Friday, October 15, 2021

Bennie Thompson - YOU LIED!

Dear Bennie;

So in a press release yesterday bearing your name and approval, it is stated that your “Select Committee” on the January 6th Insurgency”R”Us will use every tool at its disposal to get the information it seeks, and witnesses who try to stonewall the Select Committee will not succeed.

You trying to entertain US with “laughter is the best medicine”? Look, DEMOCRACY under your watch is under attack, that is for the history books to remember and do you want your name associated with that attack? It’s failure? That statement of yours Beanie is an Udder Nonsense Lie, so yes you are the recipient of the Joe Wilson “YOU LIED” award for October 14th, 2021. Matter of fact, with the seriousness of this “You Lied”, it is time to consider your retreat, with stepping down stepping wolf away from this “Select Committee” as its Chairperson as there is no longer any honor, a lie will do that. Like in all good things come to an end, when even promulgated by a “little white lie” talk about play’n chicken with your committee, the results more in line to chicken little. Let Pelosi find a better candidate that give’s a rat’s ass about DEMOCRACY and the rule of law. And that “stonewalling”, well it started already about the same day your committee issued those subpoenas to Steve Bannon, Mark Meadows, the Scumvino and his Cross-eyed Pissant. Sticks and stones will break my bones “We the People” have no more patience being nice or politically correct - it’s WAR upon US by this GOP Insurgency”R”Us! You had the opportunity in that “today” to use the “Inherent Contempt” power you have “at your disposal”, as a tool already set as precedence OK’d for approval by the authority vested in the United States Supreme Court. You balked on its use, something that could have held Steven Bannon in “Contempt” on this very same day you allowed him to remain free, to show that the Democratic House in the “Majority” enabling the “Select Committee on the January 6th Attack” with the wherewithal to get down to business with this Insurgency”R”Us. And because you balked and Bannon knows he will remain free forever, he is out and about laughing up a storm and more then ever inciting that Insurgency”R”Us faction. May I ask, are you a turncoat in disguise and really a Trump underling fromunder minion? I mean when you had such a tool, a valuable consideration, to balk on its use makes me wonder who you are representing or if you are really committed upon this “mission”?

So Steve Bannon was a NO-SHOW at a Congressional hearing wherein he was legally subpoenaed to make a show, as this is the ways and means by which “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” succeeds, else we have lawlessness from sea to shining sea. And I know that Constitutional scholars like Ted Lieu and Jamie Raskin, both well respected in the law journals, they have been outspoken about this “Inherent Contempt” and its proper use, against Trump’s minions those that defy such a subpoena. So what happened? Most of US “We the People Patriots” following your committee, we feared there would come a last minute balk, we were right. To NOT use that “Inherent Contempt”, it is a crying out loud shame.

Now your infatuation with your lame response, that which was designed to “hoodwink” the “We the People” that support Democracy and in line with “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you can not fool all the people all of the time.”, well it is a lame excuse for a strategy that has failure written all over it already. A day after this verbal diarrhea was hot off the press, the counsel outside of your domain and not afraid to speak out, in droves it appears they are beating the drum of that warning track, that this approach you seen to cherish as a “good approach” will take years to resolve in the courts and if push comes to shove come next year’s turncoat turnaround and the House and Senate go back to that GOP Insurgency”R”Us, when the dust clears so will all your efforts in vain disappear. Chalk up another win for your retirement time and a loss for the American Taxpayers! And on the subject of Congressional accountability, on this issue TIME is of the essence to arrest this Insurgency”R”Us movement, and your action is giving that destroyer of “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” in Democracy breathing room, to finish the destruction. You are blowing it, so I question your spirit, I question your Patriotism, why are you behaving in such an ignorant manner, besides the “YOU LIED”. It appears to be your ways and means to sidetrack the important issue at hand, it is called “punting” as when you waste the Taxpayers resources to send another attempt to chastise the Fork’n Moron down the same rabbit hole, we are familiar with the outcome and it is just more pain and suffering we must endure. Why are you doing this? I may be wrong in my pre-mature assessment the outcome and how you are handling this “mission”, if so I stand corrected but so far your actions are despicable. But no doubt, 24-hours after your “press release”, Bannon is still a free man, he should be in jail! Bite the bullet, take ahold of the situation…what I am saying is “grow some balls”! But here is what we get in disrespect from your Chair:

“After the Select Committee has adopted a contempt report, it is referred to the House for a vote and, upon its adoption, the Speaker certifies the report to the United States Attorney for the District of Columbia. Under 2 U.S.C. § 194, following such certification it is the “duty” of the United States Attorney to “bring the matter before the grand jury for its action.”

Talk about a bureaucratic “black-eye”. Well Mr. Beanie, in my book you have failed to pass the mustard. See, there is an “upchuck in a 2nd Civil War”, that’s what the Fork’n Moron wants, chaos and, and…you know exactly what I am talking about don’t be stupid. But it appears the latter is a quality you cherish, as it was stupidity a year ago, today the same sentiment in stupidity and the way you are orchestrating the future of DEMOCRACY, it finds stupidity rampant. So I can no longer wait for your Mutt & Jeff in Sad Sack reasoning to do something that protects my family with respect to “Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness”. So I am arming myself against the next GOP Insurgency”R”Us. NO not armed with bullets, but my preference is with another form of relief. It is called WASP spray.

And one final journey before I get prepared to defend myself against that Insurgency”R”Us that you seem to enjoy. For weeks Steve Bannon was out and about yakety-yak-yanking up a storm that he would not honor that subpoena you issued. So he willfully admitted he had received it. No denying that fact. But the genuine fact of this matter that your “Select Committee” is out of synch with Trump’s reality, your committee knew Bannon would be a NO SHOW, no doubt about it the chances were 100 to 1, and you should have been prepared already with what you needed to proceed to hold Bannon in “Contempt”. Had you instead run a pressor on the day Bannon was supposed to appear, a press briefing wherein you informed the American public that the gears of justice were engaged and the Sergeant-at-Arms with cuffs was looking for this No Show Bannon, that would have sent a clear-cut signal that your committee means business. Your balk, well the fact that you now tell us that next Tuesday you’ll convene the “Select Committee” for a vote to move forward with “Contempt” charges, just what the fuck are you trying to prove to this Patriotic America that can see right through your political blasphemy? Don’t try to pull the wool over this guy, as that is just more of the same insane in Trumpism. Whose side are you on? OK, maybe this Simple Simon rendition of your action(s) or inaction will make sense. Once upon a time Catholic Church priests thought it was their privilege, to assault and rape young altar boys before church service and telling the kids that God would protect them, so don’t tell the parents about this Rectory rectum assault. Then when the Pope was made aware of this being a widespread problem, instead of fixing it, punt” by telling the practitioners “Trust Us” and that boys will be boys. That is about what you and the Committee has so far proved, that rape is nothing to become alarmed about.

And just think, had you thought this out and utilized the “Inherent Contempt”, all of this posturing with the “unknowns”, all the wasted time going forward in appeals, it would have been eliminated. As by now, had the Sergeant-at-Arms performed his duty after you gave the green light to Pelosi to arrest Bannon, he would right now be enjoying that “habeas corpus” right, and getting ready to plead his case to a judge. What the outcome of a speedy-trial would have produced is also an “unknown”. But to plead your case in innocence after going public about your affiliation with that Insurgency”R”Us, Bannon would be breaking bread with Ted Kaczynski, behind bars! Case closed. But you chose for an unspeedy-trial, Bannon is still a free-man and he thanks you for “punting”!

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