Sunday, December 15, 2019

Dear Otto Warmbier

The Donald Jong-Thong Trump “Impeachment” has taken on a deep-throat state in “Treason with Reason” unbecoming any Patriotic goals, a “Turncoat” uprising across the “Dismal Swamp” isle-of-Right. The GOP is turning its face on our Founding Fathers’ “framework”. If this were going on back then, the Town Crier would be crying out loud. “Hear Ye, Hear Ye, the Constitution is under attack, now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their countrymen!” This turning about face-the-Nation, read my lips it spells “Turncoat” and the Lindsey Graham marauders are proud to be associated with this tyrannical bowel movement. I mean just because Moscow Mitch gave tubes of KY jelly out for Christmas to lube up the tentacles of “Turncoating”…OK, it is the “Season to be Holly Jolly” and I am all for this “Impediment” and will rest my case the merits of “Not Guilty of the Nancy House Articles of Improvement” on the following condition in conviction. That the Fucking Moron gives “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” a Christmas present by defending this Nation once and for all by retaliating against his NOKO “Lover Boy Love Joy” Kim Jong dUNg, Kim Jong bUNghole, whatever. Yes RETALIATION, wipe this snake off the face of God’s planet. If you thought Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein were perverts, how many underage girls has the dUNg raped, tortured and killed since Trump and Kim signed that “Lover Boy Piece-of-ass Agreement” bullshit. And on December 12th, the birthdate of a PATRIOTIC American that withstood the Kim Jong torture chambers beyond what any other human had been put through before in modern times, a far less torture ritual then what the Viet Cong practiced on captured American worriers, the dUNg finally gave up and sent Otto Warmbier home - in a vegetable state still a kid at 22. But “Hail to the Chief” MIA, as Otto was able to walk the line in PATRIOTISM one last time. On that very day a few days ago, wherein Otto was not enjoying cake and candles to celebrate his 25th, the Fucking Moron and “Lover Boy Kim” were exchanging Christmas gifts? And Donald received a “Thong”? So that is my “Get Out of Jail Free” card for the Moron, and until such time we see some form of payback the torture upon an American kid, well I “Impeached” the Fucking Moron some 909-days ago and so did Rex Tillerson and so did the Honorable John McCain warn US about the Moron! And McCain was also the victim of “torture” and called the bUNghole a “murderer”. But according to the Moron who has never flushed his own toilet as that is a detail reserved for his slaves, Rex was “dumb as a rock” and “lazy as hell” so wherein hell does that place this American? For me, it is a give and take verdict. It is time we see some semblance of retaliation for the TORTURE of an American kid. If Trump takes action against this NOKO “Christmas Present Thong”, I rest my case and will allow the Moron to take credit for the murder with “immunity”. But when Trump believes he can get away with “murder”, so can his “Lover Boy” Kim Jong dUNg and that affiliation needs an “Impeachment” without “Impediment”. 

Dear Otto, maybe the Fucking Moron had better things to do on the 12th, like bullying a 16-year old “Climate Change” activist all aboard his “We all Tweet in a Twitter Dramamine” unmoral morass, but you were in the thoughts of many PATRIOTIC Americans - I salute you SIR, Merry Christmas and RIP.

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