Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Nancy Pelosi's Pansies

and the day of wreckoning!                

“There’s something happening here what it is ain’t exactly…it is all so CLEAR! There’s a lady with a gavel over there, telling me ‘tis Democracy beware. All in favor of DEMOCRACY say “hey what the hell happened on Nancy Pelosi’s watch?” Look, no doubt “We the People Patriots” are in another “civil war” wherein the Founding Fathers’ steadfast in representing “all the people all of the time” has come under attack, by a chaotic lunacy. I am a Yankee, so you know wherein I stand when it comes to protecting “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” in that Democracy. I would take a bullet train to defend Miss Liberty. And in retrospect what is fueling the “feud”, I place this Donald Dung-un Trump 4-year itch and Mitch “Vagina Blue Tick” McConnell in the same status operandi, leaders behind their wives’ Confederate bowel movement. Dripping from a dead dog’s eye? Yes the GOP is that “yellow matter custard” and “you’ve been a naughty girl you let your knickers down” dear Nancy. Or Speakereasy is about to show us…forget it but I will get to that dilemma later in this broadcast. Now history in repeat of itself is often tested by a resurgence from the ghost of Christians past in failures, like this Robert E. Lee flew the coup of January 6th - it was a complete and udder failure all Confederate wannabe warriors now enabled worriers report back to the barracks for your next teat task - latrine duty! But the head fromunder cheese behind this insurgency, they keep on keeping on like there are no rules or regulations to follow and this bothers me, it bothers the wherewithal of “My Country ‘Tis of Thee in Liberty”. Yes bothersome in the fact that we have not the willpower to arrest this blight not of any might. We have at our disposal the resources to once and for all challenge then circumcise the MAGA Moron efforts to disrupt tranquility along with that movement’s pursuit to place “My life, My liberty and My happiness” on a “cry uncle” scrotum choke hold. And this maniac movement, this lunacy is using the COvid crisis as a ways and means to weaken this DEMOCRACY in a double jeopardy fashion. We shall overcome, but in the meantime we suffer the consequences, that which is promulgated by an inept 117th United States Congress. Is there a reason that a Pelosi House and a Schumer Senate and a Biden President that which round-robin embraces the democratic side of the isle, why is it in appearances that the GOP Insurgency”R”Us is still calling the shots? It is all because this nation has been hoodwinked by those with wealth those that believe the laws were written for the rest of us, so their everyday affairs in life rely on breaking the law of this land. When so-called Americans, by virtue of birth or residency we were supposed to learn it all in kindergarten, some still find reason to believe they can snob-snub their noses to a valid legal subpoena - we are in dire straits the courts have been challenged by a Lucifer. That seems to be a preferential treatment for the wealthy and powerful, refuse then deny and when push comes to shove use all that daddy’s loot to hire lawyers that are well versed in cheating the system of merits in law abiding. But there is room enough to share the blame, as when Congress yields the power to abort such behaviors yet balks to demonstrate a “solid grounds” willingness to “take back better” instead of this bull-crap of “build back better” when there is no $money$ to rebuild…background: Nancy Pelosi is the Speaker of the House, on the power slate 3rd in line to take over as Commander-in-Chief. During the 2nd session of the 116th Congress in 2020, with a House controlled by Nancy, some dedicated representatives considered Constitutional scholars, they realized that the wealthy and powerful were getting away with “murder”, by ignoring Congressional discretion subpoenas that would have proven them guilty of something. Yes, ignoring the “law” you and I must live by or else. So House Resolution 1029 was introduced to make it harder for the elite to middle-finger fuck snub their noses at the lawman, which would have held no problem getting a passing grade in “Ale” if called to a floor vote with a House in control still honoring “Democracy”. But instead of taking a vote that would have reassured and refurbished the age-old so little used “Congressional Inherent Contempt Clause” and thus allowing Nancy to fine the bastards for ignoring a Congressional subpoena, Miss Big ‘uns Gavel balked! Yes indeed, easy street legislation that could then fine the bastards $100000 for such upper crust law breaking and get the point across that Congress means business, as money is everything. It appears that Pelosi instructed the representatives to instead file their motion with the “House Rules Committee”. Like in a lost cause limbo, that legislation in RESOLUTION - Amending the Rules of the House of Representatives with respect to the enforcement of committee subpoenas to executive branch officials, and for other purposes. This resolution may be cited as the “Congressional Inherent Contempt Resolution”, it never made it to the “trial calendar” as there were more pressing issues to contend with, like representative pay increases. So that legislation expired, as did the 2nd session of the 116th. It meant that “Resolution” with meaning was, well sent to the “Trash” and it thus allowed the “law breakers” more time to play games with the “mission”. The “mission” that “all men are not created equal it has nothing no longer to do with the color of one’s skin but what’s in your wallet.” Now during the 1st session of the 117th Congress, never say good bye, that same legislation was once again entertained by the same sponsors plus an additional handful of hardball freeloaders that saw merit in what their colleagues were proposing, way to go if not successful the first time, try and try again. But like before it was sent to the “House Rules” and where we are today? Subpoenas galore sent to high roller crooks, and the only response from the Insurgency”R”Us lawyers is a laughing out loud crying shame, as our Congress has no guts! Why no movement again upon some serious legislation that could have and would have curtailed this subpoena nose picking affair, because “Pumps for Nursing Mothers” has taken over the “Ruler’s Gavel” and…what I am getting at, a Simple Simon demonstration that could have been enacted by a simple floor vote. A “Resolution” with merit and so needed under the present day circumstances, that which would have fined the bastards $100000 per session. It went by the wayside once maybe twice, sponsored by Democrats in a “House” controlled by the same, legislation under the “Inherent Contempt” that requires NOT a Senate in agreement. It is the ultimate power that can be yielded by the “House”, yet it is like wet toast…And the reason all the Nancy’s patsies and all the Nancy’s pansies couldn’t put Democracy back together again? May as well make a nursery rhyme out of what is going on with our inept - for real we pay them for being so incompetently impotent?

