Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The Real COVID-19 Hoaxatosis

Loose lips sink ships? In late February while Xi’s people were dropping dead like fruit flies, Donald Trump referred to the COVID as the Democrats “New Hoax”. We know he has a tough time keeping his trap shut, but was it a subliminal like message rehearsing the fact that the real “hoax” was his plan all along? As an attempt to paint an ugly picture in “hoax” and when it is all said and done with, use the glamor of a “not so bad” situation after all due his “Commander-in-Brilliance” to rally-ho his re-election - 4 more years? Look, from my perspective “the sky is NOT falling”, at least not from a mathematical model preoccupation. See, just using the word “model” scares the people’s Dickens, as it redeems itself quantified as that little understood Hocus Pocus stuff augmented by a Phineas J. Whoopee 3D Magical Bulletin Board concept. OK, Trump smiled when he heard that “model” thing, not because of its “linear matrix zero-root summation” in calculus, he thought it meant the skimpy wardrobe romancing the bone. Now the “predictive model” I used to assess this Armageddon and “Donald Trump meets the Boogeyman” epicenter episode - my Newtonian answering machine designed by “Big Alaskan Oil” wherein development money not a problem and using the brightest minds available - it shows that this COVID will suffer a “mean” of only 12000 victims, with available data to date to digest in modal modeling. When at the same time the “Trump” experts started stating - just yesterday - predicting 100000 to 200000 deaths sea to shining sea? And that daunting warning was the day any viable modeling found its incipient cavitation reckoning trigger point, that based on the data available from “worldwide” sources. In reassurance that this pandemic may not be as bad as any other “viral shedding” spreading virus that has over time invaded “Tranquility”. Hope my math is right, it relies on that data being upfront correct! And by the Trump Team painting an ugly picture in “hoax” this doom and gloom scenario, when it knows so it is “fabricated”, well when the fog lifts take credit for doing nothing but use that nothing as the “ace in the hole” ticket to ride out another term as the Moron-in-Chief. That is what is coming from the White House briefings, as the entire “Covfefeavirus Task Force” is confined to kissing Trump’s ass and at the same time hoodwink “hoaxing” the vulnerable American citizens. See, originally Trump tried to downplay this event, based on that “predictive modeling” at the time very limited data - as models work on the concept of “garbage in garbage out”.  But even though not a whole lot of data collected by this “pandemic” during the early phase stage, we have a wealth of contributory data from past experiences that can complement lack of data - used to “weight” the lack of input data and still provide some semblance of a “close call” output. So it appears that Trump’s re-election staff told him to shut-up, in a planned attempt to use the “doom & gloom” to his “faceless elector” advantage - the about face turn his demeanor. Look, Trump’s game plan is a Vince McMahon WWE reality, all “fake” used to fool the lemming population. And this is what “We the People” are up against. If this is “Presidential”, then I have some re-sanitized toilet paper if you run low, it stinks but 1-ply sound. But herein is the take on the “fake”. It is Fascism on its face on the move and all of Trump’s soldiers that are part of this “hoodwinking”, please proceed to the front of the line, as the “gallows” are OPEN for business.

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