Friday, April 10, 2020

Dear Donald, Dear Donald

Dear Donald, thank you for exhausting podium time today to state your position on how hard you have worked through life, and like you emphasized in the “hard on” category also working smart. See, you did work hard for once in your Richie Rich life, while pursuing that “Draft Deferment” to stay away from the Vietnam WAR. And that was probably a good choice, as from what we have seen so far, had you honored that draft or enlisted, you would have placed young American kids in harm’s way during Charlie Company’s engagement. I say that with credibility, because for the last 80-days you have showed US your cowardice, in placing American citizens in harm’s way as you figure out your sworn duty with respect your  U.S. Constitution Constipation.

Sincerely, Sir Stugots Scoregge nella mia testa

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