Tuesday, March 31, 2020

COVID-Covfefeavirus Update

Wow, just watched the daily briefing of the OXY-MORON COVID-Covfefeavirus “Task Force” from the White Animal House. Appears the prerequisite for maintaining a lip lock on Donald Trump’s “anal hole” as a member in good standing this team of “cover-up con artist” perverts, it is not only knowing how to “lie”, but “lie” exponentially. Snake oil it was, throwing up a bunch of “what if” charts most Americans cannot understand, talking about a “predictive model” and “confidence” another facet this deceit too confusing for most Americans, all as a means to pull the wool another day - to cover for a “Fucking Moron” that had more important things to do in delaying a response to this sea to shining sea Armageddon, like putting this “pandemic” on pause while giving Rush Limbaugh the “Femdom Freedom Award” so that FOX could then say the COVID was a Democratic “Hoax”. The bottom line, I used “models” my entire career on the Trans-Alaska-Pipeline, and if I gave excuses like the “Fauci & Birx Works”, well there would have been oil all over the ground along that 800-mile pipeline and no “Leak Detection” alarms. But it was again entertaining. And I had an apple for breakfast and with laughter still the best medicine, what Doctor Bornstein Bears prescribed and I feel just fine for another day in Whoopee Cushion paradise.

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