Monday, February 4, 2019

Walrus Gumboot TAXMAN

So now that the “Rabid Skunk” is once again ferociously hounding the Halls of Congress, with “gnashing teeth and drooling joo joo eyeballs”, here comes the Walrus Gumboot Taxman! And this time the “skunk” is yielding a heavy duty “gavel”! But I am glad to see the return of the “gavel”, as when Paul Ryan was in charge of the “To the Right Blight Brigade” his passion for the GOP Femdom Freedom Caucus aroused by a MAGA dildo replaced the seriousness of that “Come to Order”! OK, the “Rabid Skunk” is what Representative from Alaska Don Young once-upon-a-time enjoyed chastising his nemesis, Nancy Pelosi. And yes, Don’s “mounted stuffed wildlife museum” at the Rayburn House, there is a “rabid skunk” on display! See, Don was born in Meridian, California. A place time forgot that finds a greater population of “skunks” then grape picking crows. And early in his career as a Cheechako, when Don was tired of Alaska and wanted to move back home, well transplanted Nancy was making major inroads into California politics - and Don was chased away back to the cold and dark of Alaska and never saw his shadow again. In Alaska, Don is considered as honorary “the shadow knows” Punxsutorney “Grumpy Old Man”! So that is where the “rabid skunk” finds its destiny part of the U.S. House of Representatives. And since Don is the senile senior member of the House, he had the honors of presenting Nancy with the “gavel” when the House changed status, it goes with the territory - no hard feelings. But now that Nancy holds that “gavel”, look-out Donald John Trump. So the 1st thing on the agenda, the “TAX RETURNS”! But like everything else, Trump’s tax filings will be demanded front and center of attention, as that request is so allowed: The law specifies that the leaders of the House and Senate tax-writing committees each have the power to request taxpayer information and states that "the secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request”. Which means Trump will fart his way through more delays coming up with the goods, with court action motions delaying with more inaction and by then it will be just another Superbowl so boring again with Tom Brady at the helm. At least by that time it will also shine a light at the end of the tunnel, that Trump has not annihilated humanity and we will keep our fingers crossed for the last trimester. Trump report card so far in my book? “Oh, Michael. Michael, you are blind. It wasn't a miscarriage. It was an abortion. An abortion, Michael. Just like our marriage is an abortion. Something that's unholy and evil. I didn't want your son, Michael! I wouldn't bring another one of you sons into this world! It was an abortion, Michael! It was a son Michael! A son! And I had it killed because this must all end!” But one doesn’t need the “Trump Tax Returns” to make heads or tails how un-Patriotic this Trump Tower “Green Stool” Dysentery FOXcopulation Syncopia Utopia Dynasty, with respect to paying a fair share of the burden “We the People” must endure so the infrastructure can fall apart as we build to destroy. Do you have any idea how simple a “Flat Tax” across the board is all about? There is but for a single reason the Congress does not adopt such a simple strategy, it is too fair! The latter would do away with lucrative “loopholes” and then the wealthy, well many would no longer be so proud! And here is the straw that could break the camel’s back. The Trump “tax returns” would reveal a secretive roadmap of unfair taxation utilized by the wealthy - the reason there is so much pressure from onlookers for the Oval Office to disobey Maxine Waters! Anyway, what we know about the man who refuses to let us in on his little family secret recipe, with respect to “Taxation”. We have Trump’s 1995 Tax Return, wherein he wrote-off $915729293 for his business ventures because he is the “Be Best” business man of the year for the last 20-years, ever since he graduated from Trump University. That is so close to a $billion$ bucks - but business as usual!  And when that “almost” $billion$ was exhausted through hand-me-down tax cheetos hood-wanking, well 2005 saw another write-down, because Trump was still the “Be Best” businessman and since Trump University closed, we don’t have brilliant businessmen like Donald entering the mob. See, Trump University was “Open for Business” for a limited time only, as it takes time for the RICO police to pass-up the donut shops and arrest - sorry statute of limitations expired! Look, there is no crime being committed with how the wealthy skate away from that duty to pay fair taxation on their wealth - it is built into the Tax Code. So with what we know, and from data confiscated from a “confidential source”, Donald Trump was correct in telling Forbes to shove its 400 list of the most wealthy, had it all wrong with this 5th Avenue Mr. Magoo mogul’s “True Grit Wealth”. Remember “True Grit”? Anyhow, from secretly released tax returns that were found on a computer confiscated away by the IRS from Senator Ted Stevens that goes back to the US v. Marler case, the trials and tribulations of Donald Trump’s roadmap to riches is revealed. OK, when Forbes said Mr. Magoo was worth $3-billion and demoted from starting gate #64 all the way down to off-track betting gate #259 in the Bronx boonies, Trump argued that his worth was closer to $10-Billion - and he was off not by much! Yes, Forbes had underestimated the Tower wealth by 252%, it wasn’t $10-Billion, but more like $8-Billion, so a little white lie. Trump is a whole lot wealthier then how many of the “Think Tanks” think, but he is gracious for what brings that wealth to fruition, the U.S. Tax Code that allows for a deduction for child abuse. It is not a secret recipe, and if and when we do see the Trump “Tax Returns”, it will reveal how the wealthy are “bird dogging dodging” any fairness to the taxation that keeps this nation strong. And then we have but a single choice - it is called the Jack Marler Revolution, that which made Ted Stevens so famous and something he never forgot about, that “No Taxation without Representation” is precedence set in the court of this land is your land this land is my land, as when the “gavel” fell the verdict was set in stone! The wealthy have been using the Jack Marler strategy to cancel out massive amounts of taxable income since 1956 - the reason the verdict was never challenged by the high court, as it was the ultimate in castration upon the U.S. Treasury! Look, Russian “oligarchs” are getting rebates from Uncle Sam? Some of your hard-earned wage garnished away is being fed to Vladimir Putin. If the Trump “Tax Returns” make it to that intended audience of the Pelosi House, the entire merit behind the tax system with respect to “equal justice” will be paralyzed as “We the Righteous People” will come to realize that “Treason” upon taxation is like a “rabid skunk” and we will be forced to defend our sovereignty against the ”Traitors”!

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