Sunday, October 20, 2019

Hunter v. Rachal Maddcow

So Hunter Biden, legitimate son of the honorable 47th U.S. Vice President Joe Biden under the decency Presidency of Barack Obama, sonny boy Biden found himself a lucrative job as a consultant for a Ukrainian energy company. Not too shabby doggy-style this bend-thum-over employment enjoyment, especially with zero experience Joe’s kid had with this sector that holds hostage the world’s economy. Imagine, being paid a handsome $80000 each month. Hey, not bad when the yearly income for Americans on the average is $65000 a year! And Hunter is being “hunted”, as the media both sides of the isle-of-right are chastising this opportunity to become rich. For real, that means a bonafide $millionaire$ in a single year’s time, rich within the employment probationary period so who gives a damn if “Your Fired”! But at the same time, Rachal Maddcow galivants around the country on her “book tour” and polluting all of her media colleagues’ air-time, pursuing the selling of a waste of print about the world’s “oil and gas” congloomerates - this “Blowout”. And likewise with the Hunter Biden case, zero experience as one look no further then the Alaskan oil patch to checkmate the EXXON game to see wherein the greatest hoodwinking takes place, and all under the watchful eyes and ears of Uncle Sam. The largest and longest protracted litigation, that which is costing the U.S. Taxpayers precious “loot” because it continues on even today and will never be solved, a case that rests itself with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and its legal oversight in what is called the Trans-Alaskan-Pipeline Quality Bank. Wherein “Custody Transfer” has nothing to do with separated family kids enjoying shared parental custody. And today, Alaska is shaping the future for “LNG” economics, not for the “benefit of the lower-48 states” but on a global venture perspective that will redefine that commodity and its worth. For real, Alaska plays a very prominent role in the economics of oil and gas, the 49er’s presence and “natural resources” protruding into the world economics when “energy” is the subject matter of interest. Look, Alaska is a state with “Zero” income taxation, gives the residents a yearly bonus that approaches $1000-bucks and since its inception, a grand total payout of $43000 per individual that is of age 37-years old, about half of what Hunter makes in a month. And wait there’s more, as Alaska has a rainy-day portfolio  hovering about around $100-billion and still relies on Uncle Sam “pork” - courtesy of Don Young and Lisa MurCowpiefly - to keep the damn “State Run Amuck” railroad afloat? Half of the “Operating Revenues” for the steel beast of burden comes from the U.S. Taxpayers and it doesn’t even honor half-fare tickets, like is required in the states, sea to shining sea. So why did not Rachal start at home where it matters the most with her “Blowout” and instead of freaking out with the Oklahoma “fracking” and Deep Water Horizon wreck - look oil still lingers about in Prince William’s Sound from the EXXON Valdez crash course some 30-years ago gone bye. See, had Rachal done her book homework research and taken into account the thorn that Alaska is with respect to the World’s Energy status quo, she may have found out that the EXXON Valdez wreck was a planned sabotage, by a guy that found fame and notoriety as this “Gadfly Environmentalist” and went sour-puss because he could not compete with the Tiger. And in Alaska, a pipeline whistleblower would be threatened to be pushed out of a helicopter, in a remote area never to be found - so silence was golden. Any book published that tries to demonstrate the significance of a “Blowout”, or what that means with respect to the oil and gas sector without including Alaska, it is a failure in the making. Sure the Maddcow’s following will swallow up this “Blowout” as gospel, but so does a baby understand the significance of a “Blowout” when that diaper fails. And this week’s Patriot of the Week: Mick Mulvaney for throwing Donald Jong-Thong Trump under the “Impeachment Bus” and that is wherein the Real McCoy “Blowout” finds merit. Rachal, maybe you should retreat back into the “anger cave” and write a new book, call it “Blowhard”!

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