Sunday, October 20, 2019

Bed Bugs v. Jong-Thong

Give Me An “M”! What’s in a name…What’s in a word…What’s in a phrase? Sidetrack, that Jong-Thong in the title defines the “love affair” between Donald Jong Trump and Kim Jong dUNg, that too-close-for-comfort relationship between these two World Whore Leaders - akin like how a “thong” clings to the from-under orifice fluids. For real, White House mailman said North Korean Kim the “Murderer” sent a Savage X Fenty “thong” to the “1600 Pennsylvania Avenue House” and Melania refused to wear it, so Donald keeps it company - behind the Oval Office closed door. And the Bed Bugs…what’s in store bed sores how Democracy retaliates when a Congress is MIA. Since the “Constituent Constitutionality” of the U.S. Congress is now constipated with this Moscow “all roads lead to Putin” Mitch Confederate senate in sabotage and the “House” under the influence of the GOP Femdom Freedom caucus, it appears only “bugs” can dig US out of this rut - aka “Great Divide”. What I learned in kindergarten: “Divided we fail, divided we fall”. So what’s with this capital letter this give more then an inch give me an “M”? It takes two to tango! Take for instance the U.S. Constitution wherein the capitalized “Militia” is found in but for two all-important deliberations with an inherent debilitation: “A Well Regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” See, that right to bear arms, it is by virtue this “Well Regulated Militia”. So what, as what does it mean let’s be for real. It means a whole lot as a few doors down the Halls of Congress under Article II, Section 2 it states: “The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States.” So that capital “M” finds association with a significance, between the power of the President and the “Well Regulated Militia”, wherein all able-bodied Americans that own guns by virtue of the 2nd Amendment Right have a duty to the Commander-in-Chief! So when the Fucking Moron blows a fuse and calls to duty that Militia, of the 390-million guns sea-to-shining-sea in get ready…aim, 46% will be turned on “We the People” and 54% AWOL Patriots giving the Fucking Moron the middle finger salute will turn their sights against the “Turncoats”. WAR? The REVOLUTION will be televised! And when the wind blows, the Tower will fall, down will come Donny war-whores and all! Democracy will be restored and the 2nd Amendment will live on. Maybe! See, when Bernie Sanders and his TBA “Lady Gaga VP” get sworn in on the next inaugural January 20th, after the 2020 election results are in, Donald Jong-Thong Trump will not voluntarily vacate the White House and will call to duty that “Militia”. See, this stubbornness to mutiny not due the fact that the majority of “qualified voters” decided upon  a new leader bent on Socialistic Democracy better then a Beach Haven Fascism, but Trump will not give up due the fact he will not leave behind in that “House” his only legacy. I am talking the Melania Trump White House Tennis Court - which is being built as we speak during trying times with this “Impeachment”. Yes, Melania has nothing better to do then campaign for private funds to build her very own White House “Private Tennis Court”, because “Get Over It, I Don’t Care Do U?” is what the Fucking Moron Trump Tower is all about. And that “Green Lantern Light” you see at the front door of the White House, it means the OK for the Arab-Syrian refugees to move back into Syria, all 3.6-million and that means displacement of the Kurds, families with kids, and only “ethnic cleansing” will allow that gamble. And why should Melania not care, because it is tennis time. “We the People” should demand a petition to retract Melania’s “citizenship” and send her packing back to Slavenia until such time she understands what “We the People” are all about and I would bet she was never required to be sworn to that right with an understanding of what it means; “that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God.”

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