Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Shot across the…bow-wow

OK, the Brett Kavanaugh “Open Door” Policy is now the “law of this land” sea to shining sea, ahchoo! Wow, win one for the Stiffer! And even after the Supreme Court Jesters ruled against Donald Jong Trump in the majority “poo-poo” no such “Executive Privilege” can be exerted to confiscate pictures of nudies found in the Oval Office shithouse under Trump’s watch…whatever. For real, nude pictures of his daughter? OK, let me get serious for once and be one ahead of Donald Jong in that category of honesty as the only seriousness the Moron ever found in life was a divide by 3 margin of error. Look he over-inflated his townhouse by a factor of 3 for value so Ivanka could buy more jewelry, but at the same time under-valued the same damn shithouse by that same factor for “Taxation” purposes, and ended up with a rebate courtesy of Uncle Sam. So, what factor does he use to evaluate his pennis? +3 or -3? Just asking for a friend named Ghislaine. Scratching, what is with the “ghis”? I am supposed to be serious, so the “Supremes” ruled in favor of “Transparency” a blow for Trump. But even so, one would think that with all the Congressional “subpoenas” issued by the Beenie Bop Thompson “Select Committee”, well this ruling would no longer allow many already served to compel a continuing out in excuse, now throwing out the claim of Trump’s “Executive Privilege” he told us to fib. Today, it is no longer a claim to use that Trump pardon me “fuck you and that subpoena”! But here it is in reality, as one would think that the No Shows would be lined up at the Capitol bright and early the morning after the verdict awaiting to be “tied to the whipping post”, for thinking they could get away with this “we live above the law”. But there exists the same number of No Shows today, no one that executed that Trump cover thought that Supreme Jester verdict was gospel, still nowhere to be found. Still in defiance, those that disregarded a valid subpoena, based on what they thought was “Inherent Executive Privilege” in confidentiality and in the merits of the legal system still in defiance, why so? What happened to the concept of “law abiding”? Because Brett Kavanaugh issued an “opine” that chastised the lower court’s decision, like a shot across the bow, and wowed us that he did not concur with how the lower courts ruled against Trump, that the decision in appeal was too damn broad and was not necessary in the context of jurisprudence, so Brett placed the lower courts on notice - that Big Daddy was watching. And in the same “opine”, we learn that Jester Clarence Thomas likes “chastity belts”. And with that, Brett so informed Trump’s evil doers, those that have so far defied that motion to compel through a valid subpoena under oath, that the High Court’s ruling did not set precedence, which means…flubber dubber! Here it is, what Baby Brett cried out about when his nanny Robert’s told him to write the “opine” before a diaper change:

Statement of JUSTICE KAVANAUGH respecting denial of “Privilege”.

The Court of Appeals suggested that a former President may not successfully invoke the Presidential communica­tions privilege for communications that occurred during his Presidency, at least if the current President does not sup­port the privilege claim. As this Court’s order today makes clear, those portions of the Court of Appeals’ opinion were DICTA and should not be considered binding precedent going forward.

Moreover, I respectfully disagree with the Court of Ap­peals on that point. A former President must be able to successfully invoke the Presidential communications privi­lege for communications that occurred during his Presi­dency, even if the current President does not support the privilege claim. Concluding otherwise would eviscerate the executive privilege for Presidential communications.

By protecting the confidentiality of those internal communications, the Presidential communications privi­lege facilitates candid advice and deliberations, and it leads to more informed and better Presidential decision making. If Presidents and their advisers thought that the privilege’s protections would terminate at the end of the Presidency and that their privileged communications could be disclosed when the President left office (or were subject to the absolute control of a subsequent President who could be a political opponent of a former President)[see accompanying Note of Disqualification this Dissent], the conse­quences for the Presidency would be severe. Without suffi­cient assurances of continuing confidentiality, Presidents and their advisers would be chilled from engaging in the full and frank deliberations upon which effective discharge of the President’s duties depends.

To be clear, to say that a former President can invoke the privilege for Presidential communications that occurred during his Presidency does not mean that the privilege is absolute or cannot be overcome.

The Court of Appeals concluded that the privilege claim at issue here would not succeed even under the Nixon and Senate Select Committee tests. Therefore, as this Court’s order today makes clear, the Court of Appeals’ broader statements questioning whether a former President may successfully invoke the Presidential communications privi­lege if the current President does not support the claim were DICTA and should not be considered binding precedent going forward.

Twice, Baby Brett shit is his already soiled diaper, with the ruling by the lower courts in appeal against Trump, that which set into motion involvement and interference by the Big Daddy Court - that it did not set precedence nor was it binding, which means the next merry-go-round could find the Big Daddy doing an about face. Especially if another similar case makes its way to the Interference Court. And now that the lower courts are on notice this cajoling “loop-hole”, well all those defecating dissidents of a Congressional “subpoena” that should have pissed in their pants with this High Court ruling against Trump’s pennis erection privilege, they are laughing just as before, because this is who we are today as a nation - a bunch of babies in soiled diapers because…there’s jerking off going on in the shithouse!

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