Friday, March 20, 2020

Coronavirus Lockdown - Entertainment

Time for a good read recommendation. What else to do, when in that state of uncertainty with “Shelter at Home” or if in an unfortunate uncertainty with a “Quarantine at Home” jurisdiction, sit back and enjoy a good book. My son-in-law has been waiting 7-days for his test results, the family in limbo waiting for either the good pasture news or that out-to-pasture news, I guess that is the way we treat our veterans as more important to test basketball players, disingenuous priorities? Let’s all be patient! So my suggestion, well not really an Uncle Tom’s Cabin, but how about digging into Uncle Al’s Closet? See, Woody Guthrie - wish he were still alive and well today to get us through this Armageddon Helter-Skelter - well this Father in Patriotism sang out loud and clear “This Land is Your Land this land is My land” with emphasis on the “Biggest Thing that Man Has Ever Done” said so well; “There's warehouse guys and teamsters and guys that skin the cats, Guys that run my steel mill, my furnace and my blast.” And then with the Grand Coulee Dam in serenade the “working class act” the American workers when “Uncle Sam took up the challenge in the year of Thirty three For the farmer and the factory and all of you and me He said, "Roll along Columbia. You can ramble to the sea But river while you're ramblin' you can do some work for me.” Wow, what an inspiration and had Woody been still serenading the Highwaymen that came to be with Willie, such an influence, well sure enough another verse would have been added to praise the building of the Trans-Alaskan-Pipeline, a necessity back in the 70s because of the Arab oil embargo. And those too young then to remember what it all meant, gasoline shortages, rationing and fights in the line at the Citgo stations. It was like being under attack, no gas can’t drive can’t get to work. Then relief, when that engineering marvel was complete and oil started flowing down that 800-mile wonder many experts said could not be done - that was some 40-years ago gone bye-bye and that lines saved this nation from “financial ruin” by supplying 20% of our daily bread and prompted a resurgence of oil development and today we are an “oil independent” nation all on our own if need be. Yet today we wait in line for Toilet Paper? Anyway, the company that operates the Trans-Alaska-Pipeline is a very unique story, somewhat scary such a powerful entity. The conglomerate brain-child of the “Seven Sisters”, the most powerful oil companies ever permitted to do business the American way, and do it the not so ethical way and get away with anti-trust? Yes, SOHIO, which was under “anti-Trust” breakup back in the 40s would survive well into the 80s, as no other American oil company could touch the assets else be at fault of even more “Anti-Trust”. Anyway, think about what it takes for a handful of very powerful organization setting up a “common” philosophy to run that TAPS, a company called the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company! Mind-boggling an entity directed by the “Boardmen” of the biggest empires in existence, in pursuit of that “black gold” - wherein many members of Congress went stool stuck in the back pockets of these $billion$ dollar monopolies. Look, 18-billion barrels of oil have come down that “monopoly” with estimates of $1.2-TRILLION in profits. So this Alyeska company finds a fascination and I try to deliver the “goods” what it all means as I worked for that company and understood the ins & outs. Yes, in a nutshell it is like the Pope understanding that pedophile priesthood is sinful, yet the Cardinals condone it - this best paints that picture how that company operated to supply that “black gold”. So want some good reads, how such a company allowed the EXXON Valdez “Wreck” to soon enjoy that 31-year anniversary special as overboard oil is still causing an ecosystem nightmare? For FREE at Uncle Al’s Closet( ENJOY!

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