Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Lie in State?

With all undue dis-respect, the Fucking Moron - aka Donald Jong-Thong Trump - pays tribute in words to the Honorable American Patriot Elijah Cummings: “All Republicans must remember what they are witnessing here - a lynching.” Look Americans, those that are included within the 50% of Patriotic Americans “We the People” that believe this Fucking Moron should be evicted from the White House and given a one-way ticket to Russia with his Putin Spy wife…that comment was crafted to dishonor Elijah Cummings. That is how a “Moron” with a Fascist like "mindset" thinks out loud. and was so designed to disgrace the "Black Man" and disgrace our Founding Fathers "Democracy" and foster another era of "Beach Haven" segregation, on the day before Elijah Cummings was due to "Lie in State" in the "Halls of Congress". This was the Fucking Moron's blessing for "Black Kids on Mopeds" on day 1005 of the Constitutional Crisis!

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