Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Fucking Moron Dotard Trump

Subject: Sleep Deprived Patriot

Dear Fucking Moron Dotard John Trump;

There are many “True Patriots” working around the clock 24/7 then some during this COVID “pandemic” to save “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”, the once “Great Nation” while under your watch tower was allowed to lower its standard in “being prepared”, when here comes the “Big One”. Yes "sleep deprived", in efforts at helping our fellow men, women and children under siege. You have not been very much help, and as far as a moral support figure…I bet you get all the sleep you need, and still having someone wipe your ass using 2-ply while the rest of the country struggles with 1-ply. And I would also bet that Melania also gets plenty of rest being so busy these days, especially when her only “First Lady” obligation during this “pandemic” is making sure her White House “Tennis Court” under construction is completed on schedule. Of “National Interest” this “sports complex”? So exempt as “essential” under any “Shelter-in-Place” like “Restraining Order” the majority bothers and sisters are under, “The Kid in the Plastic Bubble” we are in incarceration of quarantine today. All those medical professionals, lending a helping hand placing themselves in “harm’s way”. And with myself, also without sleep the past few nights - not because of the medical issues needing a helping hand, but exhausting myself reading through the U.S. Constitution. Now where in hell in this Founding Fathers’ document of “National Importance” does it state that you as President and Commander-in-Chief cannot protect Americans in harm’s way? Please state the Article or corresponding Amendment so your MAGA supporters understand what you are talking about. But how do you know, as we get it you bother not to read anything of importance, like a 12-page “report” by one of your self-appointed confidants, Peter Navarro wherein he tells you “point blank” to get off your ass there’s a “pandemic” storm heading our way. So it appears the only reading material of interest your Dotard Moron thinking cap, a golf course difficulty description and you probably have no problem thumbing through a “Playboy”, please don’t drool or get the fascination to stroke it off. But that does not surprise me your kindergarten reading habits, as you probably never read that Great Emancipator the U.S. Constitution and for sure you have no idea what that “Oath of Office” you swore to back on January 20th, 2017, what it really meant. Maybe it best you resign. OK, as I stand corrected as there is one thing you did read top to bottom and understood 100%, that “Vietnam War Draft Deferment”, wherein even though you never served, you went classified as Sergeant Bone Spur. ATTENTION, DOTARD MORON on the Deck!

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