Saturday, December 14, 2019

Old Man Trump’s Legacy

What it is all about in “KISSmee” seconds. See, the Old Man Trump “Legacy” was very lethargic, for some 90-years at a standstill. It had nothing to do with “wealth”, but a political aspiration wherein “wealth” would one day let the “Genie” out of the bottle. It all began in 1927, when Fred Trump as the KINGpin of the Trump Tower Dysentery Dynasty - Old Man Trump as Woody Guthrie would sing in protest - well on that day Fred joined in a protest parade in the Bronx. Now of course the 1st Amendment allows “peaceful demonstrations”, but against our Veterans and Fallen Soldiers, on a Memorial Day Parade during the year of the “Heisenberg Uncertainty Principia” that which allowed Ma Bell to establish long distance TV? The New York City police didn’t think so either, and the protestors so arrested. Fred’s captive accomplices, the KKK, White Supremacist Fascists. Old Man Trump was arrested, but like how it goes on Wall Street, set free for a behind the scenes fee. So sonny boy would learn the Old Man Trump ways and means early on, like “disrespect” for the men and women that fort abroad for our Nation and gave their lives - that same disrespect the reason daddy Fred was able to get Donald a referral away from “Military Service” as that was action “unbecoming” a Richie Rich kid and reserved for the “lower class” peons. But that was the challenge in life for Donald, as all the money he would ever want or need was already bank-rolled, as “housing segregation” like what was tolerated in Beach Haven, it made Old Man Trump filthy rich - and then came the inheritance chain migration. But in efforts to take control of that daddy’s $lots-of-loot$, paramount was to carry on the Memorial Day 1927 arrest upon Democracy. It was Donald’s “mission” as nothing mattered except to make daddy happy - the reason the Oval Office finds a mugshot of daddy dearest front and center of attention - to get the point across as a reminder. It is all that matters, the rest doesn’t like a relationship with Melanomia or being a real compassionate dad to Barron, that doesn’t count. That is why today…praytell how in hell did it happen on our watch? There is a Fascist, a White Supremacist, a Confederate and a Tramp in control of Miss Liberty’s destiny. Tramp? No not Melanomia Klaus Fuchs, but Rudy Giuliani. Look, what do you think “Memorial Day” means to the Trump MAGA cultists, it is cultivated not out of honor but let’s remember instead a fascination for “Donald Trump Meets the Boogeyman”. Praytell, the “Boogeyman” is a midget NIGGER on display on the WWE stage of Linda and Vince McMahon - the husband and wife team that are almost $billionaires$ for selling “FAKE”! And remember, Linda was rewarded and nominated by Donald for the SBA head-stink-cheese job and now the head of the Fucking Moron’s 2020 campaign and the first thing on the RNC agenda, bully a 16-year old “Climate Change” activist. Look around “We the People”, actually “take a whiff on me” as the stench of Trump Fifth Avenue filth is rampant like a rabies pandemic sea to shining sea. And surely it affects our Nation’s well-being, as “We the People” can no longer even navigate a 4-Way STOP sign with any sense of “civility” or “dignity” at taking turns, as “chaos” is what the Fascist, the White Supremacist, the Confederate and the Tramp wish on “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” - NO LONGER FREE!
But do not “fret”, as DEMOCRACY is strong and “We the People” will prevail like we have done so many times before and let us not forget, we have the “Jack Marler” weapon at our disposal to arrest this mess and menace should he get to the breaking point and our Founding Fathers’ DEMOCRACY is crucified! I mean for sure, if Donald Trump pulls the chain 15-times every time he takes a dump, how long do you think the bastards can last “Home Alone” in the All White House when the “Plumber” shuts off the water because the bills haven’t been paid?
Jack Marler Crusade: In 1956, Jack Marler tested the almightiest of all things considered “Patriotic”. As the Chief Revenue Officer for the Internal Revenue Service in Alaska, Jack refused to file and or pay taxes. The fact that he understood the ramifications for such, as it was his job for many years to arrest those that were delinquent in proper filing, Jack was fired. And then came the cuffs as Uncle Sam thought it best to use Marler as an example, to scare people. The prosecution was bidding for jail time. Soon, Jack found himself in the Federal Courts, defending a very simple concept, that being “No Taxation Without Representation”. It was his only defense, as Alaska was still a “Territory” and was not represented by a “vote” in the U.S. Congress, allowed just a figure head representation with no rights. The first jury hung. A second jury unanimously voted in favor of Jack’s defense, of “No Taxation Without Representation” and acquitted an “American Hero”. OK, Uncle Sam kept this verdict under tight wrap, as it could cause a “Revolution”. And that verdict “set precedence” since it was never appealed by the District Court, wherein at the time the prosecutor was Theodore Fulton Stevens, who after loosing this case would become a long-term U.S. Senator. And should we begin to behave in the same manner, the fact we are so divided that it be proper to only pay half the “Lion’s” share, as when the GOP practices a “Reason for Treason” mandate at the U.S. Taxpayers expense, are we not guilty by association through “Taxation”? I mean “We the People” watched a bunch of hypocrites seize the moment and movement with a Donald John Trump “Impeachment/Impediment” effort and it was damn sad that it was my hard earned income “taxed” that was fueling that fire that was - well no different then “Flag Burning”. We are all guilty by association because we pay for this “crap”. It is time we STOP paying taxes to the other party. So based on the Jack Marler verdict, if you are a Democrat in good standing “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”, what is wrong in reducing that tax burden by 50% so the “brats” are cut-off? That’s money in ya pocket! Man-of-War it just occurred to me, if Donald Trump doesn’t establish a residency here nor three, could it be that he was smarter then the rest of us, and the reason he refuses to show-off his axe-tax returns the fact he already has Jack in his pocket? BINGO! And remember another thing, Woody Guthrie took down Old Man Trump way back in 1950 during the Beach Haven robberies through “This Machine Kill Fascists”, heard loud and clear across this land is your land this land is my land - and we will win again, and again and again and again…Time for the Jack Marler Revolution! And right now, time for a Sam Adams New England IPA - the roadmap to FREEDOM the PATRIOTS GAME! In ending, what if “We the People” found out that Donald Trump pays “No Taxation” based on “No Representation” the Jack Marler defense? What else could it be!

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