Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Donald Trump v. Forbes 400

The sequestered silent priority jury has reached a verdict in the Kangaroo County District Court, hearing the case of Donald John Trump v. Forbes-400. Hear Ye, Hear Ye, that verdict cries in favor of Trump, that he is worth more then what the Forbes-400 has recently published in its yearly listing of the “Wealthiest Americans”. Time for Trump’s parade! What it means, instead of a deadbeat ranking #259 with an ever-diminishing net worth of $3.5-Billion, evidence has surfaced of a concealed conceited net worth closer to $7-Billion - which ranks Donald Trump much closer to Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, to #65. Yes concealed, because only the jury was provided the information it needed to reach the unanimous verdict, behind closed doors wherein financial data could be shared but not publicized. Like Trump’s tax returns that would indeed offer a road-map to his wealth and how he was treated or mistreated by the U.S. Treasury “revenuers”. So even though Trump was right-on his forever arguments with Mr. Forbes, Trump still refuses to release that road-map so it meant taking him at his word on that “True Wealth” - just kidding. And wonder why Trump still refuses to release that road-map - should have seen that detour sign sings out loud and clear! That said, I am glad I placed an off-track wager on Donald Trump, as it was a winning ticket with this “Wealth” issue as today one can bet on anything and everything. OK, for all the “know when to hold um” gamblers that have placed a bet on when the 45th will be “Impeached”, don’t hold your breath and a losing hand so write it off as a “lose” on that 1040 filing. Yet people are chomping at the bit, on the Newbee kids’ news and in the FAKE news and so many consumed with this “guilty before proven innocent trial”, especially within this fandangle dangling participle “we all Tweet in a subterranean homesick blues Twitter submarine” this “Impeachment” fascination. But the crimes of Mr. Trump do not elevate this sitting U.S. President to that “high crimes and mistreated wieners” state of affairs with Vladimir Putin. Let’s face the facts as one of the obligations of the President is to lie, as we so learned from House of Confederate’s Joe Wilson, so allowed when push comes to shove to maintain tranquility. An “Impeachment” proceeding against a sitting president is very disruptive and weakens the nation - we become vulnerable to sneak attacks. So YES, when elected as the Commander-in-Chief, it comes with the territory as “above the law” this “little white lie fibbing” if its intent is to protect the nation’s sovereignty. Remember, Bill Clinton started it all by lying about an Oval Office affair “I did not have phone sex with that saxophone”. That is NOT to say that we will ever see fireworks in celebration against Trump’s family members, cheap thrills as then Donald gets to exercise his executive authority and “pardon me”. In all honesty, I would like to see Trump use his “executionary” power against Kim Jong dUNg, for the torture and murder of American citizen Otto Warmbier, just a kid with an adventurist’s American spirit. Look, forget about that Rex Tillerson “Fucking Moron” label thing, as Trump is a filthy maggot the way he serenades that North Korean “Lover Boy” as is Mike Pompous Ass a “Turncoat”. OK, have a 2nd summit with the bUNghole, arrange it here in the states then arrest his ass! But it appears that Donald Trump v. Forbes-400 rests its case - the verdict is in and the victory celebration goes to Trump and his Trump Tower Dysentery “Green Stool” FOXcopulation Syncopia Utopia Dynasty. Yes a mouthful, just ask Monica how to handle the overflow. Praytell it all my fellow Americans, newly found evidence from eavesdropping provides data that shows Trump was right his fight as to how Forbes instigated a Dow Jones "lock her up" riot when it chastised the Tower mogul’s wealth. It sank the DOW, and still down some 1500 points from a year ago! And we can thank the late Senator “Uncle Ted” Theodore Fulton Stevens of Alaska for this tip-off, that Forbes is all wet-dreaming Trump's wealth. WTF? Ted started his service to government as a WWII pilot and after surviving the brutal “Flying Tiger” missions over enemy territory it meant a gig as a Federal prosecutor in Alaska that went engaged in one of the best-known cases against the IRS, wherein Ted litigated for the Taxman. Ted lost that case based on “No Taxation without Representation” and the IRS never let it go. So one day some 25-years later, the IRS raided Ted’s shack in Alaska and found a lamp shade that was a gift and not declared so Ted was arrested for a “trumped up” campaign violation charge. With that Ted lost his senate seat and then was assassinated in a plane crash. And then when all the evidence was in and Ted was already 3-feet under, Barack Obama gave the statesman a full pardon. What a crying-out-loud shame that entire fiasco allowed, shame on government such disrespect especially upon the IRS. But the damage was done and Ted was dead. Anyway, Ted left some secret coded language that allowed infiltrating incriminating data…sorry I have been sequestered so can’t share that data. But it gives us insight into Donald John Trump’s financial situation and the reason his case against Forbes now rests its case - Trump is wealthier then what most rank and file “Think Tanks” think and have to this day only guessed upon that wealth. But the verdict is in and rests its case on circumstantial evidence, and yes one can say Forbes gets that “ham sandwich” indictment. So all along Trump has been saying he is worth twice as much as what the Forbes-400 wants us all to believe. Yet Trump is right as his net worth, well it isn’t $10-Billion like he wants us all to believe but not far off that mark, closer to $7.8-Billion and it has been going “UP” not “Down” over the years, another fallacy by the Forbes-400. For real, how much taxation on that wealth? No wonder Trump will not release his tax returns. Here the crux of the matter what is the matter. Ted Stevens lost a critical argument when representing the IRS back in 1956 with US v. Marler. And that verdict “set precedence” and never once challenged by the courts to the higher courts. Yes it set precedence that “No Taxation without Representation” is allowed, and has been a tool against “Taxation” for the last 62-years and enjoyed by the “Wealthy”. And after Ted Stevens was beat up by the very same entity he was once retained by to make sure this nation did not see light at the end of the tunnel another “Boston Tea Party” revolution, well he still had friends in high places. And right before his death, he was about to uncover a major tax scam that was being enjoyed by the wealthiest of Americans and he had the proof - and then he was targeted for assassination and the rest is history. But here is what we know about Donald John Trump’s financial record of “Wealth” courtesy the “Axman”…

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