotional Distress”, an injury sustained through the January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack” on the U.S. Capitol. And in that capacity of acting “in their personal capacity”, well sue-sue-sue which they have and in that “Prayer for Relief”, asking for a jury to award an unspecified amount in “$punitive damages$”, to be determined under the court rules for “compensatory awards”. In this case the bailiff is Donald John Trump. Now we all have a life, so that is why this lawsuit, that which was started by Bennie Thompson of Mississippi, it states the benefactors of any jury award are acting in that “personal capacity” which may be true - if so how come they are all using their U.S. Capitol “Representative” office address for the filing and answering of this “civil” complaint matter what does it matter - scene of the crime I guess. See, that places their primary place-of-work in the “Danger Zone”, as a claim for “ED” can only survive those involved in a close-proximity relationship to the “crime” scene. Which means those of us that suffered the same degree of “pain & suffering” from remote while watching Trump’s “Militia” attack the “House” of “We the People”, fat chance of any relief. Now more power to them members of Congress in a position to receive $millions$ in extra-benefit relief funds, as that type of “Prayer for Relief” requested to be determined by a  jury-of-peers, especially in the District of Columbia, a jury award for Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress can find $millions$ in that verdict. Like in “So help me God, one more Prudhoe Bay”, an age old saying after the money dried up in Alaska, after the pipeline construction ended so did big fat paychecks. Now I have no disrespect those that are suffering from “Emotional Distress” some in severity to use the courts for redress the harm sustained, but would not it be a nice gesture if in that court filing that these members of Congress - that already get paid a handsome wage and a handsome retirement - to arrange for any $punitive damage$ award in the form of money be placed in a piggy bank for all of us to enjoy - a rainy day fund? Is not that the True Meaning of “Representation”. Or take that extra $cash$ to feed the homeless one last “Real Deal” meal? I mean think of it, suing Donald Trump and his Dysentery Dynasty and using the proceeds to feed hungry mouths. But here is my take on what is really going on here. If this lawsuit finds no merit, is dismissed due a frivolous undertaking by individuals that knew of this harm but placed themselves in harm’s way regardless of the all-around sound warning signs, as it was premeditated and planned well in advance but the Congressional leaders did nothing to abate the possibility Trump could and would pull it off, yet the “Emotional Distress” lingers on, what says then that in that “personal capacity” that Uncle Sam will be asked to pay-up for that “Harm”? A Cha-ching sing along thing. But can California survive with 10% of its representation under the influence of “Emotional Distress” some categorized as “severe”?

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