Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Dear Donald John Trump

Dear Donald, Commander-in-Chief and 45th President of these United States;

Wish you well on this Saint Patrick’s Day, 2020, but “I'm sorry to give you the very sad news” all is not well in KilKelley, U.S.A., “We the Patriots” are under attack, “We the People” are under duress, and I take this time to thank you for the entertainment during such trying times. I hope that entertainment is humor designed to ease our minds through this “hoax” pandemic. But all is NOT well, after waiting in line for 2-weeks 10-hours a day to get that Wuyen virus test, when I finally made it to the front of the line in a sigh-of-relief some RNC “Ronna” bitch was given preferential treatment to cheat the waiting line and cheat my seniority and then the medic informed me she got the last test cell - so I quit. Then I waited in another mile long line, for toilet paper and same old thing just sold the last 1-ply, and I was having one of them Fava bean relapses and shitting my shorts, you know with that “I told ya I ordered those Fava beans over there.  You got them things fuckin’ stinkin’ up the house now.” So I ask with politeness, what the “Stugots” is wrong in your head, as besides not getting that test and short on bum wipe, the damn grocery shelves are empty? Now being a survivalist living many years in Alaska, being prepared means don’t wait until the last minute, that Boy Scout motto in “Be Prepared”. And for the last week, I have been shopping for something so deserving my father taught me well in my youth and have enjoyed for 68-years. And for this very day, March 17th 2020, as it is Saint Patrick’s Day. Now even though your so-called pandemic “hoax” has fooled the parade grand marshal and the yearly “Erin go Bragh” salute to “give Ireland back to the Irish” has been cancelled sea to shining sea, well this land is my land this land ain’t your land, what-the-fuck as I was still planning to salute my heritage. So I got the beer, got the cabbage, got the potatoes and the soda bread…but the meat counters are empty and NO CORNED BEEF! So I blame you, not for being ill-prepared to test everyone for that “hoax” and so what my fingers stink of crap due re-using the TP, but when the “Irishman” cannot get the “beef” on this sacred day, my dad is turning in his grave as is Saint Pat.

So, maybe I should have addressed you as Eunuch-in-Chief better then Commander-in-Thief which also fits and any “Sir” is out of the question. Maybe because I heard one of your cronies say the White House canteen is serving up that feast for today’s celebration and the bathrooms there have 2-ply on overflow and for real, you said that all those fine men and women behind you your “Covfefeavirus Task Force” have all been tested? Now I would be there without invitation, but I cannot get tested and cannot travel due my age and your “hoax” has placed a damper on my freedoms…as you have failed miserably. As when this nation is so unprepared that “corned beef” is a luxury item for the wealthy, and preferential treatment shames the wherewithal of who we are as a Nation now divided, especially on this very special day - maybe it is time “We the People Patriots” ask you for that warranty! But that had a phrase called “Good Faith” obligation, and you have single handedly change it into “Bad Faith”, as that is all that counts in your peanut brain world. Where’s the beef? Probably by this time in the day you have already shit out your fair share and with 2-ply, wow way to go. And thanks for that $1000-bonus, as when the shelves finally start to see a relief, with “corned beef” and “toilet paper” no longer a scarcity, I am sure someone will get their money’s worth and it sure won’t be this guy as we can also thank you for "scalping". again alive and well. No wonder Woody Guthrie sang loud and clear about your father Fred, as like father like son the moron dysentery dyNASTY keeps fucking things up. Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! By the way, do Fucking Morons celebrate this day, and if so why embarrass my heritage?

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