Tuesday, March 17, 2020

St. Pat Miracle - Coronavirus Cure

WE NEED TO GO BACK TO NORMAL LIVING…as it was a few months ago before this CORONaVirus took over “Tranquility”. Yes, start today to get back to normal, free to come and go as we please regardless of the increasing cases documented - as something has gone terribly wrong how humankind reacts to financial violence. Matter of fact STOP all testing, continue on testing for a vaccine, but at the same time without delay RETURN TO NORMAL. Else we are doomed, as what happens if we do follow the snake oil recommendations and then when it is on “control”, what happens if another outbreak occurs? Same pattern of abuse as we are in overdrive with this panic! And this episode, as viruses will come and go out-with-the-old and in-with-the-new as the human DNA is susceptible to colds and sniffles, it is about to overwhelm the entire medical practice and that will have a logarithmic effect. It will bombard the health care system needed by all other hospitalization calls and something we should stay away from. This panic is NOT worth it! If you feel sick, just stay home! When I was a kid growing up on Clarner Street in Pawtucket of Rhode Island, there came many a flu seasons wherein the entire family just sat around the living room, chicken broth for breakfast, lunch and dinner - in between times that shared thermometer was checking for the fever. But life outside went on, even if that flu-bug at the KilKelley residence would eventually travel to Jack’s house and then on to Sid’s house, travel from family to family through the neighborhood - we did not let it get in the way of life! And even when under the weather as a kid, we still went outside to play hoops! This was all before the modern medicine scene with vaccines. We lived with it, we got over it and thus we prospered from a “Braveheart” reality. What has occurred today with this new age Wuyen, it was over-sensational panic and that is probably the worst transmittal side effect the contagiousy over a viable contingency, so we see more panic each and every day forthcoming and mankind has not adjusted to that “panic” situation. Look at the way this virus is being handled by the authorities, by the G-Men, the confidence level is a “Divide by Zero” ERROR! Now I am calling for life to return to normal, I am not a medical professional, and sure people will get infected and there may come dire consequences. But what are our choices, more panic waiting at least a year for a cure? Then more panic people trying to get to the head of the line for that shot more valuable then toilet paper? Look, we cannot even control ourselves with that toilet paper hoarding, so we have but for a single “mission”, call off the hounds and return to normal and get business back to normal. And I would wager, that in a few weeks’ time - take that back, we would return to normalcy immediately, because our minds would be set at ease, and that is all we need as a medicinal boost. It will at least eradicate the “headache” symptoms some of us are living with in observation how mankind reacts to a global “pandemic” phenomenon. My take, living in fear, is it somebody’s plan? Look, because of this panic, when the entire world is suffering with the unknowns, of course we are not all going to die. Our bodies are self-ordained the miracle of health, not for all, but a majority and that is what we must test, as it was our only saving grace back in the 50s. But what really scares me, with this “panic” and the markets cratering, well that is the sound of a “Ch-Ching” for many as the government “bailouts” are going to keep that charity alive and well, and maybe that is why Donald Trump finally declared it a “National Emergency” so his financial portfolio and that of all his Mar-a-Lago booster club members, smiling all the way to the bank as the U.S. Treasury is robbed. If anything needs to be on a “lock-down”, there it is, Uncle Sam’s piggy bank. Throwing panic around, by a cast of medical professionals with their heads up a dead-end ally because all that Harvard schooling still did very little to prepare them for this and manic depression panic on top of that by political aspirations, we have but a single course to follow. So, back to normalcy, erase what has occurred the past 2 or 3 months when this Wuyen escaped, and we will feel a whole lot better realizing that it was not or is not a “hoax”, but a realization we “panic” all too damn easy. So get out the blankets, and that old mercury thermometer, and please no hoarding of the chicken soup! The only way we are going to get out of this COVFEFEaPanicVirus, is getting back to what we were doing before this scare, and believe me, it will be like a miracle and a lessons’ learned how we react next-time around. That of course if we take a breather, take a time-out, and say NO MORE to this panic this “crisis” and get back to NORMAL. "I’m In" how about you? And if feeling under the weather, chicken soup with a blanket along with some KilKelley should suffice. And if that is not enough and since SNL has also been cancelled, that laughter is the best medicine just listen to the authorities deal with this Coronavirus turned Covfefeavirus, funny she wrote.

and...Happy Saint Pat's Day - cancelled for nothing but I have beer and at least for today not live in FEAR! WE NEED NORMAL and I'll drink to that!

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