The bottom-line in the barrel of monkey-see monkey doodoo, the United States Congress has, for both the Senate and House “separated” and not acting as friends, at its disposal on its own accord already of Congressional record what is called “Inherent Contempt”. Basically speaking the “Speaker” has this “Chief Law Enforcer” force called the Sergeant-at-Arms as does Schumer, to “arrest” things and people that “obstruct” the workings of Congress. No Trial necessary! Break the law, pay the dues. And to make it even more inviting and forevermore convincing as a “chose your weapons”, this age-old “Inherent Contempt” law has been verified by the U.S. Supreme Court to be “valid” and justified, of record precedence set a ways and means to arrest the Insurgency”R”Us, to stop it dead in it tracks. So Simple Simon is this “tool” this weapon against the Treason without reason practiced by Trump’s minion minnow, as it requires no outside law enforcement interference, no nothing just a will to use it. And it even finds immunity away from the DOJ! Yes, Congress has its own “police force”! What it means, simple the fact the “House” nanny can send the Sargent-at-Arms with arms to arrest the Bannons and cross-eyed mother-forker Cashjaps. So if during this coming week, when Bannon and the rest of the Mark Meadow like thugs refuse to cooperate and dishonor that Congressional subpoena power, then super that night for these thugs should be at the same table as that wherein Ted Kaczynski shares bread - at the Annex! If these idiots of the Fork’n Moron, if these maggots of the GOP Insurgency”R”Us remain free for willful disregard and wanton disrespect for the laws you and are held too in our daily lives, if they remain free then “Democracy” is at the cross-roads and only a revolution will get US back on track. I can find but for a single reason that the Nanny may be afraid to use her power to “Arrest”, as detention then allows for “habeas Corpus” rights to be invoked. That is who we are as Americans, that right to be heard from behind bars. So what as that is a good thing, as if Pelosi were to instruct the Sergeant-at-Arms to arrest Bannon for “no cooperation obstruction” and arrest “Mark meadows for the same, then let a judge rule their "immediate detention" and more likely then not the courts would rule in favor of the Congress - because the Supreme Court said so!

So on Thursday, tomorrow, Bannon is supposed to show before the “House” for a subpoena deposition, so is that weird Al character that makes one dizzy and nauseated just looking at his eyes. And then on the following day, it is time for Mark Meadows and Dan Scumvino. So, if “No Shows” lock them up and charge them that $100000, at least they will be behind bars on Thanksgiving maybe Christmas too! Now that would be one heck of a present! But don’t hold your breath that Pelosi will use this tool, because she balked on amending the “of record” fine for that “Inherent Contempt” and has not the Patriotic wherewithal to act with courage, and IMAGINE had our Founding Fathers done the same?

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