Monday, December 16, 2019

Chief Justice John G. Roberts

To: Chief Justice John G. Roberts
       Supreme Court of the United States
       December 16th, 2019

Subject: The Donald J. Trump Impeachment Trial - A Few Good Men

Dear Honorable Chief Justice John G. Roberts;

First and foremost, I was born in 1952 so come before you respectfully, bragging rights exercising seniority. You probably don’t receive many “solitary” letters from a “Lone Ranger”, as most of the time your dignity of office as this Nation’s “Top Judge” arises through correspondences with people behind a firm foundation with a namesake a dozen fancy names long. I guess that “Top Gun Judge” puts you in the same celebrity category as a Jack Nicholson or Tom Cruise notoriety - but your job responsibility is not upon a stage of make-believe entertainment. In all honesty, not to bother but I am asking you for a Patriotic “favor” as “We the People Divided” need a “Few Good Men” - aka “American Hero”. It appears that “political dirt” is slinging about already trying its best to muddy up the proforma outcome of what can no longer be a “fair trial” for both Donald John Trump as the accused and the 116th United States Congress as the accuser, both House & Senate - which is the representative body of these United States in “We the People”. Just this morning, when respected U.S. Senator Schumer made mention that “fairness will prevail”, the White House was quick to respond in that “We all Tweet in a Twitter Dramamine” circle of friend to foe, that it was a “laughable quote” and soon after the 45th joining in to call the “House of Congress Impeachment” a “hoax”. I prefer to call it “Impeachment Impediment”. It is well known that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is coordinating the ways and means efforts of a trial with the White House, wherein any obligation to “fairness” has been sabotaged, or suspicious at the least. This is no secret and a blatant disregard for “normalcy” the merits of our judicial wherewithal as envisioned by the Founding Fathers when formulating the “framework” for Democracy consistent with the U.S. Constitution. Schumer’s hope, that “fairness will prevail” needs a HERO to adjust that requirement, with “fairness shall prevail”. Legal scholars know the reason for “shall” over “will”. Should Mitch McConnell be recused? As this Nation’s top Justice, you must realize the effect how “case tampering” can ridicule the merits of legal stewardship and it is already tainting the legality of the entire process. We all realize that the U.S. Constitution is a “living and still breathing” document of utmost importance, but as we evolve as a society in that “Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness”, words and phrases back then can take on a different meaning today - the reason being for the Supreme Beings and the High Court’s jurisdiction to intervene, to decipher what it all means today in line with the Founders’ desirers. I guess for that, one must place himself or herself in Ben Franklin clogs! As the referee, when called upon to take this “Trial” to the American public, not only the “qualified voters” but to the kids learning about who we are as a Nation, please favor your Patriotism - with an upfront decision that what has already transpired is detrimental to a fair trial. You are the only HERO that can make a difference. I am a democrat, but have always respected the High Court, as I believe it is a body that “opines” on the side of Democracy “first” after careful deliberations of fact, else we are no longer a free nation. I am concerned about the outcome, if not a fair trial it gives rise upon another “Trail of Tears” - very bad for who we are as a Nation on the World stage. The Founders warned us about a “Divide”, and we are at the crossroads of that falling out. An “unfair” trial could be the precipice for that “fall”. Yes, one man can make a difference! If “fairness shall prevail”, then I will except the outcome and so will the majority of “We the People”. But today, like many Americans in tune to what is going on with our Congress and the 45th, I beg for a “Few Good Men” to step forward and take this bull by the horns for Democracy’s sake. This may not be your responsibility…I disagree Sir, YES it is as you are our only hope. Take Schumer and McConnell into closed-door session and when the doors open, grant us a U.S. vs. Donald John Trump trial wherein “fairness SHALL prevail”. Else, a recusal will be your only option to save face the Supreme Court. Even though this “trial” is not the ultimate responsibility of your court, the fact the Constitution enables the Chief Justice to intervene with some semblance of control an “Impeachment Trial”, the outcome will weigh heavily on the validity of the “High Court” - yes that court will be guilty by association an oversight that provides less than a “fairness shall prevail”. Fairness, it is not a difficult concept neither is it a difficult thing to achieve “we learned it all in kindergarten”! In ending and on the subject of an America Hero, back in 1976 a HERO came forward that reminds me of what your legacy could mean for history. It was up in Alaska, during the 1970’s construction of the Trans-Alaska-Pipeline - that which would become the saving grace to allow this nation to become energy independent - as the Arab Oil Embargo was strangling our economy’s energy sector and that affects everything considered “Consumerism”. Congress became a “Hero” in authorizing that pipeline endeavor and today we are a much stronger and better “fit” Nation. Likewise maybe so with this “Impeachment”, depending on the outcome and how it demonstrates a “fairness” both concerned parties. Like this “Impeachment”, the Alaska pipeline was a controversial undertaking with Congressional involvement, but it worked. Yet, Congress could not do it all with all its almighty power and might. There came to be a difficult situation, until one man stepped forward for the “Union”. A shear drop-off in Thompson’s Pass found the rough and tough 798 welders out of Tulsa-Oklahoma balking at the last pass to finish that 800-mile long pipeline journey. It was a dangerous proposition, a 2000-foot vertical drop, with boulders falling every which way loose, size enough to crush a pick-up truck to smithereens. The finish line seemed far and away, winter was closing in, until Junior Leslie - the oldest member of the 798ers - stepped forward with his welder’s helmet and “stick” ready. Silence prevailed momentarily, until he found himself a helper also stepping forward as duty called. Soon that stretch of steel pipe was under the heat and stench of a welder’s arc and the “sparks flying” of the helper’s grinder and the rest was history. That was bravery, very heroic and Hugh Ellsworth “Junior” Leslie, a U.S. ARMY Air Corp veteran, came to the aid of his countrymen once again - said he did it for the “Union” and today he Rests-In-Peace a “Hero”. Our “Union” finds the same calling out today, in need of “A Few Good Men” that are not afraid to make a difference during difficult times and without a Hero stepping forward, the consequences are enormous. Do it for the “UNION”, make a difference to allow this “Impeachment” trial an indictment of frivolous if it cannot be tried upon the merits in “fairness”, so that I can pass that on to my grandkids. Just like the pipeliners passed on how Junior Leslie became a Hero and “We the People” can enjoy giving you the same “Hero’s Welcome” for history’s sake.

With all due respect;
American Patriot S. Pam McGee

Founding Father - Lousy Hat Solidarity Party
~ Of Yankee Blood ~

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