Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April Fools’ Joke

This morning’s headliners read like an April Fools’ joke - that Donald Trump was finally taking this COVID pandemic seriously and had reached out to Russia for help. But this is no time for joking around, and maybe it finally sunk in with the Moron-in-Chief. Yes, first time in history April Fools’ Day was cancelled, so what so was the St. Patrick’s Day parade. So maybe we should give Trump credit wherein credit is due, the fact upon his arrival to turn the White House into the Animal House that he opened up a “gentlemen’s” dialogue with Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and that friendship is helping us today. How so? A mighty Russian Antonov “strategic airlift cargo aircraft” is in route to “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” with a million-pound payload of emergency medical PPE. Pinch yourself, HELP from Russia with love! And accordingly, it was Vladimir that made this humanitarian offer and Donald Trump “gratefully” accepted. Wow, maybe this is a silver-lining outcome when push comes to shove a friend in need. Just one puzzling question lingers, as with this “pandemic” a World Wide reality and medical PPE in short supply every damn nation still alive, how come Russia has enough to go around and share? Like some investors have “short called”, PPE is a better investment today then “oil”, but Putin is giving the medical stuff away with no-strings attached! Look, there is not a single nation on this earth that finds immunity from this Armageddon that caught us off-guard. So, maybe Russia was not off-guard as the numbers in comparison the effect of this COVID paints an interest, what is Russia doing differently? To date, Russia is only reporting a small percentage of active cases and a corresponding miniscule “death rate”. Now some would say that we cannot trust Russia telling the truth, but that does not hold water as if so, why in hell would Putin be giving away the PPE necessary to combat this viral menace? Because, Russia is not being affected like the rest of mankind. And there is only a single common denominator why so. Something “evil” had already attacked our immune systems, crippling our on-board defense mechanisms to defend against rouge like “viruses” new to civilization like the COVID-19. Viruses come and go with “zero” attention and for the most part we live on so happy together without any long lasting effects - this time around it seems a little different like this COVID is weaponized. But that “weaponized”, we may have become our own worst enemy as the enemy in “weaponizing” ourselves in compromise.

History: There are scientific studies that had in the past called to attention how “cell phone radiation” can transform the human blood, possibly compromising the defense strategy that which allows the cells to behave like a “sea urchin” or “hedgehog” with spiny attributes that can lock-on to a virus with similar attributes - like a magnet. Yes, a trap for foreign objects like the COVID. Unlike during a normal course of events when a “virus” attacks, this “spiny” acts as an invite, our own system now trapping us in a death grip. And the fact that this “connectivity” radiation may be the element of surprise why we were so ill-prepared this “pandemic”, its effect on the blood cells compounds the problem as the “transformation” attracts a tremendous “open door” and thus overwhelming the “normalcy” and thus compromises those already health compromised. OK, back to Russia. That nation took action “in precaution” the studies of how “cell phone radiation” was causing the human blood cells to transform, even though the studies did not indicate any adverse side effects. Russian scientists went alarmed on a gamble, and “cell phone” laws then limited the “power level” to 1/10 of what is allowed in the states - to decrease the "spiny" effect!

And here we are today - wishful thinking or premediated insight as Russia is today winning this World War and so glad Putin is our “Comrade” so Thank You Donald Trump! But when in hell are you going to shut down the cell phone lobby, at least until we can get back on our feet as the “Litmus Test” results are front and center of attention right there in front of our eyes, ears and noses sucking up that rabid COVID because the “Cell Phone” industry’s “$cash register$ has weaponized our future in health for their wealth.

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