Thursday, October 14, 2021

9-1-1 Call - Gang Rape

Crisis call to 9-1-1 Dispatch - Thursday 10/14/2021:

Dispatch: 911 dispatch is this an emergency?
Hello, hello, I need help I am being gang raped.
Dispatch: Your name?
Caller: Miss Liberty
Dispatch: Do you recognize your assaulter, assailant?
Yes, his name is Steve Bannon…and there are 3 other men accompanying him, a guy named Mark a real cross-eyed goon named Kashyap and a guy they call Scumvino.
Dispatch: We have located your location, please hold.
Caller: Hurry, they-re chasing me up a dark alleyway and will rape me some more!
Dispatch: Miss Liberty, calm down I am getting the desk Sargent…hello, this is desk Sargent Adam Schiff and I understand you are being raped by a Steve Bannon, and others so it sounds like a “gang rape”. But I am too busy hawking my new book to help you and I have a slot on the Rachel Maddcow show in a few minutes, that is a priority. Let me see if I can find someone that gives a rat’s ass as I would hate to loose my slot on Rachel as that could win me a “Best Sellers” standing. Miss Liberty, if you read when not being raped, may I suggest my book, it’s called “Congress Has No Balls”.
: Please hurry, this is serious crimes being committed. I am being violated against my own free will and care not about your book. Get me a real cop!
Dispatch: Miss Liberty, this is the shift Captain Bennie Thompson. Do not try to apprehend, we are busy tonight so we will send a black & white unit by…let’s see in a few days, by next Tuesday night we should be able to assist you. In the meantime may I suggest you just sit back calmy, maybe read a good book.
Caller: But I told you last week that he had threatened to rape me, you knew that and you mean to tell me now I must wait, after being raped and this rapist remains on the loose on the streets of America? And he has a fan club that wants to violate me. Even for a few days, he and his goons will continue to rape Miss Liberty until they are arrested, next Tuesday is too long a wait, what should I do? This is not American justice! I demand…
: {Clic[hanhup]}
Caller: Hello, hello(crying distraught) why did you hang up on me, this is Miss Liberty and I am being bent over and gang raped!

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