Friday, April 10, 2020

Ma Bell Killing Trees

First and foremost, I am not one of those Al Bundy type conspiracy theory pushers that advocates the COVID was caused by the 5G network or any other man-made “Energizer Bunny” network connecting our wi-fi lives, as it is truly a “biological virus” no doubt about it. What I profess, is the fact not fiction and without friction that the 5G and other recognizable outside interference - like from “cell phone radiation” - it may have caused a “change” in our immune systems that allowed this biological Armageddon to sneak into our pursuit to happiness personality. And this COVID onslaught, it was “accelerated” through assistance in “viral replication” the reason the entire planet was so ill-prepared to deal with it, and that is not an inheritance quality of a “virus” by virtue the workings of nature else we would have been long ago gone away. So there was an “accomplice” this viral crime and for that “person of interest”, just look in the mirror, mirror on the wall who helped this Armageddon climb the wall? Look, for a “virus” to go “viral” and cause havoc during shedding mood to infect the masses, it must first enjoy an Adam & Eve beginning honeymoon. Then comes that time sonny boy you’re on your own, so time to grow-up with a “mission” to self-sustain with success a ways & means to exploit a vulnerability. Yes, reminiscent of Donald Trump’s upbringing. Now viruses come and go in a simple cause and effect relationship, for the most part out-of-sight and out-of-mind wherein you would have no idea you were targeted as a guinea pig in a Charlotte’s web cocoon of a wannabe “virus”. Our immune systems are designed to vacate any bastard virus, and usually does one fine job end of the line story. Old and new viruses are on constant patrol, trying to exploit nature - which includes an attack mounted upon the human species and animals, let us not forget the canine parvovirus - challenging us through a weakness and usually these “bugs” fizzle out without any noticeable fanfare. Said again, this particular “19-bugaboo” achieved notoriety through an accelerated takeover by “viral replication” on steroids. It would not surprise me that 100% of the world’s population has already been inflicted by this sinner to some degree, but how it affects each and every one of us varies - no symptoms to hallucinations to sniffles untill death do us part ways. Like the “accomplice” I have already mentioned has also invested in this crime spree scene in success. It takes two to tango, maybe two to tangle? But this COVID, it was very, very successful in exploiting the vulnerability aspect, almost like it was a “weaponized” calling and here we are today only 2-days away from Trump’s goal to throw a “Big Celebration” - when the case load in “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” alone reaches half-a-million strong and just in time for the cancellation of the White House “Easter Egg” hunt. Yes cancelled, as rumor has it Melania ran off to Mar-a-Lago after it was “scrubbed clean” another chapter in Make America Great Again. OK, let’s move on to the serious business at hand as no time for joking with such trying times ahead. But there exists enough data - world wide - that provides enough exploitable data that which proves the medical establishment’s “predictive model” posse in expertise needs to go back to elementary school. This is NOT a joke! I have been paying attention to the fallout of this COVIDCOVFEFE Armageddon “stressor” in respect to what is happening in China, the United States, New Zealand, Russia and the Dharavi “Mumbai” slums in India. There is a recognizable scenario in pattern premature but noteworthy, that the “cause & effect” may be following the ¼-wave decay phenomenon so well-known and respected in the science behind process control engineering, well understood specifically for that of “in control” status. And when “in control” reigns, upsets are soon smoothed out in a natural rhythmic response manner, to minimize the “stressor” impact, else it can resonate out-of-control towards self-destruction. But like I pointed out, the pattern is still premature but there may be signs of a lessor-degree COVID resurgence now that “she’ll be coming down the mountain when she comes - when she comes”, that which will find a “breather” followed by a natural rise in case load and thus peak out at ¼ of the first bombardment then followed by another “coming down the mountain” time-out and then another cycle climaxing at ¼ the previous and with each and every successive duration less and less and finally - we may never see this bastard COVID again. The short-term effects might be more devastating, but in the long run better off for society moving forward. Can’t have your cake and eat it too, the beast is angry. But there came an exploit, that “stressor” in vulnerability that allowed this “bastard virus” to succeed. And the culprit that gets my vote of confidence, cell phone radiation “can you hear me now” as a self-generated “stressor” our very own signature of approval. A study in 2015 upon the “non-thermal” side effects of intermittent bombardment of “cellular radiation”, well it sure seems to indicate that this attack was attracted by the way in which the Ma Bell radiation’s “non-thermal” element subjects the human blood’s “biological terrain” to “change”. Another “cause & effect” side effect of one too many “cell phones” and the latter’s “addiction” that may have allowed the “cell vulnerability”, an exploit chance of a lifetime. Look, it is about the only “common-denominator” that rests assurance why “Outbreak” had such a “fast & furious” uprising. Something weakened our wherewithal to combat outside interference, with respect to a “biological virus”. Like we had jumped backwards in time prehistoric man like and re-learning how to combat such attacks from the outside. Remember, there was once upon a time no “cell phone radiation”, so was that the tipping point - the “accomplice”? That same exploratory study on the “stressor effect” of interest my theory on the “rapid and accelerated viral replication gone wild” this COVID in the category of neighborly contagious the wink of an eye  - in question “Does the blood as observed under a darkfield microscope change after human subjects are exposed to a smart phone for a short time period?” From cell phone radiation bombardment, it even provides some insight as to why the younger generation may have endured a lessor like effect in infection rates and severity with this COVID monster, as in this “limited study” that striking assessment was also witnessed - that the younger generation may find an immunity by disallowing this “change” on a much limited basis those in senior. By virtue the bombardment upon the human skeleton by “cell phone radiation” is memorized in the  blood cells by the younger species, still in “flux” but the differential in change is not as severe as this “memory” acts to maintain some semblance of stability in diminishing unnecessary back and forth in “change” - the latter not good for our health. See, we could start off by saying that after a good night’s sleep no “pinging” allowed that the “state of the blood bath” starts off its daily routine normal and healthy, then with connectivity it starts to change in shape to accommodate the “radiation” and thus appears somewhat “unhealthy” and thus may signal a “vulnerability” to be exploited. Then at the end of the day in unwind mode, it tries to perform to get back to normal when in “Airplane Mode”. And it is during such transformations, that is the open window opportunity for the COVID to initiate itself into our immune systems. Once in, here we are today in a “pandemic”. We live in a “micro-wave canopy” and at night, due less of an interest to stay connected and no activity “can you text me now”, the change our blood was subjected to during the day responds back to normalcy, that vulnerability window is open again. Bottomline, the constant “in the line of fire” with our fascination to be linked up 24/7, ever wonder why there is that very seldom used “Airplane Mode”? So let’s hope that our blood “ODO” DNA is understanding this “pingmorphology”, that which is causing people to die as I doubt that if this “cell phone radiation” was called out as the cause for concern, as the case study points out such changes do indeed occur to our blood terrain, IMAGINE anybody in authority calling for “Airplane Mode” as the new modus operandi!

And here is more fuel for the fire there may be a “common-denominator” consistent with this “cell phone radiation 5G”, as an accomplice this COVID, a fallout canopy that seems not to be able to protect us, like an umbrella should on a stormy rainy day. A teenager from the Yanomami tribe in the Brazilian Amazon, diagnosed with the COVID! These are “rain forest” people, out of touch modern day civilization. So my theory is all wet, as that piece of haven is exempt from the wi-fi madness…until 2015 when along came TribesDirect. A project that set up solar-powered satellite wi-fi networks in the Amazon “rain forest” villages the tribes can use as a “fundamental weapon for new Yanomami generations to defend their land, culture and way of life.” Global coverage and now a global “pandemic” and what other reasoning is there that makes sense, there ain’t one!

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