Friday, April 10, 2020

Alleluia, Hailelijah to the Thief!

Wow, victory at last the 80-day pandemic has been defecated - meant defeated but I’s so excited and the “def” either way finds meaning this victory! Yes “victory” as when in America “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” as the “Greatest Economy Ever President” found failure this “Make America Great Again” and then “Genghis Khan and his brother Don couldn't keep on keeping on ooh-wee, ride me high tomorrow's the day that my TPs a-gonna come, ooh-wee, are we gonna crap...” Alleluia, Hallelijah’s Cumming the store shelves are filled with TP, rejoice “Donald’s Big Bang Easter Celebration” and he said it would happen by Good Friday. Toilet Paper at last that lasts as we are once again a 2-ply Nation time to ban the stinkfinger from month’s on 1-ply supply and demand. Now maybe Don can get down to business in combating the other “pandemic” the MelaniaCovfefeavirus. For real, the “tracking” seems to point to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as the origin, from a wayward tennis ball drooled upon by the First lady in heat and picked up by a traveler visiting the White House. But I am in disagreement with the CDC on the 1st American COVID death, as it happened on January 14th, a month and a half earlier then documented an American visiting the Philippines that died from “pneumonia like complications”, it might have been the COVID in cover-up. So I am glad that the President’s “Toilet Paper Shortage Task Force” chaired by Mike Pence and Debby Does Fauci found a supply chain, and now a different priority. Hear Ye, Hear Ye what’s that chatter, the next priority over the “virus” is to finish the First Lady’s WH “Tennis Courts”? Win one and loose one! But when the First Lady’s “motto” is “I Really Don’t Give a Crap DO U”…you get the point!

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