Monday, February 4, 2019

Make WAR, Not LOVE!

Here we go again, as so so many of that faction of the “Last Losers Society” now lined up to get that 10-minutes claim to fame as a wannabe “Presidential Candidate”. But can’t blame them, especially if you find a good gig and succeed with the credence clearwater survival one can “fool most of the people all of the time” and campaign contributions start flowing in, well then you can quit that 9 to 5 job and leach off the income - learned that from Mike Pence! Dig it, Donald Trump sleeps most of the day away! For real, as a grandpa in front of a TV is zeezeetop time but I would prefer he sleeps it off rather then jerks it off. And that “campaign lunch bucket leaching” could last…for real still 21-months away? You mean we must put up with the Fucking Moron Wimp Coward some more that long? Time-out, time to re-live what that position in the Oval Office is all about and maybe so calm our nerves that playing catch with son Barron using that “nuclear” football is “Presidential”. And no, we do not have to relive the Moron’s dedication as the “Greatest Liar” of all times or even bother listening in on how he pants during sex with Access Hollywood “whores”. Instead, we will relive that presidential “mission” with Bill Clinton it was…OK, “Be Best” stay away from that skanky summit. But in Simple Simon, the President of the United States is merely a “figure head” wherein his ultimate power is the acting “Commander-in-Chief” and serenading us with “Amazing Grace”. That’s it, nothing more and nothing less and nothing to gain thinking otherwise. It is the U.S. Congress that yields the “Gavel of Power”. So in a nutshell, the sitting President can declare WAR and has the authority to call up the “Militia” which by virtue of the 2nd Amendment, that “ARMY” of civilians is anybody that owns a forearm firearm of harm, regardless of political affiliation. See, the “Militia” is by decree already a bipartisan faction of society, wherein we don’t need a Congressional vote of approval to “play together we learned it all in kindergarten”!  Over the years, the power invested in that Oval office has ransacked the intent of the Founding Fathers, as a single individual with so much control is a dangerous proposition upon a “Democracy”. Take it away this way. One individual in the White House against 535+6 members in “good standing” the U.S. Taxpayers gives “outnumbered” a reason to believe. Remember “No Taxation without Representation” finds “precedence set” in the High Courts of “this land is my land, this land is your land”. Why the hell cannot we be “brothers & sisters” on the same “mission” instead of this crash course “Divided”, we are in freefall and I can feel the hurt from the hate. Anyway, the “President” is just a figure head in the time of “Peace” and the “Commander-in-Chief” during “bombs away” to sway the opposition. So the checks & balance is fundamental what that Oval Office is all about or on the “right hand of the father” what one in power can get away with. In all honesty, we could probably do away with that “figure head” and let Congress mind the business without the unnecessary interference, as Donald Trump is trying to re-invent “perpetual motion”. And it may have been easy for the Russian Federation FSS to intervene in the 2016 election, but that would be very difficult for the entire Congress to be infiltrated and the reason the election for representation is so staggered with different terms. Yes, today’s Fucking Moron has too much power, not the intent of the Founding Father’s Constitution no castrated with constipation. So if a “Pubic Lice” can join in on the “candidates’ debate” so can I. That said, I am running for that position along with everybody else’s dog wagging tail, for the 2020 circus that is already selling ring side seats. And I am sure Governor John Kasich is soon to announce he is in the running, as he was practicing his power play by stealing a plane seat from another American on an Alaska Airlines flight - flexing that muscle against a female that “male men rule”. It is that exploratory thing! Anyway, my only mission will be to start a WAR!. On January 21st of 2021, at 12:01 after the high-noon swearing in I will execute an “Executive Order” for an immediate “Selective Service Draft”, wherein all able-bodied men and women between that age of 18 and 45 will be required to sign up, tested, evaluated and placed rank & file a strong force to support this WAR, which will be an invasion upon a yet to be determined nation - but it will be close to home. See, we have lost all damn respect the merits of a WAR mission. Just last week the Fucking Moron made fun of a Semper Fi member of the U.S. Senate, more in tune to a Distemper Fi, by calling this statesman “Da Nang Dick”, in reference to the Vietnam War. Sad, when “Da Nang” was the place wherein war-torn casualties were air-lift Medevaced in from the “Killing Fields” and many found Da Nang their final death bed, to die that last breath of “Freedom” at least in comfort a Navy Hospital with an American flag that was not shrapnel ruined with blood stains from American “kids”. Da Nang will always be a special place for many moms & dads that received that horrifying call, that their young son drafted was wounded, now in Da Nang but chances of survival “slim to none” with a final death count Nixon’s War of 58000 Americans!  At least not an MIA/POW, where the remains can be used as “Lover Boy” fodder. Look what is happening between the Fucking Moron and his “lover boy love toy love joy” Kim Jong dUNg of North Korea and the attempted “Repatriation” of American Soldiers. Nothing! Kim sent back 55-boxes of remains, only 3-Americans have been identified because most of the bones are from a dog and pig roast banquet - and that sends a message from a sick individual in love with another sick individual. “We the People” have not a Commander-in-Chief, the reason I am running for the 2020 Presidency and will start a WAR then resign and join the troops in action - in efforts to bring back valor, to bring back a bipartisan commitment, to bring back “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”. In such disrepair, the sovereignty of “Life with Liberty in that Pursuit to Happiness”, it will take a WAR to fix the mess that a conceited Congress has resurrected. Better yet, instead of a WAR a REVOLUTION like the New England Patriots once planned, in efforts to take back what is rightfully “ours”, our dignity. OK, my WAR will be against the 1% that today own all the “Wealth” and I am sure that when I am elected and call for a Lech Walesa “Gdansk Shipyard Strike”, that faction that owns 80% of this nation’s daddy Warbucks, they will be throwing dollars at the U.S. Treasury, because they know it will be a call for a WAR they cannot buy! My party is the “Lousy Hat Solidarity Party”, as it is time to pass the buck this “Lousy Hat” we got and take back the White House for the middle-class. So when I am elected and start that selective service draft, those that bring in a deferment because they still think they can buy their freedom from serving “country”, look the enemy right in the eye and spit!

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