Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Knights in White Satan

Before the State of the Union "Stand My Ground": Why am I beginning to sense a positiveness with Donald John Trump’s thought process? He is different then past U.S. Presidents, but we must face the facts as Democracy witnessed its last “amber waves of grain” during the 8-years of “My President sang Amazing Grace”. Get over it, as it was just a matter of time wherein “Good Old Patriotic Democracy” would sink away into the “sunset clause” abandoned and never be seen or heard about again. Look, of course it is keeling over on our watch, as if it were not so we would not have the defacto replacements of Democracy front and center of attention. “Democracy” is under a premeditated attack, take that back it is on its last leg, crippled by “bone spurs”. In its place? Let it be “Socialism” which “We the People” are so afraid of, because it is equal jurisprudence jurisdiction “sea to shining sea” for all, both in justice and wealth. “This land is my land, this land is your land” in equity of equality if and only if “Socialism” reigns in “so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming.” But we cannot stand the “social aspect” that form of government because we have this thing that we all want to be rich and that sharing is this “Communism” thing we were so afraid of back in the 50s, when “Air Raid” sirens kept us awake at night ready to fight for our “Democracy”. Pinch yourselves, the 1% own 80% of the “world-wide” wealth and are not about to sacrifice that standing - in fact next year it will be 82%, then 84%! Talk about blood out of a turnip seed! So then, what’s up with Democracy on the other extreme, drum roll please…the choice between Fascism or the Confederacy coming back to haunt. Sad, but rest assured that I enjoyed 66-years under that Democracy and never once felt intimidated, as freedom was mine and yours to cherish. Hey, never forget that all good things come to an end, here we are! It all started down the beaten path of no return back in 1987, when Ronald Reagan gave his famous “Farwell to Democracy” speech, by angering Soviet Union leader Gorbachev with the challenge to “Tear down this WALL”. The Soviet’s caved and so did their “Union” so dissolved in 1991, as that is wherein the crossroads became this nation’s destiny’s child. It meant with the fall of Leningrad like Communism, democracy as we enjoyed would soon erode away and that is what we are seeing before our very own eyes, ears and other orifices today, while feeling the harsh abrasive winds of change. Yes, “My President sang Amazing Grace” and Democracy rested its case as it had finished its guiding light goal. Then came the aftermath fallout, with the 2016 election dysfunctional erection playing field, and it was Hillary Clinton against Donald John Trump. A sure sign that Democracy was DOA! If these two crime syndicate wannabes were not that recipe for disaster, get over it as “bye, bye Miss American Pie Democracy” was destined to fizzle out, and that 2016 election did what it was supposed to do - prove that the system of merits with the popular vote verses the electoral vote sank that Founding Father’s Democracy. That was the precipice of an Apocalypse Now doomsday, dead in its tracks was our once beloved Democracy. It was like an incurable disease with the candidates on both sides of the isle of blight. On the GOP side, came the Jeb Bush posse conjoined as part of the William Kristol PNAC, that “Project for a New American Century’s” last breath, and Bush failed. It was the last hope for Democracy. And Hillary had nothing to offer except a perverted husband. Democracy was so affected as it could not expand our horizons, what we have today is the final inning, and don’t hold your breath that Democracy can be resuscitated back to “good health”. But here is why I am having a change of bowel movements with the sitting president, after the anger hangover lingering constipation for the past two years with Donald Trump sleeping the days away. Yes rightfully so, I am starting to find commonality with some of Trump’s passions. See, we are seeing eye to eye with the bowel movements, it’s a start! First and foremost, Trump is a businessman regardless of failures to success and has but for a single mandate, that Return-on-Investment, that proverbial ROI! So, with respect to the U.S. Military so engaged with the WAR Machine all over the world, well Trump doesn’t need any counseling from the Military Brass to tell which way the wind blows, if the ROI is not beneficial our efforts abroad then castrate that side-business. Same with the “Proliferation Treaties”, Trump sees money wasted and doesn’t have to read a damn thing about what it is all about - as castration is in order. Same with his lackadaisical attitude toward global trade, he doesn’t care about China or Japan, as he sees no gainful interest from such pilferage on our dime, so he wants to bring it all back home. Trump wants to be totally “Independent”, which can be achieved but with many obstacles and sacrifices. Like instead of cheap-skate gadgets that brew the morning Joe, maybe we have to go backwards to even cheaper obligations such a yearning for “Independence”, like a French press. Yes, manual labor. But here is how it will iron out. With Democracy “Dead”, we will see a drastic redefinition of our governance, wherein it will take sacrifice, else we fail. And that is what the other world powers are enjoying today, the demise of that Democracy and how we as a nation react - we are all in this together. So we need to take what is left with the Founding Father’s “Democracy” and take it to heart, put it to good use as that “Divided We Fall” is not an option. And here is one to smoke away the rage. Donald John Trump is NOT a racist, as that gets you nowhere in this day and age. You can think it, but best not put it to practice. But like his father, sonny boy would draw that “colored line” if it meant more money from other folks. OK, it is racism based on a monetary addiction and NOT the color of ones skin. Unfortunately, it was the “black folks” that were turned down for affordable living accommodations at Old Man Trump’s “Beach Haven” because there were others with more money! So it is all about the “money honey” as to how Donald John Trump is monopolizing his reign in the Oval Office. And when the smoke of this "Revolution" signals a retreat an end to our "Democracy" and sneaks away thus clearing free the airways, who knows what we will have as a going forward “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” government. So, “I’m In” with Donald Trump to bring home the troops and stop wasting money on another man’s problem as that money is needed for the WAR right here in the Homeland, it is called the “Homeless” and we do not deserve a “Democracy” if we do not care about our brothers & sisters being ignored when we hear them cough in despair, “Buddy can you spare a dime”. Bring home the troops and the money saved from the WAR Machine furloughed, let’s lend a helping hand for a “Homeward Bound” revival and destroy that Enemy Number 1, by fixing this “shameful homeless” mess. Look, this nation was due a correction course, how it will end up - well if we come together like the Founding Fathers and Patriotic, it will be good, else the divide will destroy US. And that is what the Russians want, to “divide” us as it is our own worst enemy in self-inflicted punishment. In closing, the words of wisdom from young Neil:

Hate was just a legend
And war was never known
The people worked together
And they lifted many stones.

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